The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]


BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

They said a “crazed wild boar” attacked a man.  I don’t think it was so crazed.  Many feral hogs are aggressive like that.

If you have to kick and abuse a dog in order to train it, you’re an idiot and wicked man.  I think I’ve said that before.  I’ll probably say it again.

I wouldn’t care if I was a big cat.  I wouldn’t mess with an elephant either.

That’s one brave dog.  Man, I love dogs.  If this happens to you, grab your dog and back away.

Giant invasive Pythons are moving north and need an army to stop them.  Okay then.  Everyone open carry their Beretta 1301 with 00 Buck.  That should fix the problem.

Can’t’ take my eyes off of you.

@sobersaruhh Olive is my favorite gift of sobriety. #sobriety #dogsoftiktok #rescuedog #recovery #puppy #sober #wedorecover #dog #lgbt #adopt #godisgood #giftsofrecovery ♬ Home (Slowed) – Edith Whiskers

That’s a big bear. And doesn’t seem to have any trouble all at catching as much fish as he wants.

@bradjosephs #1000lbs of #monster #alaska @naturalhabitatadventures #bears #bearattack #katmai #bearviewing #bearhunt ♬ Star Wars – The Imperial March Theme – Geek Music

Intellectually Bankrupt Decision by the Ninth Circuit in Duncan Versus Bonta

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

Don’t ask permission.  Be a magazine smuggler like Mike Vanderboegh.  What they think only matters if you let it.

America Has Deep Problems From Which It Will Never Recover

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

A lot of instability is ongoing in the world today.  I suspect America is about to be at the heart and center of that instability.

It’s all by design and working as intended.

Prepare now while you can.  Faith, guns, ammo, food, family, tribe.

Ferrocerium Rod Versus Magnesium Block Versus Flint And Steel

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

They all do different things and serve a different purpose.

As Hamas war rages, personal firearm activists see surge in interest

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago


Relaxing Israel’s restrictive gun license laws has long been championed by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, as well as some libertarian-leaning right-wing politicians, but it is an issue that has not gained much traction, despite occasional reports of high-level discussions on the issue.

Gun control in Israel is relatively strict, and firearm licenses are generally only granted to those who can show a need for extra security in their line of work or daily life. Meaning, one of the key criteria for a private citizen to receive permission to own a gun is where they live.

That could now change, says Rabbi Raz Blizovsky, 32, of Katzrin, an activist who has been part of grassroots discussions around personal arms.

“People are changing their opinion, and now there is more awareness,” he told The Times of Israel. It doesn’t make sense, he said, that someone in Tel Aviv cannot get a pistol, but someone in the Golan can. “There are terror attacks in both places,” he stressed.

[ … ]

On Sunday morning, one day after the Hamas assault began, Blizovsky started several WhatsApp communities for those who wish to have easier access to personal weapons. They have drawn some 4,000 members in 24 hours. An online petition he created, in order to press the government on the issue, garnered some 8,000 signatures in the same timeframe.

If more people had access to personal firearms, the horrific scenes coming out of the Gaza-adjacent communities could have been averted, he opined. Many people have contacted him in recent days who wish they could get a weapon, he said, including members of the Druze community, many of whom served in the IDF in combat positions, but then after their service, are not able to qualify for a license.

Free men don’t ask permission.  Governments don’t oppose and prevent gun ownership because they care about the people.  They do so because they’re afraid of the people.

And it’s too little, too late.  You get guns and ammunition BEFORE this sort of thing happens, not in response to it.

When “interest” becomes demand and the people ignore their government, things will change.

There should be no such thing as permitting or licensure of firearms anywhere on earth.

Those Who Behead Babies

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

Red State.

You know who else murders babies by cutting their heads off?  Abortionists.  Every day in America.

And in both America and Israel abortion is still legal and accessible.

Where is the outrage?

Lever vs Hammer: 30-30 Hornady Lever Evolution & Federal Premium HammerDown

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

This seems to be an ongoing theme with the red tip straight wall cartridges Hornady makes.  They shatter into hundreds of pieces of lead.  This ruins meat.  They cannot be used for hunting like that.  They must be redesigned.  Fabricate them out of copper, perhaps.  Do something different than ruin meat.

Smith & Wesson Finally Says Goodbye to Massachusetts

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago


Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson hosted a grand opening of its new Tennessee headquarters Saturday after moving from its longtime home in Massachusetts to a more gun-friendly state.

The company built a new 650,000-square feet headquarters in Maryville, Tennessee, as part of a $125 million relocation plan announced in 2021. Tours were offered at the new facility on Saturday.

The gunmaker had been located in Springfield, Massachusetts, since the mid-19th century, but company officials have said legislative proposals in that state would prohibit them from manufacturing certain weapons. Massachusetts is known to have some of the country’s strictest gun laws.

Smith & Wesson President and CEO Mark Smith spoke at the event Saturday, which drew a large crowd to the new facility, The Daily Times reported.

“From where I stand, the next 170 years of Smith & Wesson are looking pretty good,” Smith said. “It is something special here in Tennessee.”

He cited a welcoming regulatory environment and close collaboration with the Tennessee state government as a crucial piece of the plan to relocate. The company has said the new facility would create hundreds of jobs.

Well good, but I hope they’re not leaving business folks and engineers in Massachusetts.  Move everything.

Now, leave that stupid Hillary Hole key lock for your revolvers behind.

In celebration, Jerry had some stuff to do.  I suspect it was his 9mm wheel gun he’s so fond of.

Why the United States Government Wants to Cancel the State of Missouri

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

Missouri should just ignore federal court rulings.  Because.  The tenth amendment.  Never cooperate with federal gun control laws.  Every state and local LEO who does so is a traitor.


BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 2 weeks ago

Three Moose fight during the rut.  Stay away from moose all the time, but especially during the rut.

Good grief.  Is Wisco letting his dogs play with the Raccoons?

This is in London.  I’m sure they stopped to look.  Deer rams into Porche.  Bet he’s sorry he’s facing that repair bill.

From a good while back.  Juvenile moose plays with dog.  I know I said above not to be around moose.  Adult moose in the rut is one thing, but a juvenile moose would seem to pose no danger.  When I hiked in the Tetons I passed right by a moose who seemed pretty sedate.


Invasive mule deer are devastating the natural habitat of a small island off the coast of southern California, and a local conservation group wants to eradicate the non-native invaders once and for all. In order to achieve that goal, the Catalina Island Conservancy has announced plans to employ trained shooters to gun the mulies down from helicopters, the Los Angeles Times reports.

That is about a stupid a plan as I can imagine.  Why don’t they just turn hunters loose and charge money for hunting rights?  They could probably make enough money to sustain the conservancy for a long time.  But progressives.  No danger of logical thinking there.

Nature is brutal.

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