Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Note To Antifa And The Church About God, Guns And Other Things

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 7 months ago

The Post Millennial.

A large group of Antifa carrying shields and melee weapons attacked a group of Evangelical Christians congregating for a prayer and worship event at the waterfront in downtown Portland, Ore. Video recorded at the scene showed children and families running away as black-clad Antifa militants tore apart the sound equipment and assaulted attendees with pepper spray and projectiles.

The event was announced last month by a Christian ministry featuring firebrand Canadian preacher Artur Pawlowski. The Calgary pastor gained notoriety earlier this year for speaking out against lockdown measures that targeted places of worship. In response to the announcement of the worship event, Portland Antifa groups and activists on Twitter organized a direct action.

“Welcome to Portland, you won’t like it here, pastor,” tweeted Portland Antifa member Melissa Lewis.

Shocking video recorded at the violent event show dozens of armed Antifa members in black bloc and riot gear moving in to physically confront attendees of the event. One of the Antifa members sprayed a congregant with an unidentified, gas-like substance that is suspected to be pepper spray. The congregation took several steps back to avoid injury.

Where is your god now?” an Antifa member can be heard saying in the video. After pulling apart the sound system, the Antifa toss the equipment into the Willamette River.

A woman can be seen panicking as she and her fellow parishioners backed away to avoid further altercation.

“They threw a flash bomb into a group of kids,” said a female attendee who spoke to a videographer at the scene while the injured were being treated. An Antifa account on Twitter later posted that they stole the Christian attendees’ food and water.

Saturday’s assault follows a string of attacks on Christian houses of worship in Portland by Antifa.

The Post Millennial can confirm that the Portland police department did not make any arrests and had no interactions with either group. The Portland mayor’s office has been reached for comment.

So let me answer Antifa’s question first.  God is sitting in the heavens scoffing at you.  He decreed from before the foundations of the world that you would do exactly what you’re doing.  He is doing this for two reasons, I suspect: [1] He is hardening your hearts and preparing you for damnation, just as He did with Pharaoh, and [2] He is waking His church and calling out His people.

God will not be mocked.  He will accomplish all of His purposes in His good time.

Now to the church.  In a public venue like this, you are at the mercy of Antifa who will attack you, and the police who will let it happen and then arrest and charge you if you defend yourselves.  You are not prepared for the so-called non-lethal weapons they are accustomed to using, and given what I’ve seen, you are especially not prepared to defend your lives or the lives of your loved ones.

You simply must stop thinking of Jesus as a Bohemian flower child, peacenik hippie.  You must recall the actions of the church centuries ago, when they called out manly men who took swords and spears to their enemy in the defense of Christendom.  There is such a thing as Godly war.

You must prepare the location and time of your worship services, buy guns and ammunition, and learn to use them.  You must be prepared to shoot if your life or the lives of your loved ones are in danger.

This problem can be solved.  But wickedness has declared war on you.  Police are on the side of wickedness.  You are in a slumber.  You must wake up.

Get some strong coffee, sit and ponder your predicament, and then take action.  For the sake of your children.

Antifa In The House Speaker’s Chair

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Take a look at this picture.

Except it isn’t a Trump supporter.

Associated with Antifa.  Playing dressup in the Speaker’s chair today, were we?

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So Just Who’s Side Are The Police On Anyway?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

I think you know the answer to that question.  You’ve known it for a long time.

Stay Away From Crowds

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This is perhaps an even more dangerous situation than being in an automobile and being attacked by these monkeys.

In my opinion what occurs in this video is assault and battery, and warrants the use of deadly force to stop.

The problem, of course, is that the police would come after you, not the perpetrators.  The police know it, the monkeys perpetrating the violence know it, and you know it.  No one cares about your loved ones or your safety except you.

Therefore, staying away from these people – or if you find yourself in the middle of something like this, getting away as fast as possible – is the best option.

Leftist Rioters Are Not Just Antifa Wackos, They’re Normal Suburban Kids

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 5 months ago

I don’t like the article title, but I was true to the original author’s lede.

“[M]ost arrested in protests aren’t leftist radicals,” headlined an Associated Press analysis published Oct. 20. Of those arrested this summer during the nation’s largest outbreak of riots in 30 years, “Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups, and many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs,” the article’s second paragraph says.

These nice young people throwing Molotov cocktails and setting police cars on fire are basically the kids next door, the article implies. It is clear from the article’s framing the AP intends it to be another entry into the “move along, nothing to see here” genre employed against facts that make the left look bad and are impossible to ignore. In reality, however, the article makes things look even worse than the reality it is meant to counter.

The AP doesn’t show or explain how it came to the conclusion that most of the 286 people being federally prosecuted for crimes in connection with this summer’s Black Lives Matter riots are the young, suburban, “not leftist radicals” its article claims. If this is true, however, it suggests violence has become uncomfortably normalized among those who identify on the political left.

If the AP characterization is accurate, tolerance for violence in the service of political ends is not just concentrated in fringe outliers like Antifa cells. It is attracting middle-class people who grew up in comfortable suburbia. People whose parents are aware that their children are politically intoxicated to the point of arson and still bail them out of jail and hire them lawyers. This is not comforting at all.

The article does give information about age, race, and sex. A plurality of those charged with federal crimes in connection with summer riot violence are white; most are men, and seven in 10 are under 30: “More than 40% of those facing federal charges are white. At least a third are Black, and about 6% Hispanic. More than two-thirds are under the age of 30 and most are men. More than a quarter have been charged with arson, which if convicted means a five-year minimum prison sentence.”

[ … ]

The article also contains nearly no evidence for its headline claim, that “most arrested aren’t leftist radicals.” Instead, it says the AP reporters were unable to find evidence in court documents that the majority of the 286 people whose cases they reviewed are part of Antifa or formally affiliated with similarly “radical” groups.

The AP article tries ever so hard to justify their character and give reason for their actions, but they remain thugs and communists nonetheless.

The point is that this represents a large portion of the kids in college today and who have been graduated from college in the last decade.  They are trained communists, and they are intent on the overthrow of the Western system and the destruction of the middle class.  They have been infected with self-hatred.

The reader who sent this points out that a non-trivial portion of them (see the link) were arrested with charges of possession of firearms illegally.  He says that will change his own ROE.

Make your own decisions about that.

My Week With The Baying Antifa Mob

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 5 months ago

The Spectator.

In recent years this city in the Pacific Northwest has become famous for a variety of reasons — none of them good. As one long-term resident said to me last week: ‘This used to be a very civil town.’ Not any more.

Of course, like every city in the west, the madnesses that already existed here have been exacerbated by the coronavirus and the ensuing decision to lock down the population and shutter the economy. As in cities across the UK, the businesses here are mainly closed, many for good. Some were able to get through one lockdown but very few can get through multiple lockdowns or the depression to come.

As a result, downtown Portland is a desolate, dangerous place, populated by homeless people who flooded into the area over recent decades, incentivised by left-wing administrations that allowed them to pitch their tents wherever they liked. In the main squares, unattended tables of food and drink are set out for them to pick at.

But it isn’t just the virus or the reaction of the authorities that led to this wasteland. The giveaway is the status of the few shops that are still open. Almost all have hardboard affixed to their remaining windows. Some have bullet-holes in them, not fired by the police. The businesses that do still operate do so as in a city under siege.

Portland has been the epicentre of a confusion that has afflicted a smaller number of activists in our own country. That is the taught perception that they live in a patriarchal, unequal, cis-heteronormative, irredeemably racist society. In time this defamation sank in and caused a reaction. For years, the city has seen regular rioting by the far-left group ‘Antifa’. In the name of pursuing non-existent fascists these activists laid waste to their city, dragged passing motorists from their cars, hospitalised journalists whose reporting was disobliging and otherwise turned the city into a first-world slum.

After the killing of George Floyd at the end of May, protests in Portland were among the most violent in the US. They are still going on. The left-wing mayor forbade the police from working with the federal authorities to act meaningfully against the rioters and at the forthcoming mayoral election the only candidate running against him is an open supporter of Antifa.

Recent successful operations carried out by this candidate’s favoured militia include the pulling down of almost every statue and public monument in the city. The weekend before last it was Abraham Lincoln who fell. On another occasion — in a quasi-pagan ceremony — rioters repeatedly set a monument of an elk on fire and then pulled it down. A tour of the sights in Portland now comprises a huge variety of empty plinths. Few tourists will be returning for that. The remaining state and federal buildings are boarded up, graffitied over and abandoned.

Over the summer the President sent in federal guards, against the wishes of the local authorities. Today the remaining federal agents are among the few targets Antifa have left. I joined Antifa-BLM activists for a couple of nights this week.

First there was a ‘Fuck Gentrification’ march (my first). With no policemen in sight, the activists used their own police force, including outriders on motorcycles, to block off roads and then parade through the streets screaming through megaphones at customers in the remaining bars and at the residents of an area which they claimed had once been lived in by black and indigenous families. The people who lived in many of these houses came out and put their fists in the air or waved in solidarity. Most had BLM — or ‘Don’t hurt me’ — posters in their windows. All were accused of living on ‘stolen land’ by the mostly white marchers, whose other chants included ‘Wake up, motherfucker, wake up’.

This is a pregnant bit of prose and deserving of more time than I can give it, but the thing that particularly struck me was bold (by me).

People may think that alignment with Antifa/BLM will keep them out of trouble (the alligator ate me last), but they don’t care.

Antifa/BLM wants them in poverty first, and then dead.

And you too.

Michael Yon’s Observations On Security In Portland

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 5 months ago

Michael Yon.

Locksmiths very busy in Portland due to boiling crime rate.  Creating fire hazards in some apartment buildings as emergency escapes are being locked closed.  Amazing fire hazards created.  Arson is a weapon of choice of the communists.  Do the tenants even know their fire escapes are being locked?

Unintended consequences is something the modern generation hasn’t yet come to terms with.  In fact, forget unintended consequences.  Just consequences.  They don’t understand them yet.

And the girl running against the current mayor of Portland is self-identified Antifa.  Can you imagine a better way to destroy a city?  And of course, that’s the intent, isn’t it?

Michael Yon Is In Portland

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Sends this video.  The streets and sidewalks appear trashed to me.

BLM Rioters In Hollywood Chase Down And Attack Driver, Police Detain Driver

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Gateway Pundit.

The LAPD later tweeted that there were no injuries and that all drivers and victims have been identified.

There is only one victim here, i.e., the driver of the Prius.  You see the vice that the rioters coupled with the police put drivers in, right?

You cannot escape.  You must endanger yourself and if necessary, take a beating or get killed.  If you try to drive through, you get detained for crimes, even though the only real crimes have been committed by rioters.

The real shame here is that rioters didn’t get run over.

So What’s Happening In Louisville?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

This should be a decent smattering of indication.

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