Archive for the 'War & Warfare' Category

“All Your Children Are Belong To Us!”

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago


The World Economic Forum is trying to set guardrails for the future of augmented reality, and microchipping people is part of its vision for a “brave new world.”

“Are we moving towards a ‘brave new world’? As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma. They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item,” reads the Aug. 16 blog post written by Kathleen Philips, vice president of research and development at the Belgium-based Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre. “Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity.”

Philips also claimed there were “solid, rational reasons” – “like safety” and “security” – for implanting “your child” with a tracking chip. Yikes!

Alarmingly, implants apparently aim to mechanize certain aspects of human physical function, as exemplified by the slogan of Neuralink – described as a “brain-machine” interface to connect “humans and computers.” Sounds like dystopian technology coming straight out of Ghost in the Shell (2017).

Creepy transhumanism.

Sadly, some young parents, mainly trained in schools of communist ideology (i.e., most colleges these days), will trot their children out to receive the chip.

But this should all be seen as warfare on humans.

Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm 82-97% of COVID Vaccinated Pregnant Women sadly lost their Baby during Trial

2 years, 3 months ago

You may be familiar with the headline or others similar. But this article is data-rich, with charts and graphs. Folks here at TCJ may find it useful.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

Read it and try not to weep, or weep, then get angry, perhaps.

Gun Stuff

2 years, 3 months ago

Smith & Wesson has issued a statement amid unprecedented attacks on the gun industry. Read the whole thing.

Next, Duke University is out with an analysis of lower court decisions in the aftermath of Bruen. You can read their summary.

Since Bruen was issued on June 23, lower courts have begun to apply its new framework to Second Amendment challenges.  As of today there are no major developments in the four cases that the Court GVR’ed shortly after Bruen, which include a challenge to Hawaii’s proper-cause analogue, two magazine-capacity cases, and a challenge to Maryland’s assault weapons ban.  However, in the month following Bruen, some state and lower federal courts have issued decisions invoking Bruen.  This post summarizes a handful of notable decisions.

Bruen is being ignored by a Federal Judge in Minnesota. Nobody is surprised that the Left ignores the law; they are anarchists top to bottom.

Next, Missouri Sheriffs continue resisting the FBI’s CCW list audit. They want the list; make no mistake. It has nothing to do with crime or public safety; they want you in a database.

Wheatley is among the sheriffs who received an email from Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s office on Aug. 9 in which he reminded law enforcement officers not to comply.

“We’re the highest ranking freely elected law enforcement of the state and it’s up to us to stand up for the rights of Missouri citizens,” Wheatley told the Epoch Times.

“The federal government, they overstep some, and it’s our job to put them in check and stand up for what we know is right.”

Also, the Washington Times has an opinion piece about BATFE’s new NICS denial and delay procedures. Any third grader can see this will eventually lead to every purchase being delayed, the purchaser being investigated, and serial numbers captured. They want to attain their holy grail database, implemented so they can make you turn them in. How do we know this? Because that’s what they’ve done the world over for generations.

Gun owners and constitutionalists at large are growing increasingly concerned by an invasive new policy to be enforced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which will mandate the reporting of background-check delays and denials to local law enforcement when someone tries to purchase a firearm. We can already predict the negative consequences of this poorly designed policy, with innocent individuals trying to buy a gun being inadvertently flagged by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and, shortly after, angrily greeting law enforcement at their front door.

Thanking God for Covid-19 and the Shutdown

2 years, 3 months ago

This post is about how deeply life has changed for me in the last two years because of Covid-19. Nah, just kidding; I haven’t done anything differently than before or now. But I am joyful and thankful toward the Almighty for the last two years. What’s been revealed is very instructive.

Those known of God should be serious, cataloging what they’ve learned about how the spirit of antichrist moves among the Godless, affecting their minds and every action. Although that lab-created virus was unpleasant and killed like a tough flu strain, even most of those who knew the whole thing was bunk succumbed to the spirit of fear, in one form or another, through adapting to the new normal as evil attempted to impose its will. Make note of it all.

We tend to focus on the people who brought the new normal, but we, born again by the Spirit of God, know they are merely agents. You got to witness firsthand something westerners have not seen since perhaps the Middle Ages; God allowing a grave evil to sweep through the land. You should pray to the Almighty and consider what you’ve seen; moreover, consider your ways in light of what you now know.

Secularists will use the term mass psychosis, but what we saw was that spirit of fear by the devil as the blessings of God are being withdrawn. You witnessed the power of evil through men to affect whole masses to do their bidding. You should now know what it is and how to recognize it.

Sin, and evil thereby, are very real, tangible. These are not philosophical conceptualizations to be pondered in a mountaintop monastery, nor are they ancient lore to be dismissed as the superstitions of our ancestors. You’ve now witnessed it, don’t deny it again.

You, too, should thank God, for that was quite a treat. The enemy gave away battle plans, means, motives, personnel positions and movements, tools, and sources and methods. Yes, it’s a war, and you should understand it as such. The enemy revealed many battlefield tactics. It would be wise to understand what you saw over the last two years in the context of war. God is merciful even in His judgments.

The “supply chain disruptions” should have made you serious about doing things yourself, the local way, among the trusted, moving closer to self-sufficiency. Again, thank God for the warnings, repent and act upon your new knowledge of the enemy.

And it isn’t over. If we read our Bible correctly, the last two years were just a remote storm cloud on the horizon of what’s likely coming. The explosion in depravity is not a sign of God’s judgment; it is God’s judgment. The horrendous and even audaciously flagrant wickedness of governments is not a sign of the judicial determination of God; it’s the result.

Christians Soldiers must know the Word of God. Your life depends upon it, or you will be led astray. If you got taken up in fear or have submitted to evil the last two years, that’s a good thing. Praise the Lord for this also; it’s why God sends warnings to His people in the mercy of His grace by longsuffering. Don’t lament but repent and make ready.

You should know by now where you are supposed to be, with what group of people in common you are to serve God while seeking to make yourself both versed and experienced in hard skills and hands-on doing. Pray for God to raise up a just leader, but you train the next generation, teaching them to be just men and women, righteous in Christ, forsaking all evil. Virtuous women and skilled men will matter most. It’s a separate post perhaps but we’ll mention that men will fight for a civilization populated by virtuous women.

Contact with the enemy has arrived. Please, I beseech you by the blood of Jesus Christ to hear and heed the warnings. Fear not for these two reasons: God is in control, and you were born for this very moment. God is sovereign, all is ordained, and you are here now for a reason. Be the light of Christ to those around you. Shed truth with all those you know. Spread the hope of coming victory for those that are righteous. And train for the other side of the coming conflagration(s). Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, welcome to the war; it’s a pleasure to serve with you, repent toward God and prepare for the next battle. Pray that you not be deceived again.

It’s a spiritual conflict waged in the heavens played out among nations and men. Seek ye the Lord.

“Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.” – Proverbs 28:5

Why is Canada euthanising the poor?

2 years, 3 months ago

From WRSA  comes an article about “assisted suicide.” As morality decays, it’s incumbent upon those maturing in Christ to be able to argue, from the Holy Writ, why these things are wrong. You must teach your family to both understand why and be able to articulate the reasoning using the text of the Holy Bible as the grounds for their argument. It’s not enough to intuit that killing is wrong; the basis must come from God’s Law-word, that His law being the ultimate authority, the laws of just men would again one day prevail.

American Christianity is woefully ill-prepared for what’s coming. You are the very best Christian that somebody knows, and if you have no answer for the cause of God by Jesus Christ, then you’re part of the problem with the Church.

The first man, Adam, sinned against God. Adam is the “one man” in Romans 5:12 below. When sin, by Adams’s transgression, entered the paradise of the Garden of Eden, death also entered in. From that moment forward, all men were born sinners; therefore, it is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27).

“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” – Romans 5:12

Beyond our scope here, still, it’s necessary to note that the sin curse affects everything; from that day, our planet with all its systems, gifted by God in precious dominion, is dying and with it all living things. No, it’s not global warming.

Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves.


It only took five years for the proverbial slope to come into view, when the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, a sweeping euthanasia law which repealed the ‘reasonably foreseeable’ requirement – and the requirement that the condition should be ‘terminal’. Now, as long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’, they can take advantage of what is now known euphemistically as ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID for short) for free.

I have bad news for you all; it’s well beyond reasonably foreseeable: your condition is indeed terminal. The simple answer to the headline is sin. If you don’t accept that sin is real, a violation of God’s law, then you’re not a Christian. Man is totally depraved, each one a sinner. For this sin, the consequences (Wages – Romans 6:23) are death. Your Sin has earned you death. Sin is the cause of death. Not that you could have kept yourself from sinning; you’re a sinner, born that way. Perhaps it’s not your fault, but like your eye color, tough cookies, that’s the way it is. Rejecting these doctrines means, to you, that Jesus was crucified for nothing. Your theology is wrong; you remain in your sin without Christ and are headed to eternal damnation.

“Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” – Ezekiel 18:4

Holy God created every soul; they are His; none aren’t under His jurisdiction to do with as He pleases. Those in their sin, not reconciled to God by Christ, die eternally.

Soon enough, Canadians from across the country discovered that although they would otherwise prefer to live, they were too poor to improve their conditions to a degree which was acceptable.

That sentence reads like advertisement propaganda for more and better socialism. The poor have always died earlier on average than those with resources. If an individual can help, that’s one thing, but a state is a process, a system without a soul of compassion. If this tugs at your heart, that’s a good indicator, but the State has no heart! Note how we’re not abusing Scripture to make a case for socialism, but that’s what the American Church does. They are not Christian; they are Statists; reliance on the State for life makes the State your god.

Not coincidentally, Canada has some of the lowest social care spending of any industrialised country, palliative care is only accessible to a minority, and waiting times in the public healthcare sector can be unbearable, to the point where the same Supreme Court which legalised euthanasia declared those waiting times to be a violation of the right to life back in 2005.

The article fails to point out that the government has travel restrictions for those that might seek healthcare abroad. The report also fails to note that the government withholds cheap and readily available medications that save lives.

Back in the old days when grandma was dying, the church and family pitching in financially, the local doctor also having accomplished some charitable effort would simply say there was nothing more to be done. The government was nowhere in this, and that’s as it should be.

But why would anybody be surprised by what’s become of Western Civilization? Unable to make the connection between the mass murder of those yet to draw their first breath to now killing of the old and infirm will lead to the government ridding themselves of all those they deem, Undesirables. This is headed to America.

Many in the healthcare sector came to the same conclusion. Even before Bill C-7 was enacted, reports of abuse were rife. A man with a neurodegenerative disease testified to Parliament that nurses and a medical ethicist at a hospital tried to coerce him into killing himself by threatening to bankrupt him with extra costs or by kicking him out of the hospital, and by withholding water from him for 20 days.

A “Medical Ethicist.” Perhaps the medical ethicist could tell us what the “final solution” is for these undesirables. You can read the article. Canada is a communist country, plain and simple. There is no other term for it, none.

Ultimately God is the Judge of the quick and the dead. All men face judgment (Hebrews 9:27). The Canadian government sees itself as a god and arbiter of good and evil. The problem, circling back to the beginning, is that man is totally depraved, each one a sinner, only evil and wicked. There is no other conclusion to man as his own god than mass murder.

Being unable to state the cause and consequences of something makes one frustrated and angry. It’s far better, dear Christian, to know the truth and be able to articulate it so that you don’t react in anger but in the love of Christ to reestablish justice by His Law-word.

The Three I’s of a Police State Education: Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance

2 years, 3 months ago

At the Rutherford Institute:

Roped into the government’s profit-driven campaign to keep the nation “safe” from drugs, disease, and weapons, the schools have transformed themselves into quasi-prisons, complete with surveillance cameras, metal detectors, police patrols, zero tolerance policies, lock downs, drug sniffing dogs, strip searches and active shooter drills.

Young people in America are now first in line to be searched, surveilled, spied on, threatened, tied up, locked down, treated like criminals for non-criminal behavior, tasered and in some cases shot.

Students are not only punished for minor transgressions such as playing cops and robbers on the playground, bringing LEGOs to school, or having a food fight, but the punishments have become far more severe, shifting from detention and visits to the principal’s office into misdemeanor tickets, juvenile court, handcuffs, tasers and even prison terms.

Having police in the schools only adds to the danger.

You’re never in more danger than when the police are around. Why are folks still putting their children in these gulags? Ah, yes, the American religion is convenience, comfort, and ease.

Battlefield Contractor Speaks Out On The Murky Legalities Of Asymmetric Warfare

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago


Before September 16, 2007, Slatten was just another one of the nameless and faceless “one percenters,” serving, living, and dying in some of the most dangerous spots on Earth.

“2007 was the deadliest year of the war,” Slatten told me, “I saw far more combat that year with Blackwater than I ever did in the military. You got shot at every time you went out. There was an average of 180 firefights every day that year. It was turned all the way up.”

Yes, it was like that in Fallujah too.  My son was there.

Everything changed when Slatten’s four-vehicle Blackwater Tactical Support Team, callsign Raven 23, responded to a car bomb attack on a diplomatic security detail in Baghdad. “There was a huge explosion at lunchtime; we dropped our food and ran for the trucks.”

They took small arms fire from multiple positions around the traffic circle at Nisour Square and responded in kind. “It was a bad situation; the Iraqi police were shooting at us, and vehicles became involved. There were civilians intermixed with the people shooting at us. My brothers did the best that they could do in an impossible situation.”

Slatten fired two rounds at a pair of armed individuals maneuvering against the team’s position — killing one of them.

While Slatten’s account of his actions signifies an appropriate application of force with restraint, there are conflicting reports that other members of the team did not.

The M240 gunner in Slatten’s BearCat armored vehicle fired dozens of rounds at a white Kia that matched the description of a suspected vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).

The vehicle, which was occupied by innocent civilians, had failed to stop despite the team’s repeated warnings. He continued firing, resulting in numerous casualties. “Some guys on the team had a problem with what the machine gunners were doing. They thought they shot too much in a crowded circle.” Slatten, however, doesn’t share that view: “I think they didn’t shoot enough. If you’re getting shot at, you’re supposed to shoot back. They used discretion.”

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 14 civilians were killed during the firefight and another 17 were wounded. Those specific numbers have been contested by some, but it was, by any measure, a tragic incident.

After the fight, Slatten and his teammates figured this was just another day on the job in an active war zone. They were wrong. Not long after they pulled into their Green Zone compound, their vehicles peppered with bullet impacts, an investigation into the Nisour Square event began to unfold.

[ … ]

“We reported to the investigators where the fire was coming from, and they found expended AK-47 shell casings in those locations,” Slatten remembers. “The State Department said it was a ‘good shoot’ and cleared us. Then, the FBI picked it up, and it got all sideways.”

But the case was thrown out by Judge Ricardo Urbina, who said the case was a nonstarter, rife with prosecutorial misconduct, and a total lack of evidence. He dismissed the case on New Year’s Eve 2009, saying: “The court declines to excuse the government’s reckless violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights as harmless error.”

Then-prime minister candidate Nouri al Malaki demanded “American justice” for his people — namely, a public trial for those involved in the Nisour Square incident.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden flew to Iraq, publicly apologized on behalf of the United States and vowed to appeal Judge Urbina’s decision, while then- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an email from her private server asked “… what can we do about Judge Urbina’s ruling example, what is the likelihood of success on appeal? Can the U.S. file a civil action against the company? Pay compensation to the victims? What other options do we have?” It was clear the executive branch was interfering in the role of the judiciary.

[ … ]

Slatten was charged with a single count of murder, for killing the Kia driver — a shot that Slough said in multiple sworn statements that he had taken. The Kia driver’s father repeatedly refused to testify against Slatten, saying that the FBI had always told him that Slough killed his son.

The lead investigator was an Iraqi police colonel with definite ties to Iranian-backed insurgent groups. There were no autopsies conducted, and no forensic evidence utilized by the prosecution to build their case.

You can read the rest at Recoil.  But there you have it.  The FBI, Hillary Clinton, Maliki and Joe Biden.  That’s where the problem began.

The US is about to go full Louis XVI

2 years, 3 months ago

Via WRSA, Ukraine may be America’s Lious XVI moment. It’s cautionary to learn history, but governments never realize what they are doing. Maybe this one does and is satisfied with destroying us. The article is about the new swarm of IRS agents being hired. But, interesting and worth understanding is the parallel to France at the close of the US Revolution.

The cost/benefit just doesn’t compute. And that’s why healthy, prosperous nations don’t engage in such absurd activities. They don’t need to.

Taxes ultimately represent the government’s ‘slice’ of an economic pie. So when a country is prosperous and an economy is strong, the government’s slice continues to grow because the overall economic pie is constantly getting bigger.

But nations in decline don’t see it this way. For them, the pie is shrinking. So they think the only way to increase their slice is to go after other people’s crumbs.

History shows this is absolutely the wrong move. Raising tax rates, inventing new taxes, and recruiting armies of tax collectors only makes the pie shrink even more.

Their efforts, instead, should be focused on making the pie bigger. But they don’t think that way.

Bear in mind this is all brought to you by the same people who are shoveling your tax dollars out the door to Ukraine $50 billion at a time. It’s very ‘Louis XVI’ of them.

All of these trends—the cannibalistic surge in tax authorities, the anti-productive regulations, the economic scarcity mentality—are all hallmarks of an empire in decline.

Second former Loveland officer gets jail time for arrest of older woman with dementia

2 years, 3 months ago

Via WoG “…roughing up mentally incapacitated old ladies…”

Another former Loveland police officer will spend time behind bars for her role in the violent arrest of a 73-year-old woman with dementia.

Daria Jalali was sentenced to 45 days in jail by a Larimer County judge on Friday after pleading guilty to failing to intervene in the use of excessive force in June. She will serve an additional three years of parole following her release. The sentencing is the latest development in the legal saga stemming from the 2020 arrest of Karen Garner, which was captured on body-worn camera and widely circulated online.

This is sickening. Never call the police; they have one tool, a hammer.

The Sixth Commandment and Covid-19 Vaccines

2 years, 3 months ago

“Thou shalt not kill.”- Exodus 20:13

Adam Clarke (1762-1832):

God is the Fountain and Author of life—no creature can give life to another: an archangel cannot give life to an angel—an angel cannot give life to man—man cannot give life even to the meanest of the brute creation. As God alone gives life, so He alone has a right to take it away: and he who, without the authority of God, takes away life, is properly a murderer. This commandment, which is general, prohibits murder of every kind.

We find this interesting in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccine problems, and indications that the oligarchs plan to kill 90 percent of the population if they can. Medicine, as life-preserving, falls under this commandment according to The Institutes of Biblical Law By ROUSAS JOHN RUSHDOONY.

Fourth, since the protection and nurture of man’s life under God is the positive affirmation of the sixth commandment, it becomes apparent why, in biblical tradition, both in Israel and in Western civilization, medicine has been closely linked to religion. Tournier has stated that, “In the very essence of his vocation the doctor is the defender of the weak.”363 This is a strange and perverse interpretation, modern in its reading of the sick as the weak and in its orientation to the weak. The doctor is not concerned with the weak as against the strong and treats both as need or care requires it. The doctor’s function is to further healing and to protect and further man’s life under God. This conserving function has given medicine a conservative orientation, and one of the functions of socialized medicine has been the assault on medicine because of its conservative heritage, now rapidly being lost. The attempts at a mechanistic and materialistic medical approach function to sever the link between medicine and biblical faith. On the other hand, psychosomatic medicine, despite its many materialistic emphases, has worked to give room again for a return to a biblical emphasis, as has the renewed interest in the godly use of the soil and the proper growing of foods.

And the American Church shut down, quit, and went home without so much as a whimper. The Churches remain silent about “trust the science” or even encouraging folks to take the vaccine. But the day of resistance is coming and will be massive. Too bad the Church is weak, effeminate, and fake, too ineffective to lead the principled revolt necessary to save Western Civilization.

Christ’s church, the body of Christ, is supposed to be the beacon of hope, the light of moral law, holder and teacher of the Oracles of God, and, if properly run by men of God, should submit to no evil whatsoever.

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