The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]


BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 1 week ago

This man does good work.  I’m sure he goes home happy at the end of his day, knowing that he’s done something meaningful.

Kangaroos aren’t to be trifled with and if you have to box one, you’re probably in deep trouble.  Although I would do it to save my dog.

But this man seems to have no problem jogging with Kangaroos.

I guess he has a need for speed.

Essentially, this cat wanted to mess with a horse.  Actually, a Zebra, but essentially the strength of a horse.  And a horse can easily kill you.

10mm Versus .45 ACP

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 1 week ago

Richard Mann writing at F&S.

The situation where the 10mm Auto has the bigges advantage is for backcountry survival or bear defense. Loaded with something like Buffalo Bore’s 220-grain hardcast Outdoorsman load at 1200 fps, it will hit harder than any 45 ACP load, and because of the smaller diameter non-deforming bullet, will penetrate deeper, even deeper than a 180-grain Barnes Triple Shock bullet fired out of a 30-06 rifle!

That’s his conclusion paragraph.  It’s true enough as it reads, but it’s incomplete.

He doesn’t consider use of 450 SMC, which would give him 230 grains running downrange at 1120 FPS.

Comparatively speaking, the hottest factory 185-grain .45 ACP load you can buy will generate only about 1,140 fps, and the fastest 230-grain offering only about 1,000 fps. Essentially, what you get with the .450 SMC are 10 mm velocities with a .45-caliber instead of a .40-caliber bullet.

I have no problem at all using a heavier bullet at comparable velocities.

Richard should expand his article (or do another one) on the use of 450 SMC and 460 Rowland.  Actually, he should have written this one to consider all of the 45 options.


KeyMod vs M-Lok

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 1 week ago

Not a bad article at all from Field & Stream on KeyMod versus M-Lok.

The KeyMod system was invented in 2010 by VLTOR Weapon Systems and Noveske. Its commonly found on the forends on AR-15s and AK-pattern rifles. VLTOR and Noveske designed the system to give a user flexibility in terms of what kinds of accessories they want to attach to a gun and where. They made the system open source so any company could produce it.

Keymod rails are covered in keyhole-shaped slots in a uniform pattern. Each hole has a larger end and a smaller end. To attach an accessory or rail, you place studs (which comes with KeyMod-compatible accessories) in the larger hole, slide the accessory forward, and screw it into place. The studs lock the accessory or rail to the KeyMod forend, and when properly installed, it will not move under recoil.

In a nutshell, that’s why I prefer KeyMod over M-Lok.  Ease of installation.  I find having to grab the nut underneath the rail to ensure that the screw isn’t spinning on M-Lok attachments supremely annoying, and I’ve had them come loose before.

But to each his own.

Supreme Court Issues Decision in ATF “Ghost Gun” Regulation (or in other words, making your own firearms)

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 1 week ago

It’s an American tradition for as long as there has been an America – making your own firearms.  And back when individuals contracted skilled tradesmen and craftsmen to do it for them, the government had no say in the matter.

But here we are.  I told you the ladies on the court, including Barrett and Roberts, would side with the communists, didn’t I?

Is The Hamas/Israeli War A Part Of Bible Prophecy?

11 months, 1 week ago

Folks can tell you truth, but no man can understand it for you.


Other Ammo News: Maker of CCI, Federal, HEVI-Shot, Remington and Speer Bought by Czech Company

11 months, 1 week ago

Vista Outdoors Bought by Czech Company. Press Release.


Current CEO Jason Vanderbrink Will Continue to Lead the Sporting Products Business and the U.S. Headquarters Will Remain in Anoka, Minnesota

Represents Largest Acquisition in the History of Czech Defense Industry

The Czechoslovak Group (“CSG”) announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Vista Outdoor Inc.’s (NYSE: VSTO) (“Vista Outdoor”) Sporting Products business for a total consideration of $1.91 billion, valuing the business at approximately 5x Fiscal Year 2024E EBITDA, including estimated standalone costs. CSG will partner with the existing management to pursue the continued growth path envisaged for the Sporting Products business over the coming years.

Headquartered in Anoka, Minnesota, Vista Outdoor’s Sporting Products business is a leading ammunition manufacturer in the U.S. commercial and law enforcement markets. It employs approximately 4,000 employees across its four U.S. factories and owns leading ammunition brands including CCI, Federal, HEVI-Shot, Remington and Speer.

CSG, based in Prague, Czech Republic, is a leading industrial technology company operating in five strategic business segments: Defense, Aerospace, Ammunition, Mobility and Business Projects. It is 100% controlled and led by Michal Strnad, who has transformed it into the most relevant Czech industrial group, with a strong international footprint. CSG employs more than 10,000 people worldwide and owns and manages a diverse portfolio of industrial and trade companies across the civil and defense sectors.

This isn’t good news for any American. Having ammo manufacturing dependent in any way upon the hearts and minds of foreigners in Europe seems like a wrong strategic move for the government and certainly doesn’t bode well for civilians.

Smith & Wesson just opened manufacturing near Knoxville, TN; many southern states have stepped up, and now most U.S. firearms manufacturing is done in the southern United States. It’s time to bring ammunition manufacturing as well to the last vestiges of freedom on earth in the Deep South and Mountain West.

More Ammunition Woes

11 months, 1 week ago

The Hornady plant fire will certainly slow overall ammo production. The extent of manufacturing disruption at Hornady is hard to ascertain.

By now, you’ve heard about Lake City being ordered to stop sales to civilians.

A person with knowledge of the situation tells us that, more than just “considering” the move, Winchester, which operates the US Army’s Lake City ammunition plant, has been informed that it may be blocked from selling M855 and SS109 ammunition produced in excess of the military’s needs on the civilian market.

How would that affect the civilian supply of .223 and 5.56 ammunition? We understand that as much as 30% of the commercial market’s sales volume of .223/5.56 is produced by Lake City.

The White House is now denying this. Making your own seems like an increasingly attractive option. Ammunition control is gun control.

Idaho elk hunter kills grizzly in self-defense

11 months, 1 week ago


BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho elk hunter shot and killed a grizzly bear that charged at him, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game said in a news release.

It’s the second incident in one month in which hunters killed federally protected grizzlies in self-defense.

Rare, that’s what we’ve been continually told. As long as the grizzly remains protected, incidents of aggressive contact will continue to rise.

According to the news release, the man was hunting northwest of Henrys Lake on the evening of Sept. 30 when an adult female grizzly emerged out of the brush nearby. Officials said the man yelled to warn his hunting partner of the bear’s presence, and the animal charged at him.

The man reportedly shot the bear several times with a sidearm, killing the grizzly before it made contact with either hunter, Fish and Game said.


At least one other Idaho grizzly has been killed in self-defense in recent weeks. Archery hunters near Island Park Reservoir, roughly 20 miles from Henrys Lake, shot and killed a male grizzly on Sept. 5 after it charged at them.

That area of eastern Idaho has been the nexus of grizzly- human conflicts in the state over the last several years.

Always carry a large bore handgun. This report has no info on the caliber used to kill the bear, which we’re always interested in.

Notes on John, Chapter Five, Part Two

11 months, 1 week ago

Part One – Introduction and Background

This is Part Two – Resurrection

In John 5:21-40, Christ preached this section exactly as it should be. Though combined for effect by our Lord, writing for instruction here and admitting much overlap and repetition in Christ’s discussion as presented, we’ll examine, in turn, the four topics shown in verses 21 through 40: resurrection, life everlasting, judgment, and the witnesses of this first-century judgment. It’s presented in six parts, none long, for ease of reading. Read the entire chapter first.

Lesson 2, Resurrection

The question will run throughout verses 21 through 29, with 39 and 40, which verses speak of the spiritual new birth for the believer and which of the resurrection of the body? Well, some are clear, some less so. We can infer from Christ’s introduction of the topic in verse 21 that He does speak of both.

“21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.”

The distinction is given in verse 21 for teaching His audience who know of the Old Testament instances of resurrection. But Jesus doesn’t stop there and says He will quicken whosoever He will (Romans 10:13) to a new birth by the Spirit. See John 11:25. You must be in Christ.

By the time He’s done, Christ makes no distinction; what is done, is done in Christ, and you can have all the hope of heaven in Him, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” – Philippians 1:6. By His grace, your faith in Jesus Christ is enough (Ephesians 2:8-9). He is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless (Jude verse 24); we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation (1 Peter 1:5).

There are several resurrections in the Bible. The first person raised from the dead in the Bible is the son of a widow in 1 Kings 17:17-22 as Elijah, the prophet of God, cries out to God for the boy’s soul to return to him. Jesus raises Lazarus (John 11:23-26), which is relevant here; Martha had learned well listening to the teachers at her local synagogue. And in case you haven’t heard, you’ll get to meet her one day, if you also believe as she did. The man who fell from a window is revived in the middle of Paul’s preaching (Acts 20:9-10). These are but a few examples. Certainly, the Pharisees would have known about the Window’s son; they believed in the resurrection; it was the sect of the Sadducees who did not (Acts 23:8).

Christ has already explained the spiritual new birth to Nicodemus, himself a Pharisee and on the ruling council (John 3:1-7). He is beginning to clarify the bodily resurrection and final judgment to His disciples and those standing by. We know both the new birth by the Spirit and bodily resurrections are facts of the eternal workings of God as He, through history, brings the final estate to fruition for His Church of faith.

Some today say the resurrection is past, though they can’t explain how they know or why we missed it. Paul dealt with this same thing, “Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.” – 2 Timothy 2:18. Don’t let your faith be overthrown.

Discussing the bodily resurrection can be confusing when speaking with lost sinners; it’s not recommended as an evangelist’s tactic. And never discuss judgment, death, and hell for sin without also showing the hope of eternity through the spiritual new birth by grace through faith in Christ crucified and resurrected. Though the Sadducees disputed it, Jesus is speaking with people who were well taught since childhood about the resurrection.


Notes on John, Chapter Five, Part One

11 months, 1 week ago

Part One – Introduction and Background

In John 5:21-40, Christ preached this section exactly as it should be. Though combined for effect by our Lord, writing for instruction here and admitting much overlap and repetition in Christ’s discussion as presented, we’ll examine, in turn, the four topics shown in verses 21 through 40: resurrection, life everlasting, judgment, and the witnesses of this first-century judgment. It’s presented in six parts, none long, for ease of reading. Read the entire chapter first.

Lesson 1, Introduction and Background

John 5:1-9. Jesus healed a man who had been lame for Thirty-Eight years by the pool of Bethesda. There, an angel would go in and trouble the water, permitting the first man after who entered the pool to be healed. These verses conclude, “8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. 9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.” – John 5:8-9

John 5:10-16. The Jews see the healed man carrying his bedroll and accuse him of violating the law by working on the Sabbath. The Jews discovered that Jesus had healed him and told him he could take up his bed. The section concludes, “And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.” – John 5:16

“17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. 18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.” – John 5:17-18. See Philippians 2:6.

In Verse 17, Jesus begins a range of topics that runs through the end of the chapter. Having been presumably interrupted by the Jews in verse 18, He continues without disruption to the end. It’s not until verse 34 that we find Christ’s purpose in this discussion: that ye might be saved. Ever the evangelistic Christ of God, full of grace and truth, the Word made flesh dwelling among men, He offers salvation over and over again that they, and you, not perish but have life, and still, too many in that day and now will not obey the truth.

We’ll look at this section of Scripture, seeing several aspects of Christ’s teaching, making some contextual notes, and further application. The section includes a critical salvation message about everlasting life blended, rightly, into a discussion of the final resurrection and judgment being brought to fruition by the power of God (Verses 21-29).

Christ pivots in verses 30 and 31 from judgment to the many proofs that He is the Christ of God, showing that, indeed, all these things must come to pass. Verse 40 is a key summation before the last several verses to which we’ll only refer but not examine in detail. Verses 39 and 40 are the impetus for this writing.



Without teaching the covenant nature of God in American churches, a critical aspect of Biblical understanding goes missing. God makes covenants with men and nations; the Church of Jesus Christ is worse off for neglecting this teaching.

Judicial terminology and word pictures are used throughout the Scriptures, including the New Testament. God presents His word this way in general because He makes contracts. Like it or not, your salvation is one such covenant; you must serve Him to bring Him glory, becoming His bride.

Neither is the legal sense of the term witness to be overlooked. In this covenant you made with Christ, you are a witness of Christ before sinners (Acts 1:8), as a legal matter in the courts of heaven, that those at enmity with God may face trial for their crimes (sin) against Him. Primarily, just as Christ did, we offer to show all men sin and hell that they would believe in Christ crucified, repent, and be saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ’s atonement.

Witness as a legal term derives from the law of God “One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.” – Deuteronomy 19:15. The concept is brought into the New Covenant by way of similar application, establishing evidentiary proof of sin, conversion, and good works toward God. See 2 Corinthians 13:1.

In John Chapter Five, Christ establishes several witnesses as though a courtroom scene is taking place. Remember that the Pharisees are lawyers and scholars of the Old Testament law; they were being warned because they knew these things.

There are many witnesses of Jesus Christ even today. Still, there are indeed three who witness of Christ: our word, the witness of the apostles, prophets, and disciples, including every book in the canon, which is the word of God, and the power of conviction by the witness of the Holy Spirit upon the heart of the lost sinner who hears from God as we share Scripture, tell our own story, and show them about Christ crucified. Though we pray for later realization of their offense against the Almighty, if the hearer rejects this threefold witness, they are condemned to eternal death (John 3:18). A very similar situation is presented in John Chapter Five for us today.

In this chapter, Jesus relies on the witness of others. Today’s modern Pharisees are also a pack of lawyers using lawfare for their gain to manipulate and ensnare men, as it was two thousand years ago.


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