Archive for the 'U.S. Border Security' Category

We’re just gonna wait it out for the next four years and then we’ll be in the clear

BY Herschel Smith
3 weeks, 5 days ago

Take careful note folks.

“We’re just gonna wait it out for the next four years and then we’ll be in the clear.”

Should the U.S. Engage in Direct Action Against the Cartels?

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 1 week ago

At one time the cartels made most of their money from drugs. Today, it’s people. This video breaks some ground concerning things on the table for the cartels.

There is also this video that may be of benefit.

When I posed this question earlier, I don’t think most readers are considering the depths of the problem, how far the roots go, the interconnectedness of the world economy today, or how difficult and intransigent this problem is.

For the record, I agree with the commentator above. If the U.S. sends “The Unit” in direct action military action against cartel targets, the notion that any target will escape with their lives is beyond ludicrous. It’s not going to happen. I’d say the same thing if we sent MARSOC, approximately so.

Because we can and would win each individual engagement, does that mean we should? Well, no, not necessarily so. But as I said above, this will prove to be an intransigent problem.

The comments on my earlier post remained stateside and focused on drone warfare. Well, the cartels have drones too, and have sanctioned the use of them against ICE agents. Drones fighting drones and retaliatory strikes after retaliatory strike isn’t a viable option. Neither is shutting down the border never to trade with any other country again. You want watch this video to understand what I’m saying. I can’t embed it – you’ll have to click away to watch it.


The U.S. is one of the largest oil producers in the world. We don’t use a drop of the oil we produce, nor can we. Our refineries are outfitted to produce another type of oil that can be used for transportation. Refitting our refineries to produce the oil we use would cost billions upon billions of dollars and likely bankrupt the oil companies, and certainly wouldn’t happen in time to prevent a complete and comprehensive shutdown of all traffic in America, every truck and car, coming from everywhere and going to everywhere.

Furthermore, simply engaging in combat across the border will invoke nation on nation warfare. The cartels are shooting on border and ICE agents as we speak. So the notion that we can avoid near peer conflict and achieve an adequate resolution is already off the table. It was never on the table. You can cross that option off of your list. It’s not viable.

Then there is the issue that law enforcement isn’t going fast enough or engaging in operations far-reaching enough to have the necessary impact. There are protests across America, probably funded by Soros and his organizations. There was one a few miles down the road from me this weekend.

Blocking traffic, and disorderly conduct. And the officer just drove away as they beat on his car.

It’s not like the enemy is outside the gates and all we have to do is keep the gate intact. The gate has been broken for decades. To them, they are “La Raza.” The Nation. And this is their land, so they see it. They won’t give it up without a fight.

So call in the militia. Or not. Will the government do that? Probably not, and neither could you indemnify yourselves from actions you would take as a militia member.

We are more intertwined with this problem than we ever were in Iraq or Afghanistan. It’s not even close, and nothing we did there would be of any benefit to us. We have no largesse to spread. There isn’t enough money to go around to stop this conflict, especially when we are enacting tariffs on Mexico (as we probably should).

I’m not making recommendations for action of any sort, nor am I recommending against actions of any sort. What I’m saying is that the comments to the previous post don’t even come close to recognizing the depths of the problems we face with La Raza, the cartels, the human trafficking problem, or a near peer enemy on our southern border.

American Hiker Shot by Cartel Near San Diego Border

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

It looks like there’s still an awful lot of work left to do.

Since this is in California, I am guessing that they didn’t go armed. For that reason alone I wouldn’t be in California. I don’t enter non-permissive states.


BY Herschel Smith
11 months ago

SCOTUS & The Texas Border Showdown

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 1 month ago

As you know, other states have stepped up to offer troops to secure the Texas border. That’s a good thing since Abbot has a habit of folding like a cheap suit under pressure.

Instapundit links an analyst who says it isn’t as clear as folks are making it out to be that the SCOTUS has given the final word on anything.

“The Court’s order vacated an injunction previously entered by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that had prohibited the Government from damaging or destroying Texas’ wire. The Supreme Court’s order has been the subject of widespread and sometimes fiery commentary. However, the press and commentators are misanalysing the order. Governor Abbott and Texas are still free to prevent the feds from cutting their wire. The Supreme Court’s order does not forbid that. The press is misleading you. . . . The reason that the press and other commentators and critics are incorrect is that they apparently fail to understand the limited effect of vacating an injunction. After the Supreme Court’s order vacating the injunction, the status quo was the same as it was prior to the TRO ever being entered: There is no court order prohibiting the Government from taking down the wire AND there likewise is no Supreme Court order or opinion saying that the Government had a right to take down the wire. Nor is there an order by any court that Texas cannot protect its own property, namely the concertina wire.”

I don’t think it much matters. Either Texas will fold or they will hold fast. As for the SCOTUS, I expected nothing different from them. With AWB laws being enacted nationwide by the blue states, the SCOTUS has been running from semi-automatic weapons ban cases for months now. The two establishment women on the court – Barrett and Roberts – will nearly always side with the progs as we have now seen. The lower courts are running roughshod over Heller and Bruen and the SCOTUS doesn’t seem to care enough to stop it.

If that’s true, then why should Texas listen to the SCOTUS on this matter? The FedGov only wants control over this area in order to facilitate the foreign invasion.

As for the NG troops, here’s a warning. Be armed or go home. And that means be under arming orders, with weapons an ammunition and the authority to use them.

National Borders & The Bible

2 years, 6 months ago

Replace “Biden Maladministration” with Washington DC since Reagan first gave amnesty, and you’re set. The author, bless his heart*, is still living in the fog of delusion about the Republicans. He’ll learn, after decades of betrayal, they all do. That’s another topic.

The collapsing border disaster under the Biden Maladministration is a live topic of international consequence today. Many well meaning Christians believe it is wrong to keep refugees out on a temporary basis because they believe borders are man-made constructs lacking biblical warrant. Besides the contradiction obvious in their having homes with walls and locked doors, their argument does not hold.

Established borders are biblically warranted as we see in two clear scriptural examples. Though other arguments are available, these are quite potent.

In building a case for national borders, Dr. Gentry starts in Genesis and then briefly discusses the Law and historical books primarily.

Any discussion of the necessity of national borders must start with a REAL definition of Nation, which comes from the word natal, meaning: of the same womb/lineage. A proper definition includes a common language, customs, and, most importantly, common religion.

Briefly, distinct religions won’t coexist. They can’t. The Bible clarifies that conversion is necessary for an immigrating person to be accepted into a nation. This is actual assimilation. It’s even true for Christians today. To be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you must first be converted by God, accepting Christ under the power of the Holy Spirit, or you are a trespasser in the kingdom of heaven; woe to you, for except you be born again, damnable is your end indeed (Matthew 18:3, John 3:3, others).

Not mentioned in the article is the fact that the Hebrews were a religious, ethnic, and linguistically unique people. And in the few instances where they weren’t, again, adherence to the religious Law (conversion) was required. A country is simply some distinct region or a land area.

Chapters 9-11 of Genesis detail the creation of Nations. In a longer form post, we could include the post-flood covenant through to the Tower of Babel. The covenant with every living creature and the rights of men are discussed here.

The author does an excellent job of taking complicated topics and making them accessible to the average Christian, and he keeps posts to a digestible size, something most appreciate. That’s probably one reason he doesn’t tackle the abovementioned points while offering only two clear instances from Scripture.

*This is a southernism. Sometimes it’s not, but we’re using it only as tongue in cheek. We deeply respect Dr. Gentry’s work.

The Focus Of American Attention: Every Place But Where It’s Needed

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

News of Chinese influence.

In 2021, China’s policy banks ⁠— the China Development Bank (CDB) and Export-Import Bank (Exim) ⁠— made no loans to Latin America for the second consecutive year. Beijing is now essentially focused on financing Chinese companies to operate in the region.

This shift in strategy and the resulting proliferation of Chinese companies in Latin America will increase the circulation of people and money that are no longer under the direct control of local governments. Based on current trends, Chinese criminal organizations will likely thrive in this new economic environment. Extortion, money laundering through front firms, and smuggling are already increasing, posing a severe threat to the population’s safety in the region.

Drug production is one of China’s fastest-growing businesses in Latin America. After China’s booming export of fentanyl or its precursors to Mexican cartels, a new market has emerged for non-fentanyl synthetic opioids such as nitazenes, also known as benzimidazole opioids such as the synthetic opioid derivative ISO, which are 20 times more potent than fentanyl.

US authorities believe that these drugs are being manufactured in China and shipped to Mexico where they are then smuggled into the US. In March, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody issued a warning against ISO, as law enforcement agencies advised that the drug might be responsible for the recent rise in overdose fatalities. “Isotonitazene is so strong that it can kill just by coming in contact with someone’s skin or being accidentally inhaled,” stated Moody.

Concerns are growing that ISO may be manufactured directly in Mexico or other countries in the region, where Chinese criminal groups have already established production facilities for “creepy,” the name given to a potent cannabis strain popular amongst criminal grow operations, particularly in South America.

Mexico is a failed state, just as are most or all of Central and South American countries (Brazil may be an exception).  Michael Yon has documented the flood of immigrants that will soon overwhelm the Southern border, and are already doing so.  They will crash the American medical system demanding free medical care, and the food and logistics situation won’t fare much better.

Meanwhile, here is the focus of the U.S. Marine Corps: The South Pacific.

Here is the focus of the U.S. Army: Europe.

The Navy is have trouble meeting recruitment and retention goals, as is all of the military.

The U.S. Border Patrol, perhaps the only real police force left in America, isn’t allowed to do their jobs.

If Congress was comprised of anything other than gargoyles, demons and pit vipers, they would hold a vote tomorrow and unanimously declare the Southern border to be a war zone, America to have been invaded, and the military deployed under arming orders to shoot trespassers.

But that won’t be done.  Per a Michael Yon dispatch, this was seen.

The authorities want chaos and unrest.  They thrive in it.  They need it.  It helps to maintain their authority.  It makes the know-nothings beg for more government intervention and control.  It’s all by design.

Never forget that.  This is all by design.

Our Borders Are Inviolate

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 1 month ago

Unless of course it’s the U.S. Southern border, in which case, they want to lose that war.

Paul Ryan Fights Back Against The Voice Of The Voters

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 1 month ago

I don’t think there is any question that the voters put Donald Trump in office, at least in the main, because they’re sick and tired of seeing their jobs go to Hispanics and Latinos, all the while observing the cash-based society they live in where they don’t do business via official channels where they would be taxed.  And they’re tired of this cashless society since they have to endure the taxation to prop up medical care, SNAP, welfare and other support for cross-border workers.  They’re tired of paying their share when others don’t.

Paul Ryan doesn’t care about you or your views.

Congressional Republicans are working with the Trump transition team on a solution for immigrants brought illegally to this country as kids, House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday.

Hundreds of thousands of these immigrants gained temporary protections and work permits from President Obama. While campaigning for president, Donald Trump promised to undo those protections, putting the immigrants at risk of deportation, although he said last month he hoped to “work something out” to help them.

Ryan didn’t detail what Congress and Mr. Trump would do about the program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. But when questioned on a CNN town hall by a woman who identified herself as a DACA recipient with a young daughter, Ryan told her he did not want to see her deported.

“I can see you love your daughter, you are a nice person who has a great future ahead of you, and I hope your future is here,” Ryan said.

“What we have to do is find a way to make sure that you can get right with the law, and we’ve got to do this in a good way so that the rug doesn’t get pulled out from under you and your family gets separated.”

Host Jake Tapper pointed out that Mr. Trump, during the campaign, promised a “deportation force” to round up the more than 11 million immigrants in the country illegally. Ryan dismissed that idea.

“I’m here to tell you in Congress, it’s not happening.”

It sure would be nice if we engaged in the fabrication of machine guns in violation of the NFA, and then had Paul Ryan on our side who wanted to help us “get right” with the law.

But we haven’t yet made our voices heard in such a way that Paul hears them.  Mark my words now though, he is compromised.  I’ll guarantee it, I would bet every penny I’m worth on it.  He is involved in the deep state, and someone has pictures of him.  Mark my words.  It’ll eventually be found out.

And as for what you really need to know about Ryan, you have already heard it.  Paul Ryan advocates universal background checks.  There.  That’s all you ever need to now about him.  He is a communist.  Case closed.

No One Has Operational Control Over The Border Region

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 6 months ago


Babeu was on a helicopter tour of Mexican drug cartel scout locations in caves in the side of mountains throughout the desert about 70 miles inside the U.S. border. Essentially, that means U.S. sovereignty is gone for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of square miles throughout the American southwest.

Babeu was leading the helicopter tour with Dr. Ben Carson, a GOP presidential candidate, after briefing Carson on everything happening at the border.

Among other things that Babeu showed Carson and Breitbart News on this helicopter tour were how this far inside the border on high ground there are scores of scout sites where cartel operatives serve as lookouts for smugglers bringing drugs, people and other contraband into the country.

“If they can operate up to this degree, 70 miles north of the border, in law enforcement we call that a clue,” Babeu said in a brief exclusive interview outside the helicopter after landing back at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. The lack of United States sovereignty this deep into the country is highly concerning to Carson, who told Breitbart News that this shouldn’t be happening.

“We should stop them at the border,” Carson said. “They shouldn’t be 70 miles inside the border. We should stop them at the border. As the sheriff indicated, if we were to take like 6,000 troops and put them at the border, you wouldn’t have those people coming inside the border.”

Seriously?  You mean actually stick troops on the border and give them robust rules of engagement where they shoot at bad guys?  Gosh, I wish I had thought of that!

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