One can only hope the supreme court does the right thing. This is a very big deal for firearms manufacturers.
Additionally, if this goes forward in the states, you know who pays the cost? Firearms owners. They will have to pass the cost on or not survive. So, it affects all of us who own firearms. I’m certain that’s part of the strategy. Legal costs are exorbitant.
First up, Mark Smith assesses the recent delay of the Snopes case.
Second, Mark assesses the potential picks to head the ATF. Personally, I would prefer to see the ATF completely eradicated. Its mere existence of prima facie unconstitutional. The existence of federal gun laws is prima facie unconstitutional. But if all we get out of this is an eradication of the “secret” gun registry and a prohibition on enforcement of laws by the ATF, then it’s very important who runs the FBI.
I would also suggest that it makes sense to send 90% of the employees of the FBI and ATF to the border to enforce border laws. As for those still trying to come across, send the Marine Corps to shoot them. If that sounds harsh, think of this as an invasion. What do you think Russi and China would do in such a case? They care about their borders, and we don’t. To most of the American elite, America is an idea, not a sovereign nation with borders.
This whole problem with the border could be solved in an instant. Stop traffic. All traffic, including trade. Allow no one to cross the border, not even for work. But you see, home builders, yard workers and house cleaners are needed for the elite, so that’s not going to happen. As is stands, they get the middle class to pay for medical care via socialized medicine while they get to pay lower wages than they otherwise would, and we bear the brunt of the deal.
Finally, Mark further assesses the inside baseball maneuvers in the SCOTUS on 2A cases.
Listen carefully to what he says. Sometimes what he says can get buried in detail. If it’s the case that a single drill hole can convert a non-functioning part into a semi-automatic firearm, then perhaps it’s the case that a single drill can convert a semi-automatic firearm into a machine gun.
See the point?
The AR-15 must have magnificent powers for the FedGov to be so worried about it.
I listened to part of the questions. It sounded like the idiots run the asylum.
My bet is that the DOJ lawyers and ATF hooligans are so dishonest that even if they had known this (and perhaps they did) they would not have corrected the record unless called out on it.
The Bay States’ already strict gun laws were made all the more stringent on Thursday when the governor signed sweeping new gun regulations into law, creating live fire requirements for new license holders, and banning most “assault-style firearms.”
A statewide registration system was also added among a broad range of other provisions.
Jim Wallace, the Executive Director of the Gun Owners Action League, told The Boston Herald that GOAL will challenge the law in court.
I really, really don’t like Alito’s concurrence where he invites Congress to “act.” So apparently the SCOTUS decided the case purely on the basis of statutory law rather than constitutionality (caveat: I haven’t read the entire decision in detail).
So much for “every terrible implement of the soldier.”
This is good news today, but the shot over the bow by Alito puts any future review of the constitutionality of the NFA in question.
On another note, Sotomayor is no mechanical engineer: “When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote for the dissent. “A bump-stock-equipped semiautomatic rifle fires ‘automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.’ §5845(b). Because I, like Congress, call that a machinegun, I respectfully dissent.”
Most of the reasons he gives in this video amount to one thing: the justices have either sided with the controllers or aren’t happy with the nature of the ruling that would come down if the SCOTUS took the issues up.
Thus, they will allow the lower courts to beat them up over this issue and tell them they are wrong. Quite literally, the lower courts have bullied the supreme court into ignoring a major infringement of constitutionally guaranteed rights. It’s the most shameful thing I have ever witnessed as an American citizen in my entire life.