Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Trickery at the ATF

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

But then, that’s what they do. It’s magic! Just retitle the individual and there you go – now you have a diversity officer who has a more formal title.

American Hiker Shot by Cartel Near San Diego Border

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

It looks like there’s still an awful lot of work left to do.

Since this is in California, I am guessing that they didn’t go armed. For that reason alone I wouldn’t be in California. I don’t enter non-permissive states.

The Ghost Gun Market’s Vanishing Act

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Jennifer Mascia.

Then, in December, a 26-year-old allegedly used a 3D-printed ghost gun to fatally shoot UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on a Manhattan street.

The assassination jolted the public. While it didn’t necessarily indicate that untraceable weapons were becoming more prevalent, it did raise questions about the state of the ghost guns market. Was Polymer80’s closure a sign that the market was shriveling up — or was it, hydralike, sprouting new heads?

Law enforcement officials, small arms researchers, and ghost gun manufacturers who recently spoke to The Trace described the law enforcement gains against ghost guns as tenuous at best, especially in light of the Trump administration’s aversion to new regulations. Ghost gun technology, they warned, is only getting more sophisticated — and as a result, the weapons are becoming more appealing to criminals.

In the vast majority of the country, it is perfectly legal to own ghost guns, but not to sell them. Companies like Polymer80 have sidestepped this prohibition by selling kits containing all the components necessary to build an unserialized firearm: barrels, triggers, unfinished frames also known as “80 percent” receivers, and all the requisite pins and screws. Since the kits were initially not considered firearms, customers could buy them without a background check, and then assemble their ghost guns at home.

Between 2017 and 2023, police recovered more than 92,000 ghost guns — the vast majority of which were built from kits, according to data released in January by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Children bought the kits and then shot themselves by accident. Mass shooters used them to kill office workers and classmates.

The violence prompted the Biden administration to crack down. In 2022, the ATF issued a rule effectively reinterpreting the federal legal definition of the word “firearm” to include most ghost gun kits. To sell the kits, retailers would need to apply for a federal firearms license, serialize the products, and conduct background checks for every sale. The ATF’s data shows that in 2023, the number of ghost guns recovered annually by police increased by less than 1 percent, the smallest jump over that seven-year span.

We reviewed the websites of 12 online retailers known for offering ghost gun kits and found that at least four were continuing to sell them. The Trace showed the listings to Rick Vasquez, a former ATF firearms expert. He said that while these four retailers were likely violating the new rule, selling the kits is something of a legal gray area while the regulation is being considered by the Supreme Court.

“Something of a gray area.” I’d say it’s completely illegal for the ATF to do this because it infringes on the 2A. There’s nothing gray about it, but Rick Vasquez will say anything.

TCJ has a long history with Jennifer, and she’s just being as hysterical as she always is. So let’s review what actually happened and the only possible result from it all.

In order to pull something like this assassination off and get away with it, he would had to have used cash for everything, that cash having been gotten some place other than his own home town. He would have had to procure burner phones for use only once, those phones purchased with cash in some place other than his own home town. He would have had to be wearing professional grade disguises when he did that. Then he would have had to travel only by train or bus, with the tickets purchased with cash. He would have had to travel with professional level disguises all the way from his home town and back. A hoodie doesn’t count. He would have had to jettison his clothing at frequent stops so as not to leave traces of fibers. He would have had to wear a hair net so as not to leave hair samples. He would had to have used gloves at every step of the way so as not to leave finger prints.

Folks, as best as I know, there are only two entities on earth who can pull off this sort of thing: the CIA, and Mossad. He was always going to be caught. I say it again. He was always going to be caught.

So given that, what difference does it make where he got his firearm or what type he used? He could purchase firearms legally anyway – so what difference does it make if he had used an unserialized firearm?

Here is your answer: none. It makes no difference at all. He was always going to be caught. So the type of fiream he chose or how he got it had absolutely nothing to do with perpetrating the crime.

But communicating that to her readers wouldn’t let Jennifer use scary phrases like “Ghost Guns” to frighten soccer moms into believing that the more America builds unserialized firearms, the more assassinations there will be.

That’s the non sequitur she is trafficking in with this commentary. As I said, she’s just being hysterical. But that’s what she does.

The Delay in Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

They had to take a cloture vote just to get past the threat of a filibuster. So they took a vote on whether to take a vote. You can’t make this stuff up.

The nomination of Pete Hegseth, President Donald Trump’s pick for Defense Secretary, advanced in a procedural vote Thursday afternoon, 51-49. Both Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted “no” in a procedural vote on Hegseth’s confirmation Thursday.

Murkowski of Alaska said Thursday she is “unable to support” Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense, becoming the first Republican to state her opposition to President Trump’s nominee ahead of his Senate confirmation vote.

Collins of Maine soon followed in saying she won’t vote for Hegseth, citing his views on women in combat.

Having women in combat violated God’s laws. I suspect Pete’s position is much softer than mine. Collins and Murkowski will answer one day for their sins.

In the mean time, ponder just why Senator Chris Murphy (who is apparently the designated democrat bad boy of the day) is going this.

They have had three Obama terms now to fire the good generals, install bad ones, enforce DEI, push transgenders, and soften standards. It’s a Marxist dream come true – the largest budget of any federal administration and the most employees.

It’s their prize possession. They won’t give it up without a fight. They hate to lose it.

But lose it they will – at least to some degree.

On a related note, recall that we discussed Stuart Scheller and his public demand for accountability for the Afghanistan withdrawal? Well, Stu has been hired into Pete’s DoD.

They seem like nice people

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Light Posting

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

You may have noticed that I’ve been “out of pocket.”

I’ve been very ill. Hopefully in recovery now, but posting may still be a bit slow.

22LR for Self Defense?

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 4 weeks ago

I’ll have to say that I see 22LR as being fairly weak tea, even against humans, and I’m not a big fan of its use for self defense.

However, I would carry (and have carried) the 22 WMR for self defense, especially in a backup gun.

Nevada Judge to Nevada Cops: You Can’t Use This Loophole To Get Around Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 4 weeks ago


In the first decision of its kind in Nevada, a judge ruled last week that state law enforcement can’t evade stricter requirements for seizing cash and property by partnering with the federal government.

The plaintiff in that lawsuit, a Marine veteran named Stephen Lara, had nearly $90,000 in cash seized from him in 2021 by two Nevada Highway Patrol officers. The cops admitted to Lara that there was nothing illegal about carrying large amounts of cash. But they decided that Lara’s money was likely drug proceeds, and they coordinated with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to forfeit it through a process called civil asset forfeiture.

The Institute for Justice, a libertarian public interest law firm, sued the NHP and DEA on Lara’s behalf in 2021, arguing not only that should Lara get his money back—the DEA agreed to return it shortly after the suit was filed—but that the NHP exceeded its legal authority to hand the case over to the feds rather than following Nevada’s stricter asset forfeiture laws.

This was the first time Nevada courts had considered police participation in the Justice Department’s Equitable Sharing Program, in which federal law enforcement “adopts” civil forfeiture cases from local police. The local department gets up to 80 percent of the forfeiture proceeds, and the rest goes into a Justice Department pool that is doled out to other participating departments around the country.

Nevada Second Judicial District Judge Connie J. Steinheimer held that forfeiture laws are required to be strictly interpreted, and that there was no way to do that while allowing the NHP to unilaterally undercut them.

“Without a clear dictate from the Nevada Legislature,” she wrote, “NHP cannot undermine this bedrock policy and effectively circumvent Nevada’s civil asset forfeiture statutes by electing to participate in the federal equitable sharing program.”

Steinheimer ruled that just because the federal government has the authority to adopt forfeiture cases doesn’t mean state police have the authority to accept the offer.

In a press release, Ben Field, an Institute for Justice attorney, called the ruling “a big step toward ending the abuse of civil forfeiture nationwide.”

Civil asset forfeiture laws are unconstitutional on their face, whether federal or state statutes. It’s highway robbery, and if I was the judge I would have put the cops who did this in prison, as well as any FedGov agents who participated in this obscene sin.

Furthermore, the biblical penalty for theft is to work in servitude to the offended party to pay the debt back three-fold. That would have been on my menu of penalties.

Then again, I’m not a judge and never will be believing things like this. The government doesn’t want justice. It wants control and money.

Current Status of FEMA “Assistance” to Victims of Hurricane Helene

BY Herschel Smith
2 months ago

Also, they’re still living in tents.

You could line up ten thousand employes of the federal government to say that this isn’t happening, and I’d call all ten thousand of them liars to their face.

A neighbor one house down from me made a run to Swannanoa a couple of weeks ago to deliver toys, propane, socks, shoes, food, clothing and other necessities. Folks were lined up for miles.

He told me that he saw a large number of children who weren’t wearing socks or shoes. They were barefooted in the winter in the N.C. mountains.

I told him I wanted to be informed the next time he made a run to the mountains. I’ll be going too.

FEMA is your FedGov at work.

They Just Never Stop, Do They?

BY Herschel Smith
2 months ago

A court vacating the final rule means nothing to the tyrants and controllers. They’re at it again.

Then again, if they are keeping a searchable database of gun owners in violation of federal law — and I believe they are — why wouldn’t they continue to violate the law including judicial orders? No one has stopped them yet. No one has fired them yet. No one has defunded them yet.

There have been absolutely no consequences to their illegalities.

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