BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago
Via John Richardson, here is Jerry Miculek on AR-15 grip and stance.
I always watch and listen carefully to Jerry explain anything. He is an extremely successful competitive shooter. However, I have never seen him use (or advocate use of) what I’ve called the “aggressive plates forward” stance. Jerry puts his left leg forward (almost like a modified Weaver stance). My son Daniel taught me the aggressive plates forward stance which was and is in common use in the USMC.
Also, I see Jerry using the hand-forward C-clamp grip, although not as exaggerated as Chris Costa uses.
I have also seen Travis Haley use a modified version of this grip. It appears that this grip technique is in common use among competitive shooters, and sometimes when trying to acquire long range stationary or semi-stationary targets. But this technique isn’t in common use among the U.S. military.
According to my son Daniel, it’s especially not in use when performing room clearing or other close quarters battle, where raising the weapon with a reflex sight (such as an EOTech) is the most important aspect of target acquisition rather being able to sweep from side to side.