Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

The Failure of the Church of Jesus Christ and 501(c)(3) Church Status

2 years, 3 months ago

[ Edit: The title of this post has been changed to more accurately reflect the actual topic. Read parts one, two, and this post while engaging your brain. Your submission to God and returning to His Law-word is what’s required to save your civilization. These three posts are warnings from the wall to you. ]

This is the third recent post about church 501(c)(3) status. Writing these posts was not our intent, but sometimes you do the work that the Lord puts in front of you. Somebody must need this.

Source via Instapundit:

That enforcement is the second element here that commands attention. The bill includes provisions that authorize the IRS to jerk the tax exemption of any church or non-profit that opposes same-sex marriage. The bill also encourages litigation to be brought against those same institutions in the court system to enforce the right to same-sex marriage.

Here’s what that means: Soon after Biden signs the bill into law, there will begin to be same-sex couples demanding to be married in evangelical churches they know to be opposed to the practice.

If the pastor refuses to perform the ceremony, the church will be sued and it will lose in court. That litigation will then be used by the IRS as justification for ending the church’s tax-exempt status, as well as the tax-deductibility of congregants’ tithes and contributions.

But that’s not all. The IRS is being primed to be ready for action against evangelical and traditional Catholic social service institutions as well. As Heritage Action for America explains:

  • Just months after Democrats used the Inflation Reduction Act to fund 87,000 new IRS agents, the Respect for Marriage Act would be giving those new agents carte blanche to harass and target religious schools and other faith-based entities that oppose same-sex marriage and eventually strip them of their tax-exempt status.

Worse, it would create a roving license to sue anyone acting “under color of law” – a loosely defined term that would include those providing government-funded or -regulated services. As a result, adoption centers and foster care providers with religious objections to same-sex marriage would have to close down.

Talk about a slippery slope! Once government becomes the source and dispenser of individual rights, there is no such thing as a “safe space.” What follows, sooner or later, is official persecution of those who demand their right to practice their faith and then speak publicly and vote accordingly.

First of all, what’s at stake is whether the Church of Jesus Christ is doing its job or not. The Church is that which proclaims the word of God, the arbiter of good and evil, right and wrong, sin and righteousness. We’re not claiming some high station; that’s one of God’s ordained purposes given to the Church of Jesus Christ. This issue has nothing to do with speaking freely about political issues or voting or participating unreservedly in the political process. This is about calling sin what it is and calling sinners to their faces by name for their wickedness by deed. Each sin is very specifically accounted for in His Holy Bible. Sin is a serious matter, a grievous condition in the heart of all men that God cannot ignore.

The President of the United States is a pedophile! Mcconnell is handled by a Chinese agent, his wife! The whole government is full of rot and sedition, wickedness, and perversion of all that is holy, right, good, and true. Should we name each one and their sin? Every last one of them needs to be hanged from the neck until dead for treason against the people but, more importantly, for treason against our holy God.

This isn’t about politics; it’s about sin, hell, judgment, eternal damnation, and the ruin of our country for its sin against the Almighty! Sin is sin, it’s a violation of God’s holy Law-word, and it is His word, by His Church, that is the final authority on right and wrong, not statutes of congress.  The job of the prophet is to tell the king the truth. If the Church of Jesus Christ can’t point out a president or a senator naming him and his sin, then it’s not doing its job of proclaiming God’s Law and demanding righteousness in the land that they might cease from their wicked way and turn to the living God through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. In repentance from sin, if they would, it might go well with us; God is watching all.

And specifically at issue is whether the Church of Jesus Christ can call a sodomite a sinner, a hellbound sinner to burn for all eternity unless they repent and seek Christ before God finally hands them over to a reprobate mind for their sin. How can they be forgiven for their sin if they don’t know what sin is? How can they be saved from hell if they don’t know they are hellbound? How can they hear except some man preach (teach) it from the Bible? Sodomy is a sin! It’s not ok, not even a little bit, and rampant sodomites overtaking your land is the judgment of God because the churches are full of men beholden to the government under the tax code, too scared to speak the truth to their false masters in government.

Sodomites, like all sinners, need Jesus Christ.

No, we won’t marry sodomites, for the very notion is absurd prima facie. Marriage is a covenant with God; those in open defiance and rebellion against Him are in violation of His covenants; they may not simply proceed as though God has not spoken. Are they daft?

So we might as well make clear precisely what marriage is. Marriage is a covenant between a man and his wife with the Lord God. There are two parties to this covenant; the man with his wife is one, and holy God is the other. It is not a contract with the State to later be disannulled. It has never been a contract with the State. Many states in America to this day do not require a license for marriage, which is correct because marriage is not a State institution; it’s the Law of God. In fact, before the 20th century, there was no such thing as a marriage license in Western Civilization. The marriage license is a communist invention.

We say good; jerk their 501(c)(3) status. The IRS should shut down all those fake churches! Understand clearly that the sword of government is judgment coming upon you! If you fight to stay as tax-exempt cooperations with the State as your master, you will learn to fear God; you will be made to comprehend! He will have no co-equals, no partners; holy and righteous is He! Holy God, please take their tax-exempt status; we pray, do it now.

Those corporations that are tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) are not the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body. It would be a great pleasure to see these faulty institutions finally have to recognize their infidelity to the Lord. We long for God to take their corporate status or make them live by it. But more so that those precious few who actually hear God would take up their cross, follow Christ, reject the kings of this world, and live by the Law-word of God alone, calling sin for what it is, and sinners by name, especially if they are a public figure.

Previously we pointed this out here at TCJ:

The bottom line is that if you submit to the IRS, your local body of believers ceases to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body. You have further rejected your sovereign King, thereby committing Cosmic Treason against the Almighty, and you have taken the State as your new master in violation of the marriage covenant you made with Christ. Congratulations, you are now an adulterer that’s gone whoring with a new lover.

And prior to that, we offered a more detailed and somewhat technical explanation of taking government as your king over Christ via the tax code when we pointed out that it’s Cosmic Treason against the Holy Creator of heaven and earth.

God has three covenantal institutions, Church, Family, and State.

Marriage is the first and pinnacle of God’s ordained institutions. Charged with raising the generations under the Law-word of God that He might bless us in all our generations for obeying Him, the family is the bedrock of civilization. For it’s the raising of children to fear God that makes a civil society; morality comes from God taught by a father and mother under Jesus Christ to children. Christ is each family’s head, with the man as the leader under Christ. The State is created only to fulfill the punishment of those who violate the Law-word of God; its purpose under heaven is merely to protect our duties in service of God.

The Church is not a building, denomination, order, sect, cult, religious ceremonial trappings or procedures, or Corporation; it’s the body of Christ which are those converted by God through faith at His will, and members in particular; ye shall know them by their fruits. God’s Church are His people by marriage to the Lamb of God. You may not cheat on your husband, who knows and sees all and continue to expect it to go well with you.

We understand and do rejoice greatly that the definition of a Christian in the Bible is in no way, shape, manner, or fashion distinguishable by the laws of the men, their courts, or congresses. This is by design; Christ is King. He knows His sheep, they hear His voice, and they follow Him. Governments of men are specifically and especially excluded from any knowledge or command of His body, for it is His; Christ has sole domain and leadership of His Church. Governments (and families, for that matter) have no say in how Christ rules the Kingdom of God; it’s His and His alone to do with as He pleases. So too, do the governments of this world belong to Christ. He sets up kings, and in His wrath, He judges empires into the dustbin of history at His good pleasure. Having given us His Law-word that we might not sin against Him; by His mercies alone are our days prolonged, individually, familially, and so too His earthly kings (governments).

Another important aspect is that a man of God has no duty to marry any couple he doesn’t see fit according to the Law-word of God. This is by the design of God. But, you see, when a priest, preacher, or pastor becomes a corporate employee under the Internal Revenue Code, they lose that special and unique qualification that only God ordains. It’s holy God that calls a convert (male only) to be a man dedicated to the service of God, teaching, preaching and caring for a flock of local believers, Christ as the head of the Church. By taking corporate status, the man of God rejects and surrenders his authority to the State by becoming its hireling under the laws of men; he ceases to function as God’s prophet.

They have taken grace for license doing precisely that which brought the wrath of God upon Jerusalem in total annihilation.

The churches in America want all of the blessings with none of the work. It’s a relationship and that requires work. But moreover, it’s not one of equals. Is Christ the Captain of your salvation? Then what are you but His footsoldier. He is the Master, and you are the servant! He is the holy Creator, and you are His creation; what is the clay to tell the potter how He ought to fashion His Church by design for fit service of Him? Who are you to go whoring with the empire playing the harlot for meager and beggarly crumbs from Washington’s table when the God of the universe has stated that you are priests and kings unto Him? God owns the cattle on a thousand hills; everything that was, is, and is to come was created by Him with His stated desire to bless you in dominion to bring glory to Him, and you go, hat in hand, to Washington looking to be its kept concubine! Yes, whore and harlot are the exact right Bible terms.

We’re not name-calling; whore and harlot are holy God’s words He uses to describe precisely His people that put their reliance on kings, governments, and empires of men forsaking dependence upon Him by following His law.

There is no instance in history, both in the biblical record and after the completed Canon, in which God did not bring judgment for trust in the kingdoms of this world above Him.

Perhaps you say that it will cost those corporations a lot of money if the IRS gets involved. It’s not the corporation’s money; it’s God’s! Give the IRS every last dime and the coat off of your back as well, then get on your knees and praise God that He loves you enough to take a filthy whore like you back and make you His again by His mercy and grace.

The linked article is the third or fourth in a few weeks we’ve seen that whine and complain about how the government should be a better master over Christians. Lawyers are ruinous creatures. Stop worrying about what the government says and read God’s Law, for it is the very source and lifeblood of our foundational rights and the jurisprudence you claim to uphold. You’re not helping by trying to get the government to be a benevolent master over that which it has no jurisdiction. Most notably, you’re misleading weak and ignorant Christians into a false hope in government. That last is the most significant violation any Christian will have to account for, leading the weak and immature brother into error! Christ is King.

Threading the 501(c)(3) Needle

2 years, 3 months ago

Here is a legal opinion on 501(c)(3). Apparently, the compiler of this PDF didn’t consult the God of the universe, but we’re used to that. It’s a long legal positioning squirming for a solution. The paper miserably fails to make a case for or against it.

The local church is immune to taxation, or it was. A tax exemption was a solution to a problem that did not exist as far as the body of Christ was concerned. But the government’s problem was; how to control Christians by Lawfare, and they solved it in 1954 through the Tax Code. The government created a “benefit” that was neither needed nor beneficial. It’s sort of like CCW permits, but that’s another topic.

Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Since the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which authorized Congress to impose a federal income tax, Congress has consistently granted churches and religious organizations special exemptions from paying taxes and for receiving taxdeductible contributions.2 However, if a church or religious organization wishes to qualify for and maintain this taxexempt status, it must abide by the restrictions on political and legislative activities established in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 3 Section 501(c)(3) includes two

stipulations on political involvement: first, no substantial part of the organization’s activities may consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation;4 and second, the organization may not participate in political campaigning in opposition to, or on behalf of, any candidate for public office.5 In light of how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and some courts have interpreted section 501(c)(3) [see discussion below], churches and religious organizations may well consider this law as yet another example of the government’s subordination of the rights of religious persons to “matters of national public policy” or to other rights.6 Understanding section 501(c)(3), however, is necessary for any church that wishes to positively impact the moral and social fabric of our culture. A church must decide whether it can be a viable and influential force in society within the constraints of section 501(c)(3) or whether it should forego the benefits of taxexemption in order to participate unreservedly in the legislative and political process.

The bottom line is that if you submit to the IRS, your local body of believers ceases to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body. You have further rejected your sovereign King, thereby committing Cosmic Treason against the Almighty, and you have taken the State as your new master in violation of the marriage covenant you made with Christ. Congratulations, you are now an adulterer that’s gone whoring with a new lover. The author of the paper clearly has no regard for the authority of the Law-word of God.

Cosmic Treason! 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status

2 years, 4 months ago

“And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” – Matthew 16:16

This surely is the place to start. Jesus answering Peter says: “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18. Upon the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God is the Church built. Jesus is the Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4), and the chief (first) cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-21) being the Christ of God Almighty.

“22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” – Ephesians 1:22-23

“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” – Colossians 1:18

Jesus Christ is the head over all things to the Church, which is the body. Seems fairly simple.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20.

We learn that where two or more believers are gathered, there is Jesus with them. This is an assembly (Hebrews 10:24-25) of followers of Christ.

Excerpt from Essential Christian Instruction Part Four:

“For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” – Romans 12:4-5. “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27 See also: 1 Corinthians 12:12

A local church is a body of believers. All followers of Jesus are His Church, sometimes referred to in Scripture as the body of Christ. The church of Jesus Christ is not a church building. When the members refuse to serve, they make the body lame and dysfunctional retarding the growth of His church by slowing the spreading of the Gospel to every tongue. God has a job for you to do that the body may be whole. That’s what the early Church did everywhere they went, including this example from Acts at Antioch.

“And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” – Acts 11:26

Prior to this, Christians were referred to as those [serving] “in the way” [of Christ].

Scripture also refers to a church when discussing one particular group of believers that assemble together, such as those at Antioch, Corinth, or Ephesus.

As best we can reckon, “house of God” appears 88 times in the KJV, a few of those times are in the New Testament, but only one of those is not a reference to an Old Testament instance:

“But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” – 1 Timothy 3:15

According to the Holy Bible, the house of God is the church of the living God, a fact we’ve already rightly established; this is the Church, the body of Christ. It’s not a building. Paul, to Timothy, and by application to Pastors, Deacons, Bishops, and Preachers today, and by extension, all of us saints must behave ourselves fittingly of men and women that are in Christ Jesus as a member of the body of Christ. 1 Timothy 3:15 is not about a building; it’s about a temple not made with hands (Acts 7:47-5o): “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16. We are Christ’s house: see Hebrews 3:6. The same penman who, inspired of God, wrote 1 Timothy 3:15 also wrote Ephesians 1:21-22. There are no contradictions in the word of God.

The temple was specifically destroyed by Christ so that you might NOT build an altar to him anywhere but in your heart, the true altar being in Heaven (Revelation 5:9-14). Worship in a building ended in 70AD, ushering in a new and better covenant (Hebrews 8:13). I personally don’t begrudge folks that gather in a building, and we don’t think God does either; it’s out of the elements and away from distractions, after all.  But there is no more temple, no more house of God, and the wicked term used by the government and others that seek control by denoting all religious establishments as “houses of worship;” that term is repugnant to the clear word of God. There’s only one God and one Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5)! In those ‘houses of worship,” they worship what, they know not, and more likely they worship the devil himself.

See: The Preeminence Of The New Covenant And Abolishment Of The Old Covenant

Ye are the temple of the living God. The American Church is at the point where they have rejected the New Covenant in Christ’s blood. To be sure, nothing good will come of that.


Disclaimer number one: The owner of this Blog has never expressed to me an opinion about church incorporation. The below are not the views of this Blog or its owner. Nor do I endorse any of the linked organizations.

Disclaimer number two: I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on the internet. Do your own research about the laws of men. I can, however, tell you that beyond the shadow of a doubt, the body of Christ seeking government to usurp in any way the form or functions of God or His authority, or that of Christ over His Church, is a violation of God’s Law-word in the First Commandment (Exodus 20:3).

Here’s the Wikipedia about the Johnson Amendment.

The amendment is named for then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, who introduced it in a preliminary draft of the law in July 1954.

Key graph (Wikipedia quoting the code. Bold in the original):

(3) Corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition (but only if no part of its activities involve the provision of athletic facilities or equipment), or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided in subsection (h)), and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.

And that is the crux of the law. As further background, a very popular pastor disgusted with Johnson’s Texas politics was railing against him from the pulpit. Johnson didn’t like it, of course, as it might have cost him his true aspirations of the White House, so he introduced this law. No more railing against the government from the pulpit was allowed.

Importantly, a group of believers in no way must register or take tax status. Under the First Amendment, the Church of Jesus Christ, that is, the body of Christ is immune to taxation.

The first amendment:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Obviously, the Johnson Amendment violates the establishment clause. Congress made a law narrowing the scope of religious activity to something that can have zero effect on morality and the good order of civilization. This puts the Johnson Amendment in direct conflict with Jesus Christ under the mission of the Great Commission.

Three bodies are ordained in God’s created order: Church, Family, and State. The Church of Jesus Christ is to be the foremost moral authority and influence upon civilization. Government can no more be the moral authority than pigs can fly. Nor can the State raise children to be productive and moral citizens; that’s the function of God’s ordained Family. A quote from God’s Church, Family, State:

“The Church (body of Christ) is restorative. Only God can change a man’s heart, filling him with the fruit of the Spirit to make him a minister and servant of the good. The family, not the State, is preventive in the proper training and raising of the generations.”

I contend that at the root of the problem is property. A local body cannot buy a property without collateral (the body) and a property tax stamp which requires them to become an organization. The body of Christ, at this point, ceases to function under the Law of God, has taken a new master in the Government, and usually does so in order to take yet another master; a Banker, by seeking debt slavery to tend property forsaking the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ to go into all the world teaching and preaching the Gospel.

I further contend that the Church was nationalized by Constantine in the early 300s, “granting” the Church property. This wrecked the true Church. It was the first attempt to take over the Church by changing its mission from conquering the world in the name of Jesus Christ to settling down and tending to property, becoming a passive fraud with many government strings attached to the “free” property.

Some still see Constantine as acquiescing to the Church and consider what happened then to be a good thing. I strongly disagree, for unless the Church takes up arms and rules by force of Law over the Government, the converse will always happen, and I in no way endorse a Church ruling over men at the point of a sword because we are all sinners. I do, however, fully endorse the Church taking over the government under the Great Commission: by converting its people and otherwise populating every government position and seat with true believers that have the Holy Spirit of God in them. That’s the Bible way! Not only is “our” government incapable of ruling in the righteousness of Christ without a moral and religious people but neither can any government.

Once the Church comes under Government purview, as it did then and now again under the Johnson Amendment, it ceases in every way, shape, form, and manner to be the Church of Jesus Christ. It has become a creature of the State. Jesus is the King and shall have no co-equals; no man will ever rule Him! The Johnson Amendment, cleverly but by a different approach, has done the same here in the United States that wrecked the early Church in the 300s. Many consider what happened to the early Church as having later brought the dark ages by allowing paganism and all manner of depravity into the body; with this, I agree. The devil isn’t stupid, evil, yes; dumb, no! Many figure that a new dark age is on the horizon; how could they be wrong?

An interesting take is presented here about IRS 501(c)3 incorporation. Excerpt:

Organism or Organization?

Is the body of Christ an Organism or an Organization? An organism is a living thing. I am living, and I am part of the body of Christ. The body of Christ is the church. An incorporated Church is not an organism, but an organization. An organization is a creature of the State, and as such must hold allegiance to the creator of their organization.

All those who join with an organization that is under corporation status accept the debt of that organization, and become subject to that debt of another. I do not need to tell you what scripture tells us about this debt. Borrowing money, for expansion, from the ungodly bankers, is not a biblical principle and, as such, cannot be blessed by God.

Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, defines ‘organization’ as a “corporation or government subdivision or agency, business trust, partnership or association…or any other legal or commercial entity”. This definition shows that an organization (even if it functions as a church) is recognized as commercial and public; an incorporated Church is legally interpreted as a commercial entity. But didn’t Christ say “make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise” (John 2:16)?

The real benefit the 501(c)(3) Church looks for with incorporation is the ability to borrow large amounts of debt capital [debt is not capital, fyi]. This enslaves every man, woman, and child whose name appears on the membership roles of the Church. How can this be? Because every officer and member of the Church pledges themselves as surety for the commercial debts of the Church, whether they know it or not. Why is this? Because the member’s name that appears on the Church rolls is a beneficiary of the Church ‘services’, which are also construed as commercial by the government (the term ‘service’ is a commercial term, and means either to get paid for an occupation, or it means an act giving assistance or advantage to another, which results in a benefit). Additionally, the ‘tax-deductible contributions’ are further evidence of the commercial connection to the corporation.

A maxim of law states: “He who accepts the benefit must also bear the burden,” meaning if one accepts any benefit of the incorporated Church one is liable for the debts and acts of the church leadership. If the Church is sued and a cash settlement is ordered by the court, there is virtually no limit as to how far the court can extend its power to collect from the members, even if they are not the officers responsible for committing the civil crime. “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Mat.11:30).

“Although it was once said that ‘a corporation is not indictable, but the particular members are‘ [Anon., 12 Mod. 559], it is now well settled that a corporation may be indicted for omission to perform a public duty imposed upon it by law.” Reg. V. Birmingham & G. Ry. Co., 3 Q.B. 233; New York & G.L.R. Co. v. State, 50 N.J.Law 303, 13 Atl. 1, affirmed in 53 N.J.Law, 244, 23 Atl. 168.

In Jesus’ day, the chief priests bound themselves to Caesar (John 19:14-15). Who were they a priest of? Caesar. Who did they minister for? Caesar. Who does the 501(c)(3) Church now minister for? “We have no king but Caesar.” They have a United States flag in every one of their Churches. “We don’t make political statements from the pulpit anymore, we don’t ever preach against the one for whom we minister. We don’t want to lose our tax-exempt status!” So, we had fascism in Christ’s day, the same fascism we have today.

A local church I briefly attended was working toward planting another church in the same county. A prayer request sent to me and hundreds of others by the pastor spoke of finding a location under God’s calling and creating a “pioneer” team for that job, and the letter included this:

We spent much of last week finalizing the papers necessary to file for incorporation and 501(c)(3) status. This is tedious but very important work. These papers begin to establish the DNA of the church, and they are crucial prerequisites that set us up for the next set of milestones. Please pray that the filing process will go smoothly and quickly.”

Read that again carefully, and let it sink in. The very DNA of that church was not established in the deity of Christ; God’s only begotten Son by His perfect DNA spilled on the earth in His blood sacrifice for the salvation of His people and soon coming restoration of all things in the new heaven and the new earth. That church is not wed to Christ in the New Covenant. Nope… not at all. It says the DNA of that church is government organizational incorporation under tax-exempt status. That is disgusting! As far as I know, those people never objected, and they soon planted their church. I, needless to say, left. Who is Jesus Christ if He isn’t the DNA of His own Church!?! Even the use of the word DNA denotes a body in creation!!!

An interesting take is on this video (skip to 22:45 – 38:30).

A better one is here: Pastor John Weaver, The Bible and Treason. If you love the word of God, watch the whole thing. It’s a rich and interesting study. If not, you can skip ahead to about the 40:00 minute mark and watch to the end. Also, he cites a legal case, Hollis(sp?) v Marshall(sp?), 1981, about State Street Baptist Church in Kentucky, but we couldn’t find the decision using a simple web search. Perhaps someone enterprising or a lawyer can find it for us.

We encourage you to do your own research on the state of the American Church, 501(c)3 status, and to pray to God that He would guide you in this matter.

“1 Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; 2 A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” – Hebrews 8:1-2

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