Archive for the 'Tactical Drills' Category

Rifleman Training and Competition

2 years, 3 months ago

There’s a Tactical Sniper challenge article at Ammoland. It looks particularly demanding. But before we get to that, it got us thinking, where to begin? Well, that place is Project Appleseed.

Traditional 25m Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship Event

Our events are typically two-day programs that teach the rifle marksmanship skills that were once commonly practiced in America. Our Instructors put in nearly 200 hours of training so they can teach the skills that will one day allow a Rifleman to be accurate out to 500 yards. This distance is known as the traditional “Rifleman’s Quarter Mile” and has been part of America’s marksmanship repertoire since our country’s earliest days.

During breaks, we’ll tell you the true story of the earliest days of our nation, including the detailed events of April 19, 1775. You may be surprised by what you hear.

Whether you’ve never fired a rifle before or you’re already a competitive shooter, no one who comes to a Project Appleseed event ever leaves the same. The new skills, history, and friendships are inspiring and life-changing.

Rimfire Known-Distance

A RKD (Rimfire Known Distance) is just like a Centerfire Known Distance. Except you’re using a 22LR. Most of the RKDs are done at a 100 yard range. The stages are at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. Just how much drop will a bullet have at 100 yards if it’s zeroed for 25? And how much will the wind affect a 22LR at 100 yards? So all the principals involved in a 400 yard KD apply here. And it’s just plain fun and a bit of a challenge.

They also have pistol clinics, handgun caliber rifle training, and women-only classes. Sadly, they don’t like AR pistols even though more than one million are in the hands of responsible men and women.

Women’s only classes can be critical self-defense training for ladies. Women have security and self-defense needs that men can’t understand. Project Appleseed isn’t the only one offering courses just for women. There are women-only basic handling and shooting to intermediate self-defense handgun courses in your area.


For many women, a rifle range is an unfamiliar and potentially intimidating territory, which is why we created Ladyseeds. A Ladyseed is an Appleseed designed specifically for women. It offers the opportunity for women to shoot, share and get to know each other in a comfortable learning environment. Of course, the women who attend a Ladyseed event will learn much more than how to fire a rifle, they’ll also learn American heritage and how women actively aided in the fight for America’s freedom. When you attend a Ladyseed, it’s our hope that you’ll leave with new friends, a renewed sense of country, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.

Known-Distance Appleseeds

A Known Distance class is a fun and challenging centerfire-only rifle class. During this intermediate-level class, students focus on the skills required effectively make hits on target out to 400 yards and beyond. Topics covered include the Three Challenges of a Rifleman: Target Detection, Range Estimation, Making the Shot (trajectory, battlesight Zero, and environmental factors.) Students will also learn how get the most of out their own sight systems (MOA or mils) and much more.

Prerequisite: Students must have attended at least one 25m Project Appleseed clinic, as the fundamentals such as position, NPOA, and firing the shot are not detailed at a KD event. Some locales may require a student to have earned a Rifleman patch. Check the information page for that class for details.

Photo: Project Appleseed


Next, according to Pew Pew Tactical, these are the 11 best tactical carbine courses, beginner to advanced.

Let’s be real; it doesn’t do you much good to buy an AR-15 or other rifle if you have zero idea of how to use it.

You know who you are!

If you’re going to possess a weapon, you have to know how to use it in a realistic scenario! And with gun sales soaring last year and an influx of new gun owners into the community, gun classes and in-person training opportunities have exploded. Finding good instructors or gun schools can feel a bit intimidating, though. With a lot of options on the table, it can be tough to narrow it down.

But luckily, you have us here at Pew Pew Tactical to help in your search! We’ve gathered together a list of the 11 best tactical carbine courses across the U.S. at various skill levels.

The article doesn’t state the criteria for choosing the rankings. There are three categories for the 11 courses, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Further descriptions of each course are given on the Pew Pew page.

Every effort should be made to maximize the training given. Always check with the trainer about equipment requirements and other prerequisites. You don’t want to waste your money or fail to participate fully. Prices may have changed, and there are out-of-pocket costs, such as ammo. Look at the reviews online for helpful hints.

Most of these courses provide zero creature comforts; pushing your 21st-century comfy lifestyle out of the way for a few days is also an excellent benefit of these classes. You might find that shooting isn’t your problem; perhaps, you’re just too soft.

The beginner’s category is described thus:

These classes are best for newcomers – those who’ve just bought their carbine and aren’t sure how to use it defensively. Within these courses, you’ll learn the fundamentals as well as some battle tactics.

Number one in that category is:

1. Max Velocity Tactical HEAT 1 Combat Tactics Class ($850/4 days)

Deep in the hills of Romney, West Virginia lay Max Velocity Tactical, run by former British SAS soldier Max. Aside from authoring a number of excellent books, Max is also known for one of the best tactical training businesses out there.

4 days for under $1000 seems like a ridiculously good training opportunity especially given this trainer’s reputation.

The Intermediate category is described thus:

Let’s say you’ve nailed the fundamentals but now want to learn how to apply battlefield tactics to more “technical” situations.

Number one in that category is:

4. JWM Tactical Tactical Carbine Course ($550/6 hours)

A shorter course based in Texas, the JWM Tactical Carbine Course teaches techniques such as fighting in buildings, unconventional shooting positions, transitioning to sidearms, malfunction drills, and shooting from behind cover.

Note: JWM Tactical’s Carbine Fundamentals is a prerequisite for this course.

The Advanced category is described:

Let’s say that you want to delve into the deep stuff. Well, the following advanced options will find you facing off against opponents as you apply battlefield tactics and carbine skills to succeed in your mission. If you have a confident understanding of both, these are the classes for you.

The first one mentioned under advanced is:

9. Tactical Rifleman’s Advanced Combat Pistol/Carbine Course ($750/2 days)

Yet another Tactical Rifleman course that made our list. Let’s say that you already have a good baseline level of experience in using your rifle in a combat setting. Now you’re looking for advanced techniques on how to operate.

Bonus Material:

Notable is that Max Volicity’s HEAT Squad Tactics class, under advanced, seems like a great opportunity to set aside a few days each year for some fun with guns in the woods. Are we the baddies? Oh, most certainly, we are!

While the cost is $800 [ for Squad Tactics ], the opportunity exists to attend the course as an OPFOR agent and not pay tuition. So, you get the chance to train against a live force as you hone your skills for free. That’s a pretty cool possibility.


Photo: Ghost Firearms Training


And lastly, as promised, at AmmoLand, what appears to be a serious challenge. This is not training but competition.

To be accurate, there are NO off-seasons for Tactical Games, just missed sea-to-shining-sea opportunities if you are not on the ground running and gunning your way through stages somewhere. Tactical Games events provide year-round opportunities for athletes to compete – great for me because I had the opportunity to spectate at another yet altogether different competition recently, a Tactical Games Sniper Challenge.

The Sniper Challenge is a two-day competition comprised of individual and two-person shooting teams and consists of nine or more stages distributed throughout a continuous long-movement course. Each stage can easily cover several miles, depending on the venue. The first day of the Sniper Challenge consists of long foot movements, like operations. During stages, competitors stop and complete tasks, including target identification, and engage long-range targets under time constraints and/or physical duress.

The second day consists of multiple shooting stages requiring the completion of physical tasks and up-close to long-range target engagements clear out to 1,200 yards. Far enough and physically taxing enough to test a competitor’s stamina, strength, mental grit, and surgical accuracy.

There are more details at the Ammoland link. Tactical Games is not training, although they offer separate training opportunities. They have intermediate men’s and women’s circuits, 40-plus and 50-plus men’s trials, along with a team, mixed, and individual events. These matches are not for everybody.

Handgun Drills, Part Five

2 years, 3 months ago

CQC on the Move,  Ken Hackathorn

Ammunition required: 50 rounds, Target: IDPA silhouette, Time Limits: Basic time limits as noted. As shooter skill increases, either shorten the time limits or increase the distance to the target.

Stage 1 — 3 yards/Close Combat Shooting is done from a close combat/weapon retention position, with the weapon already drawn. Fire 2 rounds in 2 seconds. 3X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 2 — 3 yards/Retreating from the target On signal, begin backing away from the target. Draw and engage the target with at least 3 rounds while moving backwards. You should end the movement at the 10 yard line. 2X. Total of 6 rounds. Your goal is to rapidly gain distance from the threat while you are drawing and engaging the target. The greater the distance you are from the threat, the greater your chances of survival.

Stage 3 — 5 yards/Strong Hand Only On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds in 4 seconds STONG HAND ONLY. 3X. Total of 6 rounds.

Stage 4 — 7 yards/Double Taps On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds in 4 seconds. 4X. Total of 8 rounds.

Stage 5 — 7 yards/Lateral Movement How to perform this drill depends on the configuration of your range facility. The goal is to draw, begin lateral movement, and engage the target with three rounds. This should be accomplished moving to your strong side, and also to your weak side. 2X. Total of 6 rounds. This exercise increases your skills at placing your shots effectively while moving to cover or if your only path of escape is moving laterally. Go slowly at first, and then pick up your speed of movement only as fast as you can get good hits.

Stage 6 — 7 or 10 yards/Multiple Targets Facing three targets. On signal, draw and engage each target with two rounds, perform a mandatory reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. Total of 12 rounds fired. Par time is 15 seconds for auto pistols and 18 seconds for revolvers.

Stage 7 — 15 yards/Single Target for accuracy On signal, draw and engage the target with 1 round in 3 seconds. 6X. Total of 12 rounds.

[Via handgunlaw us]

Handgun Drills, Part Four

2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Training CCW Skills Drills, Ken Hackathorn

3 yards On the signal draw keeping the gun in the retention position (Gun close to body) and fire 2 rounds center mass. Repeat twice for a total of 6 rounds.

5 yards On signal draw and fire either 1 round or dedicated pairs firing strong hand only. It is advisable to make some shots eye level point shots with hard focus on the target, not the sights. Fire a total of 6 rounds.

3 yards On signal back away from the target, draw and fire 3 rounds center mass while moving. Try to get to the 7 yard line by the time you fire your last round. Repeat once for a total of 6 rounds.

7 yards On signal draw and fire a dedicated pair center mass, slowly go to ready and scan the area and reholster. Repeat twice for a total of 6 rounds.

7 yards Move from center of target a few steps. On signal draw and fire 3 rounds center of mass moving laterally across the range. Repeat going in the opposite direction. Move only as fast as you can hit the target.

6 and 10 yards Draw and fire 1 round on each of 3 targets placed at varied distances on the range. Targets are placed between 6 and 10 yards, also vary heights of targets. Repeat using dedicated pairs on each target.

7 yards Place firearm on the ground, on the signal with your strong hand tucked into your belt pick up the firearm with your support hand and fire 1 round center of mass. Repeat once for a total of two rounds.

15 yards Draw and fire 1 round in 2.5 seconds. Repeat twice for a total of 3 rounds. These should be very precise hits. (Hack considers this long range for self-defense, however should be practiced.)

With additional ammunition repeat course utilizing your favorite flashlight technique, or add movement away from targets on all 10 yard or less stages.

[This week’s drill via handgun law us]

Handgun Drills, Part Three

2 years, 4 months ago

“The Box Drill”

OffGridNews gives us three drills. The second one, Off the X, seems the most practical. The other two are at the link.

Defensive Handgun Drills (#2): Off The X

The X is where the fight starts. Remember: You do not get to pick when the fight starts or ends; the bad guy does. So when he starts that fight, move. Change it up and make him think, and most importantly, get out of his sights. Sometimes you can’t move backward, so you need to move in a variety of directions, which could be to get away or get to cover.

This one is often difficult to practice live, but the main point isn’t to score shots with this drill. Dry works for 99 percent of the drill. That 1 percent of marksmanship practice can be achieved elsewhere.

The shooter starts with a weapon concealed and holstered. RSO or signal goes off and drill begins. Shooter moves dynamically to the left, right, backward or even forward. Forward movement is not to move toward the bad guy, but only to cover. Moving in a diagonal pattern is often the best method; you can get away and move out of the line of sight for the bad guy.

The point of this drill is to draw, get your gun on target, and move hard and fast out of the line of sight of the target. You can change this drill in multiple ways. Add obstacles and cover. Have someone place cover randomly without your prior knowledge and have your back turned to the engagement area. Again, 99 percent of this drill can be effectively learned without the use of live ammo. If ammo is used, be safe.

[This seems like a drill for an instance where you are both not the target, and not sure of the cause of gunfire in your proximity: draw and take cover or concealment as best you can while looking to egress the area asap. Avoiding a gunfight is a win!]


And a bonus drill:

Single-hand Stackup, Steve Tarani

At 10 yards, set up a steel “A-box” plate or a paper target with a designated center mass, primary-strike zone.

Support-Hand Stackup Drill – Part One
Starting with your support hand only, begin with the pistol drawn to the low-ready position aimed in at the base of the target (where the target base contacts the ground), with a firm grip and finger outside the trigger guard.

On the buzzer or go signal, move the muzzle from the target base to the visual center of your intended target and fire one round when your sights are aligned.

Your timing (purpose of the drill) should be to break the shot at the exact same time your sights align with the visual center of the target. Include follow-through after the shot by recovering (reset visually and mechanically) to visual center again after recoil. Once you can do this successfully four times in a row without error, you are then ready for part two.

Support-Hand Stackup Drill – Part Two
The second part of the Support-Hand Stackup Drill is to deliver, rather than a single shot, four consecutive shots from the low-ready position. If you are using a timer to record your shot times, you’ll want to work toward reducing your split times (times between breaking each shot) to as low as your skill level will allow that day.

Strong-Hand Stackup Drill – Part One
Moving on to your strong hand, start with your pistol holstered and both hands below your gun belt. Facing the target at the 10-yard line, on the buzzer or go signal present the pistol from your holster, stabilize the muzzle as you aim in at the visual center of your intended target and fire one round.

Just like the first drill, your timing (purpose of the drill) should be to break the shot at the precise time your sights align with the visual center of the target and to then recover back to visual center again after recoil. Once you can do this successfully four times in a row without error, then you are ready for part two.

Strong-Hand Stackup Drill – Part Two
The second part of the Strong-Hand Stackup Drill is, like with the weak-hand drill, to deliver four consecutive shots after drawing from the holster. If you are using a timer, you’ll want to work toward reducing your split times to as low as your skill level will allow that day.

Both single-hand stackup drills can be run from an open holster or from concealment [we recommend you practice the way you EDC.] and with or without a timer.

Remember, the objective of these nifty skill-builders is twofold: to develop your timing as to when the shot breaks and to reduce your split times.

[We did not mention the source because that organization supports gun control and always has, period! Practice this as a self-defense drill and not a skills test or IDPA course.]

Handgun Drills, Part Two

2 years, 4 months ago

30 Round Self Defense Practice Drill, Ken Hackathorn

With just one IDPA sized target, a sheet of target patches, and the Drills that I will enumerate below, one can now have a decent guide in teaching oneself the finer points of armed self defense. A friend with a competition timer will also come in handy. All Drills involve firing live ammunition and should only be performed in a shooting range or a place where there is no danger of hitting anything other than your target or its backstop. Oh yeah, you’ll also need a gun. The instructions below assume that you are using a semi-auto pistol, for wheel-gunners replace magazine changes with speed loader reloads.

Remember to observe and practice the four rules of gun safety.

  1. From 5 yards, allowing 1 ½ seconds, beginning at “low ready” one shot to head. Repeat 3 times.
  2. From 5 yards, allowing 2 seconds, beginning with gun holstered, one shot to head. Repeat 3 times.
  3. From 5 yards, allowing 2 seconds, beginning at “low ready,” strong hand only, two shots to body. Repeat 2 times.
  4. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, facing 90° to left of target, gun holstered, two shots to body. One time only.
  5. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, facing 90° to right of target, gun holstered, two shots to body. One time only.
  6. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, facing target, gun holstered, two shots to body. One time only.
  7. From 7 yards, allowing 4 seconds, while backing to 10-12 yards, three shots to body. Repeat 2 times.
  8. From 10 yards, allowing 3 seconds, beginning with gun on target and round in chamber, change magazine and fire one shot to body. Repeat 2 times.
  9. From 10 yards, allowing 3 seconds, beginning with gun on target and slide locked back, change magazine and fire one shot to body. One time only.
  10. From 15 yards, allowing 2 ½ seconds, draw and fire one shot to body. Repeat 5 times.

Head shots only count if you hit the A zone of the “head” of the target. Body shots count if you hit the A, B, or C zones of the “body” of the target.

It is best to do these exercises with the same sidearm you intend to carry and with the same holster you plan to use. For most of us, this will be a concealed carry sidearm and concealment holster. Also wearing a shirt or vest that properly conceals the weapon is also recommended as the idea is to practice what you will do should you ever need to use your CCW piece in self defense. Assume that all Drills that require starting with a holstered firearm mean a holstered and concealed firearm. Using your star trek mod 1911 and an offset, fast draw holster won’t really teach you much about drawing and presentation which is what these Drills are mostly about. Think real world.

Don’t expect to be able to do all of these within the time required in your first few attempts, few meaning less than fifty. While this is not a substitute for proper training, it sure is a good start for many of us.

This one comes via hand gun law dot us

Handgun Drills, Part One

2 years, 4 months ago

The Drill, Clint Smith

100 rounds

Targets Standard white paper plates and a 3” X 5” index card at 15 yards for all exercises will be used. Stack dinner plates one above the other with the index card placed above the top dinner plate.

Marksmanship “Shoot well not fast” From the ready position fire 10 singles on chosen target. From the ready position fire 5 sighted doubles. (Practice your trigger reset.)

Loading Put one round in your handgun, fire, when the gun goes empty keep the muzzle on the target and reload. “An empty gun is not bad luck; it’s simply a reality of being in a fight.” Keep the gun between you and the target and reload. Do this Drill 10 times.

Non-Compliant Threats From the ready position fire 2 shots on the center plate and 1 shot on the card. Do this 2 times. Fire 3 shots on the center plate and 1 on the card. Do this 2 times. Fire 2 shots on the center plate, 2 shots on the lower plate and 1 shot on the card. Do this 1 time. Slow down for your head shots. “Remember the head is not a smaller target, it’s just different.”

Drawing Practice our drawing stroke smoothly, speed comes with practice. Fast is spelled SMOOOOTH. With an UNLOADED firearm draw 10 to 15 times correctly, and smoothly, following through to include a sight picture and hammer fall. (Remember your dry fire practice rules.) Load, draw and fire 10 singles, holstering between shots. Remember safety on and finger straight while holstering. While drawing take one step back and fire 1 shot. Do this 10 times. Remember: M & M. “Maximize the distance, minimize the threat.”

Malfunctions “Fights and family vacations have something in common, they rarely come out the way they were planned.” Leave the magazine unseated with one in the chamber and fire when ready. Stick a piece of brass in the top of the ejection port. Set up a double feed. The response is always the same, when the gun does not fire. Tap the magazine. Rack the slide harder and attempt to fire. If it still doesn’t work, remove the magazine and place under your strong hand little finger. Rack the slide 3 times and reload the gun and fire if you have a valid target. Run variations 5 times and after clearing, fire 1 shot to complete the cycle of operation in your head. Go slow and do it correctly. You have 21 rounds for this portion.

Strong and Support Hand Fire 5 shots strong hand only from the ready position, carefully transfer the gun to your support hand and fire 5 shots. Go slowly and carefully, speed and skill will come with time – and practice. Depending on your skill level lessen the distance if you’re not hitting the target. Only hits count!! Beginners should start at 5 yards and move back as skill increases.

Former Green Beret Mike Glover Teaches The Fundamentals Of Single Man CQB

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

V-Drills With Jerry Miculek

BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 10 months ago

Watch.  Learn.  Think tactically.  Why would we practice a drill like this?  Spend time.  Practice.  Get good like Jerry.  Be like Jerry.

I’ll only note one thing that pops out to me. Jerry doesn’t use a forend grip. Also consider Travis Haley’s advice concerning forend grips (“Art Of The Tactical Carbine”), for guys who grip it like a broomstick. It lends itself to over-sweeping the target rather than landing on it, as well as rocking of the carbine.

Haley recommends use of the magwell-style grip, where the hand is firmly on the firearm and using the forend grip as a brace. Jerry avoids use of the forend grip altogether. I’m not recommending anything – merely observing and taking notes for my own drills to see what works best for me.

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