Sign me up for some of that “Inappropriate Glee”
BY Herschel Smith18 years, 7 months ago
Over at the incomparable Michelle Malkin’s home page she hat tips “Alarming News” for catching the Baltimore Sun for scolding for “inappropriate glee” at the death of Al-Zarqawi. Well, sign me up for some … and for some more too. My son will not deploy for another half year or so, but I had already prayed for the death of Zarqawi, hoping that Iraq would be a safer place for him and his brothers when he gets there. In case you have forgotten what an imprecatory prayer is, go catch Doug Giles on this subject. We should be praying more of them. In fact, here is a short one right now.
Lord, please allow us to succeed in killing the enemy. Root him out from his hiding places, cause him to starve, to experience misery, to fail in all of his evil intentions, and to become a laughingstock to the world. Lord, give us success in smiting our enemies with a great blow so that this evil will be removed from us.
Glee? I am overjoyed at the death of the terrorists. Whew! Perhaps I will pray more of these imprecatory prayers!