The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

ATF Insanity: New Rule Would Turn Ordinary Americans Into “Gun Dealers”

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 2 weeks ago

Oh, I don’t think they’re insane.  They’re just communists and this is what communists do.  And lest you think that there must be some good people left in FedGov law enforcement, no, they’re all for this.  They will enforce this without so much as one ounce of remorse, as well as any other law, rule or regulation their superiors tell them to.  They have already sold their souls.

Heated Socks and Gloves

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 2 weeks ago

News you can use.

Best heated socks.

Best heated gloves.

None of them are inexpensive, and some are very expensive.

New North Carolina Law on Firearms in Places of Worship

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 2 weeks ago

From a reader, source.

Concealed carry gun owners in our state are now allowed to have their firearms in places of worship; even if they are held on school grounds. They can also now carry guns on some school properties, during specific times. The new law also launches a two-year statewide awareness initiative for safe gun storage and gun lock distribution programs.

This is referring to Senate Bill 41.  It doesn’t require that the weapon holder get permission from the church to carry.  It requires that the church conspicuously post that no weapons are allowed before prohibiting the carry of weapons, as it should.

They had to override a veto by the Goobernator of NC, Roy Cooper.

Liberal activist shareholders set to sue Smith & Wesson as part of ESG push to cripple gun manufacturers

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 2 weeks ago


Liberal activists are preparing to file a lawsuit against the board of one of the largest gun manufacturers in the United States, alleging that the company exposed shareholders to unnecessary liability by selling and promoting AR-15 rifles and thus violating their fiduciary duty.

In a draft of a lawsuit viewed by Fox News Digital expected to be filed this week, liberal activist shareholder plantiffs alleged that the board of Smith & Wesson “knowingly allowed the Company to become exposed to significant liability for intentionally violating federal, state, and local laws through its manufacturing, marketing, and sales of AR-15 style rifles and similar semiautomatic firearms.”

The draft explains that the company’s board has expressed “unwillingness to exercise any oversight whatsoever” when it comes to manufacturing and marketing AR-15s, which the shareholders say has exposed the company to unnecessary liability.

The lawsuit is the latest in a series of moves made by liberal activists across the country using the legal system to go after gun manufacturers as a part of a larger movement known as environmental, social, and governance (ESG), which puts pressure on investors to be more “socially conscious.”

[ … ]

Two of the plaintiffs in the case are led by Sister Judy Byron, an anti-gun activist who recently participated in drafting a statement from the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, where “investors representing $634 billion in assets” called for pressure on gun manufacturers and companies associated with them “to review their operations, supply chains and policies and take meaningful action on this public safety concern.”

Sisten Judy Byron.  Part of a false and anti-Christian church, pushing a false agenda, destroying the hard work of good men, and ruining the lives of millions.

Here is Jared Yanis on the subject.

S&W will need to play rough in order to turn this threat out before it takes roots or they’ll end up another Remington.  Kill this movement in its infancy inside your group of shareholders.  Hire the best lawyers.  Buy them out.  Boot them out of meetings.  Boot them out of stock ownership if possible.  Amend the rules if needed.

Play rough.  They already are.

High Capacity Bullets, I Guess

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 2 weeks ago

Where’d the deer go? Hunter frustration grows in Minnesota Northwoods

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 2 weeks ago

Watch it all.  It seems not to matter to these so-called “experts” that they are parroting incoherent and inconsistent talking points.

First “expert”: the deer herd has decreased because of hard winters.  Second “expert”: the deer herd has increased and hunters are having more success, and just because there are wolves around doesn’t mean wolves are killing them, it just means the wolves are following them and the hunters see the wolves.

And the “journalist” is too stupid to call them out on the inconsistency.

Next up, imagine what it would be like to live in a country without the patients aren’t running the asylum.  This judge has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about, and neither do the people to whom he listened, and has no right to interfere with state hunting regulations or the state wildlife biologists, and finally shouldn’t be concerned about bears with missing toes.

Good Lord.  Why do I have to point these things out?  Why doesn’t the entire country look at them and laugh and point and make fun of them?


A federal judge has cut wolf trapping season in half in most of Montana. The decision comes after multiple animal advocacy groups filed a lawsuit claiming that federally-protected grizzly bears are being unintentionally snared in the western part of the Big Sky State.

According to Montana Public Radio that four cases of grizzlies with missing toes and legs were documented by state biologists in 2021. By shrinking the wolf trapping season from nearly four months to less than two months, the ruling aims to mitigate unintentional harm to grizzly bears, the outlet reports.

The intent is to have traps active only when bears are hibernating, wrote U.S. District Court Judge Donald Molloy in the final ruling. Molloy also pointed to shifting weather patterns as a reason for the court-ordered regulation change, writing that grizzlies are becoming more active outside of their dens during the shoulder seasons due to climate change.

Ooo … climate change.  Well there you go.  Gaia has spoken.  The FedGov listened and obeyed.

Prior: Scientists War American Promotion of Hunting is Ruiling the Environment.


BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 3 weeks ago

I won’t go into the details now because it’s not obvious to me that it’s a serious threat.  I suspect it will be filibustered in the senate and as long as the GOP owns the House it has no chance at all of passing.  After the next election cycle all bets are off because as you know, rigged machines will do the counting and fake ballots will be shipped to voting polls.

But it’s an amazing thing to me that anyone would believe that Americans are going to give up five hundred million semiautomatic firearms.

Anyway, this is always how it happens.  It’s the signal sign of cowardice when a man asks someone else to do the dirty and dangerous work for him.  And be sure, it will be dirty and dangerous.

Scientists Warn American ‘Promotion of Hunting’ Is Ruining the Environment

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 3 weeks ago


Scientists have warned that a strong focus on hunting—instead of rewilding key species—is “reinforcing” biodiversity loss.

Parts of the U.S. are currently facing a biodiversity crisis for a variety of reasons including habitat degradation, invasive species, and climate change.

A new study published in the journal BioScience reported that state agencies are taking “the provisioning of hunting opportunities as their top priority.”

“Among species of wildlife, relatively few are hunted. So the focus on hunted species can tend toward the homogenization of wildlife communities, reinforcing the loss of biodiversity,” John A. Vucetich, a distinguished professor of wildlife conservation at Michigan Technological University, who worked on the study, told Newsweek.

“For example, the species of wild mammal with the most biomass on the planet is white-tailed deer. Overabundant deer populations have a negative impact on biodiversity—manifest mainly through over-browsing. The overabundance of deer is importantly a result of efforts to maximize deer abundance for the sake of hunting. Also, for example, considerable effort is devoted to promoting pheasant populations in several states for the sake of hunting, even though pheasants are not even part of these states’ native biodiversity.”

[ … ]

This included the restoration of either extinct or imperiled species …

Let me translate this claptrap for you. Any time you hear the words “climate change” your antennae should go up.

Michael Mann is a shyster and a fake.  I do science and engineering every day of my life, and I don’t have to falsify data to build my models and perform my calculations.  Mann is a complete and total fraud, just like the so-called “science” he purports to support.  Their agenda is population control, and now their agenda is clearly being expanded from population control of mankind to population control of animals because of “biodiversity” and climate change.

Here’s the bottom line.  We all know that wildlife biologists are very good at knowing the population of white tail deer, knowing the proportion of does to bucks, and selling the number of tags necessary to keep the population right and the balance acceptable, or even increase the population just a bit, without creating such a large population that deer starve.

The climate change religionist freaks don’t like that.  Not only do they want you dead and for you to produce no more offspring, they also want white tail deer dead.  Their recipe for that?  Introduce predators such as wolves and shut down the hunters to help maintain a healthy population.

Now do you understand why they want to reintroduce wolves and why they have harassed hunters like they have?  Now do you understand why states have to have hunter harassment laws?  Now do you understand why they hate us?


BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 3 weeks ago

Only two tonight, but these are well worth watching, especially the first one.

We gain the trust of animals with patience.  Ask for a little, give a lot.  This farrier is very, very good at his work,

These are two big boys fighting it out.  Never get near them when this is going on.

Remington Ilion Plan To Shutter The Doors Forever

BY Herschel Smith
9 months, 3 weeks ago


A gun factory in upstate New York with a history stretching back to the 19th century is scheduled to close in March, according to a letter from the company to union officials.

RemArms, the current version of Remington Arms, will close its facility in the Mohawk Valley village of Ilion around March 4, according to the letter sent Thursday. The letter said the company “did not arrive at this decision lightly,” according to the Observer-Dispatch of Utica.

Remington, the country’s oldest gun maker, began making flintlock rifles in the region in 1816. The factory site in the village dates to 1828, with many of the current buildings constructed early in the 20th century.

More recently, the company faced temporary closures in Ilion, bankruptcy and legal pressure over the Sandy Hook school massacre. The current company no longer makes the Bushmaster AR-15 rifles used to kill 20 first-graders and six educators in the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut in 2012.

Investors doing business as the Roundhill Group purchased the Remington-branded gun-making business, including operations in Ilion and Lenoir City, Tennessee for $13 million. Owners announced plans in 2021 to move the company’s headquarters to Georgia.

Union officials called the news this week disappointing.

“The workers in Ilion enabled RemArms to rise from the ashes of the Remington Arms bankruptcy in 2020-21,” United Mine Workers of America International President Cecil E. Robert said in a prepared statement. “Without these workers and their dedication to producing the best firearms in the world, this company simply would not exist.”

I have a completely different take on things.  First, they had bad lawyers for the Sandy Hook lawsuit. Next, they ensconced in a gun control state and left only when it was too late. Third, they didn’t acknowledge and correct the errors and malfunctions of the Remington 700, even when they duplicated weapon discharge in their own labs without anything even being near the trigger. Fourth, they never got a handle on poor QA.

Fifth, and maybe the most significant error, they never left a union state to move to a right-to-work state. The union can blame it on others all they want to. When you extort employers rather than allow the market to set wages, this is the result.

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