Transcript of Ed Peck on FNC
BY Herschel Smith
Ed Peck, Chief of U.S. mission to Iraq under Jimmy Carter, was interviewed on Fox News Channel today, and said some remarkable things (over at Here is the conversation I transcribed a few minutes ago. Ed Peck is EP, and the Fox News Channel commentators are FN. After being pressed on how to prevent World War III, Ed Peck begins:
EP: Maám, it’s a good question. I’m a diplomat. I believe very sincerely on the basis of my experience and whatever knowledge I have of history, that if there’s a problem between two groups, and they sit down to see if they can eliminate or reduce the problem — they talk about it — there’s a chance that they can achieve that objective. But if they do not talk, there’s no chance.
FN: But Mr. Ambassador, Hezbollah is bent on … you know … sort of wiping Israel off the map. So what is there more to say?
EP: Well, and Israel is bent on destroying everybody in Hezbollah, so what is there to say? There is a middle ground, almost always. But you’ve got to talk, just like we did to the Russians during the cold war, although we knew they could blast us off the face of the earth — at cost.
FN: But Mr. Ambassador, do you believe that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization?
EP: Well, a terrorist organization is in the eye of the beholder.
FN: I’m asking you.
EP: Okay. You have to understand, now, we parachuted people into Europe in World War II. You’re too young to remember that. Their job was to kill Germans. Now. Were they terrorists or heros?
FN: Well, let’s go back to Hezbollah. Do you think its a terrorist organization?
EP: No, I think it has objectives to which we object very strongly, and some of them are bloody, but other people are doing things quite similar to that, and they’re not called terrorists, because they’re on our side.
Permit be a bit of commentary since I went to the trouble of transcribing this juvenile conversation. Here is a remarkable testimonial to a foreign policy that has been completely unhinged from any value system except, or course, relativism.
The sole criteria that Mr. Peck sees being used to define the word “terrorist” is whether we agree with them or not. He is incapable of judging any further than that as to means, tactics, purposes or causes. It represents the impotent Carter administration exactly, and it is again remarkable that Mr. Peck even brought up the examples that he did. Let’s look at them for a moment.
He brings up the cold war and the talky-talk with Russia. But Carter accomplished nothing during his administration except the strengthening of communism and terror around the world (well, he did bring us 16% inflation). It was the Reagan administration that won the cold war, and Peck’s mentioning of it only highlights the abject failure that defined the Carter administration during these years. That Peck defines this as a success is incredible but informative.
Peck brings up the airborne troops that were dropped into Europe during WWII, asking rhetorically if they were terrorists? FN failed to give the answer. Let me supply it. No. The U.S. showed incredible restraint in the years leading up to our involvement in WWII. In the years 1939-1943, German U-Boats sank approximately 4700 U.S. merchant ships, sinking them at a greater rate than the U.S. could manufacture ships. One merchant ship, in fact, was sunk at the mouth of the Mississippi River on May 12, 1942.
All pathologies bent on world domination (communism, Islamic facism, Nazism, etc.) use times of talking to re-arm, rest, strategize and re-group. These times of talking have always occurred at strategically beneficial points for those bent on world domination. Why wouldn’t they? If all we are willing to do is talk, the enemy waits until he is ready. We will always be ready.
But this strategic use of timing to re-arm is irrelevant if there is no good and no evil. If there is no side of right and side of wrong, it really doesn’t matter who is strongest now. Only under a system that is hopelessly incapable of ascertaining good and evil does one compare the American G.I. in WWII with Hezbollah terrorists who drag non-combatants in front of them to die in their stead — and then celebrate the death of those same non-combatants.
No, the talking that Ed Peck and Jimmy Carter did on their watch caused, at least in part, the situation we now face.
Jimmy and Ed should be ashamed. But their value system will not allow it.