The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

The Continuing Fight in New Mexico Over Gun Free Zones

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

But you can’t argue the law or logic with communists.

Status of Washington State’s Magazine Ban

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago


A ruling expected this week in a court case involving Gators Custom Guns in Kelso could mean a chance for Washingtonians to purchase high-capacity magazines, at least for a little while.

On March 11, Cowlitz County Judge Gary said he would issue a written ruling within two weeks in the ongoing case involving the state suing Gators Custom Guns in September, alleging the establishment offered to sell high-capacity magazines 11,408 times since July 2022, when it became illegal under state law to manufacture, distribute, sell or offer for sale gun magazines that hold more than 10 round of ammunition.

The lawsuit asserts the retailer intentionally violated the Consumer Protection Act when it continued to sell high-capacity magazines to the public.

“We are well beyond that time period [two weeks], and obviously, the judge is being very meticulous because it needs to be perfected for appeal as whichever side does not prevail is clearly going to appeal this,” Washington gun law attorney Bill Kirk told The Center Square Wednesday.

Kirk has posted continual updates on the case on his YouTube page.

“I do anticipate a ruling sometime this week, and what would be best for law-abiding gun owners is a ruling sometime Friday, late morning or early afternoon,” he said.

Kirk went to explain why such a ruling might be idea for gun rights supporters.

“Obviously the Attorney General’s Office will stampede this down to Olympia as fast as possible and try to get it in front of the state Supreme Court and ask for a stay of the injunction, lifting the ban, but the soonest they could get that would be Monday with the court maybe hearing it by Wednesday,” he said. “That would allow citizens of Washington state and FFL’s (federal firearms license) dealers who have really been creamed by a lot of this legislation over the last few years, to lawfully sell and purchase high-capacity magazines if the law is enjoined on a statewide level.”

Kirk added, “If the judge issues a statewide injunction effective immediately, that basically puts the law on a big fat pause; it’s as if the laws don’t exist and they cannot be enforced.”

That means the sale, purchase, and importation of magazines above 10 rounds would be completely legal because those laws are no longer in effect, according to Kirk.

The Center Square reached out to Gator Guns in Kelso today for comment on the pending court ruling, but a manager declined to comment other than to say the business would issue a statement on its Facebook page when a ruling comes down and confirmed they may be adjusting store hours to accommodate a potential flurry of activity if the ban on high-capacity magazines is temporarily lifted.

Kirk said if the ban is lifted, he expects the state Supreme Court will grant an emergency stay while the case is appealed, but that still leaves the narrow purchase window open.

“When people can lawfully purchase these magazines, and that window maybe 24, 48, or 72 hours long,” he said.

Big box stores like Cabela’s won’t sell high-capacity magazines during the potential window of a ban being lifted, Kirk said, because doing so would require the approval of its national headquarters.

“I do know other FFLs that have inventory and are preparing for this, but it’s really up to the individual stores to make that call,” he said. “Everybody needs to be ready to go in case it happens.”

Um, you Washingtonians do realize that you can go right next door to Idaho and get all you want, right? Or most garage mechanics can stamp out a magazine in minutes.

For those reasons and more, these laws are so stupid it’s difficult to understand why they even try.

I Would Run From A Tiger Too!

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

You Mean Ammunition Manufacturers Would Lie To Us?

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

Listen to the end. Concerning ballistics and muzzle velocity, ammunition manufacturers may be doing more truth telling for the precision shooters than hunters, whom they think are goobers and won’t notice.

Now to be clear, some of this would only affect long range hunting, much longer than I do.

However, I may have readers who live in the western states. You may be missing because of bad information from ammo manufacturers. And misses can lead to unethical shots. So, ammunition manufacturers may be enticing to unethical hunting with false advertising.

That’s not cool.

Know your dope. Practice those long shots before you take them on game.

Using a Penny to Get Rid of Rust

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

Brownells short.

One of the commenters says that using 3-in-1 oil along with a penny does even better.

Review of the Holosun Thermal / Red Dot Hybrid

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

I don’t know why, but initially I had thought that this optic was going to come out with an MSRP around $1000. Clearly I was wrong – it looks like $1600.

That’s a bit more pricey and I suspect will drive some folks out of the market.

But I can see utility in this optic for hog hunting and for home defense. It might be better to see in the dark than light the room up with a SureFire torch.

It’s a shame that Holosun seems to be the only company innovating.  Everything made in America just keeps rising in price, driving the common man out of the market entirely.

A Short Story About Doctors And Guns

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

The Atlantic.

A man comes to Northwell Health’s hospital on Staten Island with a sprained ankle. Any allergies? the doctor asks. How many alcoholic drinks do you have each week? Do you have access to firearms inside or outside the home? When the patient answers yes to that last question, someone from his care team explains that locking up the firearm can make his home safer. She offers him a gun lock and a pamphlet with information on secure storage and firearm-safety classes. And all of this happens during the visit about his ankle.

Northwell Health is part of a growing movement of health-care providers that want to talk with patients about guns like they would diet, exercise, or sex—treating firearm injury as a public-health issue. In the past few years, the White House has declared firearm injury an epidemic, and the CDC and National Institutes of Health have begun offering grants for prevention research. Meanwhile, dozens of medical societies agree that gun injury is a public-health crisis and that health-care providers have to help stop it.

Here’s another version of the story.

A man comes to Northwell Health’s hospital on Staten Island with a sprained ankle. Any allergies? the doctor asks. How many alcoholic drinks do you have each week? Do you have access to firearms inside or outside the home?

The man responds by saying “Mind your own business you nosy, meddling jerk. Heal my ankle or I’ll leave immediately.

You get to choose which version of the story is true.

He is Risen!

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 3 weeks ago

Just listen to them. This is before the days of the horrible autotune and pitch correction software. There are studio versions of this, but I wanted to embed a live version to make my point.

There is nothing fake about them. Like Jesus. All other “saviors” are fake. Jesus is real. His resurrection is real. It occurred in time and space. It’s not a nice story, or allegory, or metaphor. It’s the basis the justification of His people.

He is risen!

Rules are for little people

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 3 weeks ago

You’re a little person. The rules always apply to you.

If you’re politically connected and believe in disarming the public, the rules don’t apply to you.

Youngkin vetos more than two dozen gun laws passed by Democratic-led legislature

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 3 weeks ago


Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) announced on Tuesday he vetoed 30 bills relating to gun control measures that were passed by the Democratic-controlled legislature earlier this year.

Youngkin vetoed a range of gun control bills, including one measure that would have banned the sale, transfer, or purchase of an “assault firearm” after July 1, and classifying the acts misdemeanor crimes. The Virginia governor expressed concern over the constitutionality of the measure.

“The Constitution precludes the Commonwealth from prohibiting a broad category of firearms widely embraced for lawful purposes, such as self-defense. Despite this, certain members of the General Assembly have pursued legislation banning most contemporary semiautomatic firearms and specific ammunition-feeding devices,” Youngkin said in a veto statement.

Congratulations to the good folks of Virginia for electing Youngkin. He stands between you and tyranny. Sometimes tyrants act in groups, as did the VA legislature.

This is a big win.

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