Rummage your way to survival
BY WiscoDave
Well, made it past the halfway mark with no pitchforks and torches visible on the horizon. We’ll take that as a good thing.
As is our habit, we start once again with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.
As I’m sure most of you know the months of summer do far more than bring forth a bounty of corn and beans. They bring forth the ubiquitous rummage/garage/sale here signs that beckon you to wreck your wallet on the rocks of their wares.
But all is not lost, my mariner of the concrete (asphalt and gravel work, so does dirt) seas of the modern world. Bargains are to be had that can greatly aid you in your survival goals at a great savings when compared to the harpies of retail.
The key to successful navigation in these areas is to have a plan. Look first for obvious items such as garden tools: rakes (garden is my preferred type), shovels (pointed or flat are my preferred) along with a miscellany of small “planting type” tools are my personal “look fors.”
Granted, having a small farmstead makes it difficult to have too many of these things. Think ahead to how many other able bodies you might be dealing with and equip for them.
Next I look for outdoor “stuff.” Hunting items, heavy duty clothing and things of that nature. Hopefully it will fit me or my wife. After that, generic sizes will do for the “others.”
Next food preservation items. Canning equipment and supplies. Both water bath and pressure. Remember, you may not have electric so I’d lean more heavily towards the stove top variety. Also you need to consider how many are in, or might be in, your tribe. With canning equipment the more you can have going the faster (and more) can get done. Dehydrators are something of a “Holy Grail” item to find. While they require electricity you can run them 24/7 and preserve damn near everything. [Remember a few days ago when we talked of training? While a class in canning and preserving food is not as “sexy” as a small unit deployed in an ambush class might be, I’ll bet you spend more time eating than fighting. Just a guess. YMMV].
I could go on but your situation will be different than mine. A person in an apartment might see little use for shovels and rakes but I know a guy that has, I’m pretty sure at least one, multiple dehydrators going constantly. He does everything.
I’m thinking he’s almost got water down…
Don’t just think rummage sales. Thrift stores are also great to search through. Looking for bargains on food alone could be a whole ‘nother post.
I’m sure you see the point of all of this now. Yeah, you’re buying something used. What do you think that new shovel will be the day after you buy it?
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