Support Your Local Embedded Blogger
BY Herschel Smith
Friend of the Captain’s Journal, Michael Fumento, recently embedded in Ramadi, and spent his own money to do it. Given the problematic nature of getting into Iraq and to the units with which he was to embed, I think I might just have given up and gone home. Michael didn’t and it cost him frustration, time and money to bring his stories back to us. He is back now and we benefit from his work, but the costs don’t go away.
Another friend of the Captain’s Journal, David Danelo, who manages and edits US Cavalry OnPoint, is reporting from Iraq. Please drop by Michael’s site and give him a donation if you can. Also drop by David’s web site and wish him well and tell him you are praying for his safety. This is the least we can do, and I have for both Michael and David.
ps: I do not see a way to donate to David. If I find out how I will let my readers know.