Virginia Sheriffs On 2A Sanctuaries
BY Herschel Smith5 years ago
Be careful what you ascribe to county Sheriffs and just how much faith you place in them. These statements ring troubling.
Nelson County Sheriff David Hill said to him, the Constitution is the Constitution.
“As a constitutional officer — as sheriff — I’m here to protect the rights of citizens against things like unlawful search and seizure. State and federal agencies don’t come in unless we ask them to. As far as sanctuaries; the individual has the right to bear arms. As long as they have proper credentials, then that’s fine. Our office isn’t going to knock on doors and we aren’t going to allow people to come in and round up firearms and what have you. If [the individual is] mentally competent and not a felon, there shouldn’t be a problem. As long as the Constitution reads the way I read it, we’re going to be okay,” Hill said.
Hill said he believes any changes on the state level are to ensure the safety of everyone and shouldn’t impact those who should be able to have guns.
He’s surely lying or very misguided if he says that changes on the state level are to “ensure the safety of everyone and shouldn’t impact those who should be able to have guns.”
He’s surely got to know better. He must know the true nature of the controllers, and he has surely seen the proposed laws outlawing modern sporting rifles, a feature of discussion in virtually every resolution I’ve seen (with citizens defending their right to own such weapons). If by “who should be able to have guns” he means bolt action rifles, that won’t be good enough. And if he means that as long as the FedGov or state doesn’t red flag someone or put them on a prohibited list then he’ll let them exercise their rights, that won’t be good enough. He has surely read the proposed laws and seen the debates. He’s troubled because the times are troubled, and he’s currently riding the fence. He doesn’t know what to do, and thus reverts back to the “wait and see” approach. The controllers aren’t backing down, and this is going to happen. Wait and see means don’t bother me with this right now.
He finishes up with this. “That’s the ultimate goal to keep guns away from felons and those with mental disabilities. They want to put up safeguards to keep people safe. But coming in and taking all firearms? That’s not going to happen,” Hill said. So, he support red flag laws.
Appomattox Sheriff-elect Donald Simpson said the laws people are voicing their concerns over have yet to pass and so he’ll have to “wait and see if they are voted on.”
“Then, we’ll have to look at these laws in cooperation with the commonwealth’s attorney. Personally I’m in support of the Second Amendment and will not be enforcing any unconstitutional laws,” Simpson said.
Simpson said there are hundreds if not thousands of law-abiding citizens in Appomattox, but he believes, should some of the proposed legislation pass, they would “instantly become felons.” Simpson said for him, he feels much of the proposed legislation is unconstitutional and currently isn’t sure how his department would work with the Virginia State Police if legislation is passed.
“It’s territory we have never been in before; certainly not in my career,” Simpson said.
“Wait and see.” “Unconstitutional laws.” But what will you do when this happens, as it surely will? What will you do when a judge declares that what the Virginia controllers do is constitutional, as some judge surely will? “Isn’t sure how his department would work with the Virginia State Police.”
This is the best part. He will be expected to cooperate fully, and according to the controllers, nothing short of this is acceptable.
Folks, in between now and just a few weeks, men will have to steel and resolve themselves and reach some point of cognitive rest on these issues. Time is short, too short for “wait and see.” These are issues of morality, scruples and character. It doesn’t take bad laws to declare your county a 2A sanctuary, as we’ve seen in some counties already. These are decisions you make long, long beforehand based on world and life view, not pragmatic concerns.
These men need to be replaced with someone who believes in something. There are perhaps others like them in Virginia.