Death By A Thousand Cuts: The Incremental Approach To Gun Control In France
BY Herschel Smith
The Bang Switch has a must read on gun control in France, lengthy, but well worth reading. Some of it is highly detailed in the legalities of firearms ownership in France. There are many salient points for gun control in America, but this quote encapsulates the spirit of the article.
YOU, my friendly fellow Americans, you have the second Amendment and this is pure gold. The founding fathers were pretty clear and pretty clever about that. I know I’m preaching in the choir for most gun owners but I’d love any Americans to understand where the US could end up if you’re not fighting for your rights. People need to wake up and start to defend their rights. As soon a government has some registration, they can add more and more guns in the “ban list”, or the “NFA list”, they can add more caliber, more area, more restrictions (for “safety” they will say). And step by step, guns will only be usable for sport and hunting… and people won’t have the right to defend themselves, protect their family.
Politics will tell you: “If someone break into your home, call for the police” … Oh wait? Here again, it really sound familiar to what we can hear *right now* from the gun control advocates in the US, just as the same we heard few decades ago in France! And from everything we can observe from France, all gun laws were always adding restrictions for a slow confiscation. And it has not real effects.
Why? Simply because criminals don’t obey any laws and the evolution of the homicide per firearms in France has a similar trend than in the US. And just like the US, there’s more and more guns and more gun owners in France, with an almost constant 10 percent increase each year.
Sure, the numbers of homicides per firearms per capita are lower in France than the US. But it’s not because of the new gun laws, that was already the case before 2013, and before 1995, and before 1939… Just like the UK numbers were pretty much the same before the gun laws than now… But in the other hand, it didn’t stop the violent crimes either which is in constant climb.
Most of the shooting that happened this year in France did happen in Marseilles, by criminals using non-registered full auto AK to kill a criminal from another gang because of the drug cartel and drug trafficking in Marseilles. And for that matter, none of the gun laws (current or past) have changed anything and increase the safety. It’s actually getting even worst because of the numerous violent mafias that come from the ex-soviet countries. And guess what, they don’t have any registration of their guns.
So, once again, we can say anything from numbers; But history speaks by itself. Gun laws don’t increase safety, don’t reduce violent crime, don’t reduce homicide per firearms, etc… Gun control is about controlling people. And registration lead with any doubt to confiscation, regardless if it’s done overnight or slowly over several decades like in France.
This French writer is telling you what the American left is saying concerning their ultimate aim.
The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.
Unfortunately, right now we can’t. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it. The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them.
This lefty writer at Daily Kos couches a total gun ban in terms of safety, but even if he believes in this state sponsored utopia, most on the left know that it’s a lie. In the end it’s all about control over people.
This is why universal background checks and a national gun registry gain no traction in the gun community. We don’t believe the lie of public safety, and we know your ultimate aim. We will never relent. We will never register our guns. We will never turn in our guns. We will never be put on a list. We will fight a gun registry with all of our might.
As the philosophers would say, these truths hold “positive epistemic status.”