I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
Never, ever talk to cops, and that includes most of all federal cops.
Also note that there is no shame with these men, who care more about their salary and pensions than your rights. In fact, they believe in what they’re doing. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t do it for a living.
The FBI visited my house today for free speech acts they knew were not crimes.
I don’t often do this, but I need to recommend that you watch television (or better yet, some other format).
The federal grand jury is the most corrupt abomination of justice ever to be conceived by the U.S. authorities.
The best dramatization of what can happen with grand juries can be seen on The Rockford Files, “So Help Me God,” season 3, episode 7.
The fifth amendment doesn’t apply. Despite what the founders intended, you have no fifth amendment rights in front of a federal grand jury. If you refuse to testify, you can be imprisoned for the duration of the grand jury.
That’s a short list of the infringements on rights that has been given to the purview of the federal grand jury. The whole thing is an end run around the rights inherent to being a U.S. citizen.
Of course, this also runs contrary to biblical law which forbids forced confessions and self-incrimination (see R. J. Rushdoony, “Institutes of Biblical Law).
Remember folks. Every lawyer working for the DOJ is a practicing attorney and officer of the court and has sworn an oath to uphold the constitution. The head demon at the DOJ is chief of oath breakers.
You know the difference between a sperm cell and a lawyer? The sperm cell is a one in a billion chance of becoming human.
Honestly though, I probably shouldn’t tell lawyer jokes since I’m not even a lawyer. Hey, I don’t even know what puppy meat tastes like.
30 years ago, President Clinton signed the federal Assault Weapons Ban into law. During the 10 years it was in effect, people across our nation were far less likely to die in a mass shooting.
The first time this came up over these pages caused a stir of comments, and it’s good to rehearse this again because it’s an instructional moment.
God rules His creation by covenant and contract. All men are under the Adamic covenant. They can like it, or dislike it, or think nothing of it, but none of that changes anything. The man cannot say to His maker “Why did you make me thus” (Romans 9). That’s not in the list of answers that the maker owes you.
Those who are saved and in Christ have had the Adamic covenant superseded by a salvific covenant, and that’s where you want to be. But rest assured, all men are under one of these two covenants. You will live, or you will perish.
God also rules His entire creation by covenant and contract. God arranges His relationships with men by covenant. Men arrange their relationships with other men by covenant and contract. Covenants and contracts have blessings for obedience, and curses for disobedience, surely in eternity, but also in time and on earth.
Marriage is a covenant and contract. Business is a covenant and contract. Church life is a covenant and contract. Commerce is a covenant and contract. Employment is a covenant and contract. The life of society (i.e., between the state and the people) is also supposed to be a covenant and contract. There is no lawlessness in the Christian economy. Libertarianism is a phantom, a ghost telling you lies. God doesn’t rule His creation by allowing men to become god. The only righteous law is His law. He expects obedience from all men.
The bill of rights is a covenant and contract. It is between the government and the people of America. It isn’t between everyone and everyone, and it’s not between the government and the government, or only one party, or no one and no one. A covenant and contract is always between two parties. In the case of the BoR, it’s the government and the people.
Illegal immigrants are not part of “the people.” They are illegally here and should be evicted from the country. And illegal immigrant doesn’t get to claim the umbrella of protection of the BoR (including the second amendment, or any other) by illegally crossing the border and perpetrating war on Americans or her institutions. That’s not how any of that works.
That’s not how a covenant and contract works. Once covenants and contracts have been signed, it’s final. You don’t back out, you don’t add to it, you don’t take away from it. God recognizes borders and national sovereignty and always has in the Holy Writ. The BoR restrains the government from infringements on the rights of “the people,” not the entirety of the world population. If that were the case, there could never be such a thing as war between countries, even in self defense. If a proposition leads to inconsistency, it cannot be true.
People in America illegally have no right to a trial by a jury of their peers (although that often becomes just a gaggle of idiots). They have no second amendment rights, they have no rights against search and seizure. They have no fifth amendment rights (unfortunately, even American citizens apparently have no fifth amendment rights in grand juries, which are an abomination of justice).
People in America illegally have only the right to be evicted.
This is proper covenant and contract. This is the way God rules His creation.
I don’t do that. I don’t care about impressing people. I don’t care what other people think. I like things that work well for the least expensive price I can find.
The answer is no. Sure, the father was certainly a putz. He purchased a rifle for his son. This is fine, and many young boys have learned to hunt deer with rifles bought for them by their fathers. But if you do that, you lock it up if you have a troubled child. He didn’t.
And for being a putz, you also know that because when he grabbed stuff from his home, he left the dogs.
He … left … the dogs … to fend for themselves.
Anyway, for theological support I cite Ezekiel 18:20.
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.”
For me, that’s the end of that.
As for charging family members with the crimes of other family members, that’s what communist countries do. It’s not just bad precedent, it’s wrong.
🚨#BREAKING: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building⁰⁰📌#Chicago | #Illinois ⁰⁰Listen as a 911 caller in Chicago, Illinois, reports that over 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in a residential building,… pic.twitter.com/epe54vbXUm