Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Communist Frivolities In Austin

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

This is from a reader who lives in Austin.

It could be a disinformation campaign, or it could be real intel.  Either way, the communists have no remorse, and have signaled that the revolution has begun.  If they intend to carry through with this, soi bois might get shot.

They don’t intend to stand down, they will not cease and desist, and it won’t be over until the revolution has been destroyed.

Portland Media And Antifa Conspire And Cooperate To Try To Blind Andy Ngo

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Great people.  Just swell.  I say they should be shot on sight when waving green light lasers around.  And prosecute the media for conspiracy to commit the crime.

Politics Tags: ,

The Austin, Texas, Riot And Death Of Garrett Foster

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

As most readers will already know, the BLM riot became deadly Saturday night, and here is a video of the guy who got shot.

So this interview is a bit confusing, as first of all he says that they are no longer allowed to march in the streets (they shouldn’t be allowed to do that), and so one may presume that the Austin PD didn’t issue any permits for this protest/riot.

He then insults folks who disagree with him, saying that they are too “pussy” to do anything about it, but states his fear of engaging the police.  I guess cognitive dissonance isn’t really something to be avoided by this crowd.

Anyway, the actual shooting occurred during a street riot.

I’ve watched other video and have concluded that this is a simple matter of a motorist trying to get away from a confined space.  He didn’t lurch his vehicle, he didn’t speed, he didn’t intentionally run over rioters. Rioter Garrett Foster discharged five shots with an AK pattern rifle, missing his apparent intended target with every shot, and having just been assaulted, the motorist shot back and killed Garrett Foster.

Case closed.  Besides, BLM/Antifa have made absolutely sure that Twitter and YouTube are filled with videos of motorists getting hemmed into confined spaces, afraid to drive because they might run over someone, and then getting badly beaten.

With that as a backdrop, I think this motorist acted wisely.

Here is more video.

But be sure, Twitter is full of idiots trying to fake the narrative to make this out to be some sort of intended murder of the oh-so-innocent Garrett Foster.  By the way, Garrett Foster now leaves a paraplegic dependent who will need care the rest of her life.

Garrett Foster cannot provide that care from hell.

Politics Tags: ,

Federal officers in Portland may have been permanently blinded by lasers, officials say

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

News from hell.

At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.

According to Biblical law, which requires retribution and restitution, these people should be caught, turned into slaves to pay recompense for the lost wages of the officers over a lifetime, made to pay for medical care, and then have their eyes gouged out (Exodus 21:23-25, Leviticus 24:19-21).  Although it might be problematic for them to be blind slaves.  That part may require a wise judge.

Don’t get mad at me.  I didn’t make the rules.

Politics Tags: ,

And You Thought You Could Appease The Communists?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago


Police Chief of Department Terence Monahan who knelt with BLM protestors in June was beaten during protest activity today, according to the Daily Wire. Monahan and other officers were marching in the Power to Prayer March.

The AP reported that “Police photos of the aftermath showed a lieutenant with a bloodied face, a detective holding a bandage to his head, and a bicycle officer helping a fellow officer dress a head wound. Monahan, who last month knelt in solidarity with protesters, sustained injuries to his hand, said to be bloodied but not seriously hurt.”

There is no appeasement.  There is no compromise.  There is no getting long.  They want an end to the American system and the destruction of the middle class.

I do have one more point to make.  I’ve heard some of my folk (Christian) say they want peace, preaching and prayer.

Fine, all points.  But peace will not happen, prayer is always good, but regarding preaching, these people don’t even have a common language with us.

Let me see if I can explain it this way.  You’ve all heard the stories about missionaries who had difficulty with their work because the tribe to whom they were witnessing had no word for “such-and-such,” let’s say, sin, or forgiveness, or atonement, or grace.

But that’s not right.  It’s more than just the lack of a common word.  It’s the lack of a common thought.  Gordon Clark says in his book (this is a simplification) “Language and Theology” that words are merely tags for thoughts.  The use of words constructed into sentences has as its point the communication of a thought from on person to another.

Horace Mann and John Dewey successful eradicated Christian thought from the American scene, and the dispensationalists, rather than fight it with scholarship, sit and wait on being spirited away from the problem.

America is done.  The communists today lack a common world view, common thoughts, and a common language even to understand what we’re saying when we speak to them.  Do you see?  We don’t even speak the same language as the communists today.

Their redemption means the destruction of Western civilization, although they wouldn’t use the word redemption.  Even witnessing to them means a basic level of understanding and education they don’t have.  This is a multi-generational problem, not one that can be fixed with a sermon.

Religion Tags: ,

CHAZ In Portland?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

News from Portland.

After nearly 40 days of unrest, demonstrators in Portland, Oregon, have successfully evicted law enforcement from a park in the city’s downtown, creating their own “autonomous zone” like the one that was dismantled last week in Seattle, Washington.

“Anti-fascist” protesters have been waging a nightly war against police and federal law enforcement agents in downtown Portland, centered around a federal courthouse that demonstrators were looking to “occupy.” The confrontations gradually became more violent until, in an incident earlier this week, a protester received a gruesome injury from a non-lethal pellet after allegedly throwing a “canister” at federal agents.

Tuesday night, the protesters gave up the fight for the courthouse and instead decided to set up an “occupied” area in the city’s Lownsdale Square, just across the street, according to Fox News.

“Demonstrators began erecting tents in downtown Portland’s Lownsdale Square, across the street from the federal Pioneer Courthouse, one of the federal properties Homeland Security sought to protect by bringing federal officers into the city two weeks ago,” the outlet reported. “A camera at the Portland Standard Building showed protesters beginning to assemble tents late Tuesday night in the same park where ‘Occupy Portland’ set up in 2011.”

The “Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front,” an “anti-capitalist” group that the Seattle Times reported Monday has organized and supplied protesters for their nightly attacks on the courthouse, informally announced the creation of an “autonomous zone” Tuesday night and asked for volunteers to staff the area around the clock.

The Portland Police also note that a “couple hundred demonstrators gathered at Revolution Hall in Southeast Portland and marched all throughout downtown Portland before ending their march at Pioneer Square,” where they blocked traffic, set up tents, and began erecting barricades using “industrial kitchen appliances, road blockades, and flashing traffic signs.”

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, like Seattle’s Mayor Jenny Durkan, blamed the unrest on President Donald Trump and federal agents charged with protecting federal buildings.

“I told the Acting Secretary [of Homeland Security] that my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal officers brought to our streets in recent days, and the life-threatening tactics his agents use. We do not need or want their help,” Wheeler tweeted earlier this week. “The best thing they can do is stay inside their building, or leave Portland altogether. Our goal is to end these violent demonstrations quickly and safely. And in the meantime, I asked him to clean up the graffiti on local federal facilities.”

The mayor sounds as much like a school child as the rioters.  Imagine the mental gymnastics it takes to allow the rioters to go unmolested, blame it on the victims, and then demand that the victims clean up the mess.

So this is what Marxists do.  When socialism fails in one place, they double-down and try harder.  If it was possible, I’d like to see the feds back off, allow the rioters freedom to do what they wanted to Portland, raise taxes on Portland residents to clean it up after they failed, and then imprison the mayor and city council who let it happen.

Politics Tags: ,

When The Mob Attacks Your Car

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

See them?  Reveling in the destruction of property and the harming of an old, disabled man?

“I was at the intersection, and I got the green light. I was trying to toot my horn, thinking, ‘Hey guys, look at the light,'” Hawkins told the station.

He was blocked — and video of the incident shows he tried backing up his car and hit a person on a bicycle with the rear bumper.

“He tried to get away from the situation and in doing so he accidentally struck — and I emphasize accidentally struck — an individual on a bike,” witness Phillip Hurst told WBNS.

Video shows the bicyclist, who didn’t fall to the ground, quickly began beating on Hawkins’ car — and a bunch of other left-wing George Floyd protesters followed suit and swarmed the vehicle.

“They threw a bicycle on my windshield and started kicking my doors and windows,” Hawkins said during last week’s city council meeting, the Dispatch reported. “It scared the life out of me.”

But you see, they weren’t really “George Floyd Protesters.”  They were Bolshevik communist revolutionaries, who want your sons to be sisgendered, your girls to act like men, to destroy your property, and to burn your houses to the ground.

Stay away from crowds.  But if you get into this situation, use your vehicle as a weapon.  Run them over.  You life may depend on it.

Politics Tags: ,

Portland Antifa Gets A Surprise When They Open Man’s Car Door

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Uninvited, by the way.  Breaking and entering.

Soibois with lisps, every one of them.  Using video equipment to encourage their followers when they show a cowering car owner when he gets beaten up, turned to use against anyone who doesn’t cower by telling them, “You’re being videoed.”  Hypocrites, every one.  Then when the man takes action, they call for more help from fellow rioters, hoping recover from their fright over a man defending himself.

And then there is this: “Is there a lost and found?”  Good Lord.  Lost and found?  Is this grammar school?

What you learn (again) about this crowd is that it is effeminate and frightful.  If the cops ever stop protecting the rioters and actually let people deal with them, this would all be over in a day.

But you have to admit.  That is an epic leg sweep and takedown.  Just epic.  Good job, buddy.  Nicely done.

This is an embedded tweet.  If the video doesn’t work, go to Andy Ngo’s tweet.

Politics Tags: ,

The Communists Attack Church In Troy, N.Y.

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Via PJM.

So don’t buy the lies that any of this is about race.  It’s a communist revolution intent on tearing down Western civilization.  Churches stand in their way.

You’d better attend worship services armed.  This was peaceful compared to what I’m sure they have planned.

Politics Tags: ,

CAIR Is Aligned With BLM And Antifa

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

Andy Ngo.

Color me shocked!  If only someone would have said something about this.  Or someone else, perhaps.

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