The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

The U.S. Air Marshal Pistol Qual

1 year, 6 months ago


What You Need

First and foremost, you will not only need a gun and holster, but you will be shooting from concealment! You’ll need a concealment holster. The Air Marshals carry a Gen 5 Glock 19, and it seems like the famed P229s are still in service as well. Generally, any gun that’s in that compact realm is a good way to go.

You need 30 rounds of ammo, so it’s not absurdly demanding in the ammo department. You’ll need at least two magazines and a concealable magazine carrier to make things happen. You’ll also need all the appropriate safety gear, including ears and eyes, as well as a shot timer to keep track of par times. Finally, you’ll be using the FBI QIT target, and you’ll need three of them.

There are many versions of the FBI QIT target, but most appear to be similar to this.


Scoring is simple. You get five points for hits inside the bottle of the Q target and two points for hits that touch the edge of the inner and out bottle and shots inside the outer bottle but on the target. The maximum possible score is 150 points, and the minimum qualifying score is 135 points.

There is also an interesting way they score the times. You’ll shoot most of the drills twice, and your times for each drill are combined, and they cannot exceed a specific time. For example, the first drill is shot twice, and your two times have to equal less than 3.3 seconds total. If you shoot one string in 1.3 seconds and the second in 2.0 seconds, you pass.

Shooting Like an Air Marshal

All right, let’s stop talking and start shooting. This is shot cold without a warm-up, with concealment being used twice. Prepare and ensure you can safely draw your firearm from concealment. I won’t make fun of you for going OWB for safety’s sake or to follow range rules. This qual is shot entirely at seven yards, which makes plenty of sense for an Air Marshal. Planes can be big, but even in a big plane, the lines of sight are fairly short.

I have not shot this qual. Looks interesting. There are eight stages and clear. Check it out at the link.

Brazil Police Shoot to Wound

1 year, 6 months ago

Via WoG

Police Tags:

The Old Paths Are the Good Way

1 year, 6 months ago

“16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. 17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.” – Jeremiah 6:16-17

When you have strayed and sought out many inventions, taking new gods by worshiping the works of our hands (Jeremiah 1:16), the everlasting Father, in His word, commands God’s people to return to the old paths. He calls us to produce what is tried and true in classical society as set forth in His word to rebuild the reverence and adherence to God’s ordained structure for Church, Family, and State in the manner that it was intended from the very beginning of creation. And God demands Christ’s Church follow His commands, a righteous leader as the head of the family, and a just government with just ordinances that will implement the same law of God that blesses all the earth.

God is not a mean old man; His law is a beacon of warning that righteous men shall live in peace, finding rest for their souls, but the wicked will have no peace at all; foreigners will rule over them with a hard whip. Holy God will set stumbling blocks in the way, fathers and sons will fall, and neighbors with their friends will perish for lack of Jesus Christ. God will bring evil upon you; even the fruit of your wicked thoughts will be meted out to you who have forsaken Him.

So primarily, God warns us to return to Him, to worship and trust in Him, forsaking the new gods that have led only to societal rot through greed and lusts of the flesh. Return to the Gospel of Christ, and preach the whole counsel of God, teach the generations to be like Jesus Christ.

“Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” – Ecclesiastes 7:29

The many inventions spoken of are applicable and scalable to any that man’s mind can set above our Lord, be they religions, technology, idols, or ways to rule ourselves apart from His perfect law and word. God made us to seek the good, giving us an innate desire for faith in Him, to know Him, and pursue Him. Still, we create all manner of things that extinguish the mind and soul in time spent unfruitfully, separating us from God. Some of these things have become a religion of sorts, replete with idolization, worship, and sacraments.

The many inventions themselves become the false god of our adoration.

The call is not for a return to the days of pre-mechanical implements. This is critical to understand; lifestyle comes from a foundation in Christ. A change of lifestyle while on your way to hell is not what God is asking. The new things, the technological advancements, have blessed us in many ways but have, at a terrible cost, separated us from family, hearth and home, lands, and the labor of the heart working with our hands and having settled community structures of neighbors we know and count upon. Rootlessness coupled with unknown and untrusted people is causing great despair.

And America continues to tell God that we will not walk in the good way or seek His face and those old paths from the Father of our founding. But there is encouragement as many thousands are coming to realize the importance of family, local stability, and tradition while seeking the Lord. As dismayed as we may be regarding national issues, realizing that you can only fix yourself and your family is driving a mini-revival in America toward the old paths. Many are settling on a small patch, raising a few animals, homeschooling, and working toward traditional self-sufficiency. Pray it catches fire, and those not only return to sound families, food sources, culture, and localities but repent toward God and serve Him.

The watchmen are lame and do not warn (Ezekiel 33), teaching hyper-personalized comfort when every alarm bell rings with warnings of trouble on the horizon. They covet much when the charity of God is needed, and they say peace when war looms, and there is little shame of abomination in the sight of the Lord.

But a few men, known of God, are sounding the trumpet, telling any that will hear to hearken unto holy Father God, return to His law, return to His design in creation for your family and the just rule of law. Remove yourselves from the unclean things, and call on Christ. Many of us are too old now to return to the old ways, but we can pray, we can encourage, and we can teach.

There are men that love their wives first, before their children, which prioritizes showing their children what a godly husband does. This ends divorce if it’s done correctly and consistently. And it ends the multi-generational broken families, all because one man did what God commands and the sons were taught well by example. God will bless these efforts as it’s His law that puts the man’s wife above his children. And there are men who’ve known only one woman. This is a beautiful and amazing thing, and those I know are blessed beyond measure for their loyalty to God’s designed purposes.

And young women, too, are asking where the men of the old way are, where are our roots and structure that we may have hope in the future God wants for us; this is inspiring. Joyfully, many women don’t want to give their best years to a faceless corporate bureaucracy while standing on a mountain of debt for a Godless lifestyle while somebody else raises their children. They see a false choice in that and instead give their best years to one man, raising their family together, making a home in loving and nurturing as the helpmeet, which is their duty to the Almighty. Satisfying the commitment that Holy God demands will always fulfill one’s soul more so than any other thing.

Without the old paths and the good way, no rest for the soul comes; troubles appear at every arc with increasing rapidity while warnings of war, financial destitution, and famine are in the air. But still, waiting with open arms for you with forgiveness in His clemency, the only faithful and true God is offering the blessings of means to set yourself aright within the covenant of our fathers, to save your civilization, for a more promising glory than heretofore. Will you return to Him?

Stand in the ways of God and see if His blessings come upon you, your family, and your country. “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” See how faithful He is; God’s mercies are new every morning.

First, admit your sin and failure to God. Determining to change your behavior is good, but without Christ, it’s not restorative to the soul or nation. There’s a generational work for you; ask the Almighty for the old paths, in which is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Pray for the traditional pathways and set about the business of restoration. Throughout Scripture, we are admonished to pray and then act. Many want to pray, yet others want to act, but God teaches in these verses what must come first and then second.

We know that His mercies are from everlasting to everlasting to those who do His will, keeping His law and ordering their life, family, and society according to the sure foundations of this ever-present truth: Christ is King and will have no other name above Him.

Hog Attack

1 year, 6 months ago

This is why you should always carry a big boar handgun. Seriously though, this is a failure at every level, even of the innate sense of danger posed by wild animals. It’s a good thing no children were present.

Religious leaders call for stricter gun laws in Pennsylvania

1 year, 6 months ago


The number of shootings, gun murders and suicides using firearms is rising across the country.

Mass shootings are commonplace in the U.S. and although they get most of the attention, they don’t happen nearly as often as a shooting on the street or in a home. Philadelphia and other large cities are setting records for gun deaths but here in Central Pennsylvania, not a week goes by that we don’t hear of a shooting nearby.

No one has been able to identify any one reason why gun violence is increasing – other than the availability of guns.

The “one reason” for “gun violence” is the gun. Apparently, they’ve never heard of sin but ascribe voodoo-like powers to inanimate objects. The New Religion truly is an irrational scattershot of bazaar beliefs and dogmas disconnected from reality.

So when you deny sin and the reality of the state of man’s soul before God, naturally, you find a fake religionist who ascribes to the same worldview of blaming objects for the actions of men.

A new group — the Saving Lives: Ending Gun Violence Committee — is led by the religious community, in particular Pennsylvania’s Episcopal Diocese,  is calling for tougher gun laws.

On The Spark Tuesday, The Rev. Jennifer Mattson, Rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Lancaster and Chair of the committee outlined the laws the group is advocating for,”Limiting purchases to one handgun a month to make it harder for illegal handgun trafficking to occur, an extreme risk protection order, which would be a temporary judicial removal of (guns)... Prohibition on the sales of assault weapons and large capacity ammunition style magazines, which, by the way, are the weapons most typically used for mass shootings, and then a prohibition on the sale and the possession of ghost guns. So these are the parts of guns that are kits that can be available that people can then put together their own gun that wouldn’t have identifying markers or information, which can make it more difficult actually, for law enforcement to solve crimes.”

The article goes on to explain that a piece of parchment grants rights to us, again, devoid of the knowledge and understanding of God’s existence, let alone a rational and healthy fear of the Almighty as Creator and Lawgiver. Read the rest of the drivel if you want to.

Brownells on Buffer (and other) Springs

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 6 months ago

Okay we’ve covered this before.

So there is yet another post about magazine springs and whether they should be replaced, and if so, when.  This is in the same theme I wrote about several years ago when there was another little flurry of articles and posts about this.  I’m going to cover this ground one time for everyone.

Metal creep is caused from slippage of crystalline structures along boundary planes, whether FCC, BCC, or whatever.  One reader writes that “springs don’t wear out from compression.”  This is along the same lines as most of the [mistaken and incorrect] articles I linked the last time I addressed this issue that claimed that stainless steel doesn’t creep below the yield limit.

Do you know any piano tuners?  I do.  Yea, they have to go back a few days later and retune because of metal creep.  But most piano wires are carbon steel under high stress.  What about stainless steel?

Do not make the claim that stainless steel (like SS304) doesn’t suffer creep below the yield limit and at low temperatures.  Yes … it … does  (“In all tests at applied stress/yield strength ratios above 0.73 some plastic deformation was recorded”).

No offense, but don’t try to be an engineer if you’re not one. If you make the claim that SS304 (I presume the material of most magazine springs) doesn’t suffer from metal creep, you’d be wrong, and then you’d also be answering the question the wrong way.

The right way to look at the question is one of whether the creep is significant.  It usually isn’t, and it is less significant than for carbon steel.  It’s also not significant for applied stress/yield strength ratios lower than what the authors tested.  Where your specific magazine spring falls in this data set is best determined by the designer, not me (I don’t have drawings or any other design information).

Stop saying that it’s only the compression / decompression cycle that puts wear on springs.  Stop it.  Just stop.  That’s not true.

It … is … not … true.

It’s true enough that the compression / decompression cycle is fatigue wear, but it’s also true that this means slippage of the crystalline structures just like metal creep.

Again, the question is whether this creep is important under the specific design circumstances or not, whether the specifications are challenged or not.  It’s not about whether creep will occur.  It does, and it will, even if undetectable by you.

I’m not saying here that it’s a bad idea to leave your buffer spring compressed.  I’m not saying that it’s a bad idea to leave your magazines full of rounds.  Don’t misunderstand what I’m asserting.  I’m not even asserting that Brownells was wrong in their conclusions, even if they didn’t do all of the necessary analysis to properly arrive at their conclusions.

I am asserting that the justification for whether you do or don’t leave springs compressed has nothing whatsoever to do with whether the spring undergoes a compression / decompression cycle while it’s in the configuration it’s in.

It has to do with a materials and structural engineering analysis that most people don’t do (and probably don’t need to do), and which Brownells didn’t do for the video above.

This may sound like a nit, but not to an engineer.

Biden’s New Gun Control Executive Actions

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 6 months ago


According to the White House some of the changes that the executive order will make include expanding background checks by expanding the statutory definition of a firearms dealer. It will also require Attorney General Merrick Garland to prevent former federally licensed dealers, who have had their licenses revoked or surrendered, from engaging in the business of firearms.

The attorney general will also be required to release the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records from inspections of dealers that were in violation of firearms laws.

The order will require the secretary of transportation to work with the Department of Justice to “reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment” by engaging with carriers and shippers.

The White House said that the gun industry will be held “accountable” by providing “more information regarding federally licensed firearms dealers who are violating the law.”

The order will require law enforcement agencies to issue “rigorous requirements regarding NIBIN data submission and use of this tool.” The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) allows law enforcement to match fired casings to the guns from which they were fired. This makes it easier for law enforcement officials to connect multiple crimes and catch shooters.

[ … ]

Biden is also directing his cabinet to encourage “the effective use” of the new orders by partnering with law enforcement, health care providers, educators, and other community leaders.

[ … ]

The order will also close the “boyfriend loophole” which had allowed spousal domestic abusers to have their gun rights taken away but not unmarried ones.

There are several perfidious things here.  I’ve highlighted the first item.  What this means, as best as I can tell, is that a single violation means that the FFL has to turn over records of sales, which undoubtedly will go into the development of a registry.

He’s going to make transportation of firearms and ammunition even more difficult and costly than it is now.

Finally, be careful who you buddy up with.  Your firearms collection will depend upon it.

Ryan Muckenhirn on Rifle Optics

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 6 months ago

As I’ve said before, I’d find Ryan interesting if he was talking about watching paint dry for 1.5 hours.  I didn’t intend to watch this entire video, but I did anyway because so many important questions were answered and so many salient issues were addressed.

Leaked Video Sends Tyrant Sheriff to Prison

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 6 months ago


In “Institutes of Biblical Law,” R. J. Rushdoony makes a biblical cases (a) against torture, and (b) in favor of the biblical standard for two or more witnesses to crimes.  His work is required reading for anyone who wants to understand just how bad the criminal “justice” system has gotten in America.

Texas driver who outraged the public by abandoning German Shepherd in broad daylight is illegally in U.S. and under arrest, jail records say

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 6 months ago


The man who sparked outrage by abandoning a German Shepherd in broad daylight in Texas has been arrested, charged, and identified as an individual illegally in the U.S., the Dallas Police Department and county jail records say.

[ … ]

In an update over the weekend, the Dallas Police Department said that Zuniga was identified as the suspect and that a search warrant was executed at his residence.

“On March 11, 2023, the Dallas Police Department’s Southeast CRT team executed a search warrant on Zuniga’s home, locating the vehicle used in the crime, and Zuniga was taken into custody,” cops said.

Zuniga was booked thereafter at the Dallas County Jail on the cruelty to non-livestock animals misdemeanor charge. While bond was set at $4,000, jail records say that Zuniga remains in custody on an immigration hold requested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

No ifs, ands or buts.  I have no patience for men who abandon dogs.  None whatsoever.  The dog looked like a fine, loyal beast.  The man looked like an awful beast.

Hey, speaking of illegals who have no respect for American laws, have you heard the one about the illegals who killed a bald eagle and intended to eat him?

Nebraska officials say a pair of migrants shot and killed a North American bald eagle – a protected animal and the national emblem of the United States – with the intention of eating the bird.

“Two Honduran nationals, Ramiro Hernandez-Tziquin, 20 and Domingo Zetino-Hernandez, 20, both of Norfolk were cited for unlawful possession of the eagle. Hernandez-Tziquin was also cited for having No Drivers License,” the Stanton County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release on Feb. 28.

The migrants were arrested but have since been released. The federal government could have kept the pair in jail, but Unger’s calls to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – which would be the federal agency to bring charges against someone for violating the 1940 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act – have gone unanswered.

That’s right.  The FedGov isn’t interested in illegals who drive without a license and kill the national bird of America for lunch.

I think there’s more than a little symbolism here from the eagle, to the illegals who killed him, to the FedGov who isn’t interested in people who kill the national bird.

Those are the sort of people crossing our Southern border.  What do you think would happen to you if you got caught having killed a bald eagle?  Not that I or you would have any interest in doing something like that.  At least I hope you wouldn’t.

So much for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  They serve no one and they’re worthless.  Hand them all pink slips and tell them to get a job on a road crew.

If some representative of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wants to clarify themselves, the comment section is open.  Go ahead. If you don’t want to comment, I’ll take that as a sign of culpability and shame.

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