I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
Seemab Hussaini, spokesperson for the Oregon chapter of CAIR, an Islamic group linked to violent extremism, expresses support for the violent riots in the city as a means to force through a political agenda. pic.twitter.com/H2aGpje10x
Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper charged Jillian Wuestenberg, 32, and Eric Wuestenberg, 42, each with one count of felonious assault, a four-year felony. The Independence Township couple each possessed one loaded firearm and CPL licenses, Sheriff Mike Bouchard said.
“As part of the bond conditions, they must turn over all firearms, not engage in any assaultive behavior, and may not leave the state,” sheriff’s officials said.
The incident stemmed from a bump and lack of apology, according to Bouchard.
“Let’s have a little more tolerance for each other and not being so quick to react,” Bouchard said. “If someone is doing something improper or unfair, I tell my family and friends to look away. This is not the moment to plant your flag.”
A white couple leaving a Chipotle restaurant this week were falsely accused of racism by a black woman and her 15-year-old daughter.
The black woman accused a pregnant white woman of bumping into her daughter near the entrance of the restaurant and demanded an apology.
The white woman tried to deescalate the confrontation by peacefully walking away and got into her car as the black woman called her a “dumbass bitch.”
The black woman then turned her ire toward white woman’s husband and threatened him: “And if you say something I’ll beat your white ass too.”
As the white couple backed up their vehicle to leave the parking lot, the black woman rushed behind the SUV to block them from leaving and accused them of ‘trying to hit her.’
The black woman pounded on the vehicle and threatened to beat them.
And yet, the couple was arrested. She pulled a gun in self defense.
780.972 Use of deadly force by individual not engaged in commission of crime; conditions. Sec. 2.
(1) An individual who has not or is not engaged in the commission of a crime at the time he or she uses deadly force may use deadly force against another individual anywhere he or she has the legal right to be with no duty to retreat if either of the following applies: (a) The individual honestly and reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the imminent death of or imminent great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another individual.
A troubling outcome of this is that the man was fired from his job.
The best advice I can offer is to get out of Michigan. Get … Out … Of … Michigan.
The Provo police department initially issued this statement.
Provo City Police were made aware of a planned Police Rally and a Counter protest scheduled for last night. Both events coincided without incident until 8:38 pm when a call was received regarding possible gun shots and a hit and run.
I sent a note to the Provo PD asking if they were really going to treat this as a “hit and run.” I received this response.
Normally as the investigator I only respond to messages with evidence for follow up. I thought it important to follow up with you in regards to the post you shared with me.
It is important to understand that the statements that are put out such as this one are done with limited information. I would also like to point out that callers had called in to report a hit and run, hence the statement.
With that being said, we are not looking at this case as a hit and run. The shooter has been identified and booked for attempted murder along with others. We are working tirelessly to identified all those who broke the law. We have no intentions of charging the shooting victim.
I would like to thank you for your concern and willingness to be involved in the community. If you have any further questions let me know.
Two people, apparently one named Summer, and the other named Love, get run over by a driver.
Here’s the moral of the story. If you walk in the middle of streets, you might be run over. If you try to make it okay for people to walk in the middle of streets (like the pols in Seattle did), you might just end up with blood on your hands.
Via David Codrea, this video is absolutely necessary viewing.
Watch the video again if you must.
In order to understand this, you need to jettison quaint notions of America the beautiful, and embrace where you find yourself, however uncomfortable it may be. A dose of reality will go a long way to prepare you for the future.
This lady made a usual and otherwise sensible decision, that is, to go out and get supplies she needed for her family. In the America that existed in the time of the Cleaver family living in Mayfield, this might have been a good idea and a customary thing to do.
No more. True especially for urbanites, and to some extent even for suburbanites, people need to understand the signs of the times, what’s going on around them, and prepare for exigent circumstances.
BLM/Antifa targets urban areas, and so this poor lady drove right into a trap. BLM/Antifa are Marxists, revolutionaries, hoodlums and ne’er-do-wells. They embrace violence as a means to an end. The end is revolution and the ultimate overthrow not just the government, but of the entire system.
They couldn’t have cared less about this woman’s safety or the safety of her child. She could have rolled the window down and expressed agreement with the ideas she heard, and it would have made no difference. She was fodder for violence. Furthermore, assuming that she was white, she committed the ultimate sin of bringing another white child into the world.
Oh it’s true that she could have driven over these thugs and used the 911 call in court to defend herself, but you see, that means spending $100,000 to defend herself, money she may not have had, even then possibly not successfully staying out of prison. Some aspiring young graduate of the local law school, wanting to make a name for herself, might have put her in prison regardless of what the righteous thing was.
There is a reason men and women alike are buying guns and ammunition. America is in the middle of a revolution, and the violence is just beginning. These are just skirmishes, and it will get much worse. In order to avoid the necessity to make the decision to run over people or pull the trigger – there is a lawyer attached to every round you discharge – stay away from crowds.
But that may not be possible in every circumstance. Study the law, learn to retreat, learn means of self defense, with and without a weapon, learn to use improvised weapons (a vehicle might be one consideration), and most of all, understand that just like the Bolsheviks, there is no peace with these people. You cannot accommodate them, you cannot appease them, you cannot make them happy, and you cannot compromise with them. They are your sworn enemy, whether you want them to be or not.
The Marxists have successfully swept through the academy, corporations, the government and churches. Everything else is just cleanup. All of the pieces have been put into place, and the war is upon you. The America you knew and loved is dead. It will never return in its old form. The form, fit and function of the new America will be different than the past.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan expressed outrage after Black Lives Matter protesters showed up at her home Sunday afternoon, despite her previous support and defense of the “CHOP” encampment.
Protesters targeted her home after Durkan announced last week that the city would no longer support the Capitol Hill Organized Protest encampment and would seek to remove the concrete barriers that helped define the autonomous zone. But the CHOP remains intact.
Durkan released a statement expressing her anger at the protest. She was especially upset that Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant had joined the protesters at her home.
“Mayor Durkan and her family are in the state program to keep their address confidential because of the death threats mostly related to her.
Like most sheep, she sees herself as eaten last by the mob. The mob changed its mind.
Will she understand that she’s really just a tool who the mob intends to use and then discard? Do others understand that you cannot make peace with the mob?
The FBI, who had a dramatic 15 “special agents” on the case, announced that nothing happened. As stupid as NASCAR and the whole Wallace team must feel, and deservedly so, the real village idiot award goes to CNN and the Richard Petty team (the Petty team for ever making a big deal out of this, and CNN for printing this claptrap).
Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week …
Or what? If anyone had known that Wallace had been assigned to garage number 4, what then? Would you have removed ropes from the doors so they couldn’t be pulled up and down?
What an idiotic statement.
Ann Barnhardt observes, “EVERY NASCAR team went along with this slanderous calumny of their entire fan base.” They did indeed. I saw them do it, and I saw Wallace get out of his car crying, with Richard Petty giving him a hug.
Good Lord. Gone are the days of fights between Dale Earnhardt and Rusty Wallace. He kid, there’s no crying in NASCAR. At least not the real NASCAR.
Not that I watch it anyway. As far as I’m concerned, just like pro football and every other pro sport, they can go bankrupt.
Antifa doesn't oppose police. What Antifa, a domestic terrorist organization, opposes is police who are accountable to elected officials and the laws they pass. Antifa's model is the Soviet Stasi of East Berlin: a secret police state run by totalitarians. https://t.co/UOUfiVB2SS
Read the whole thread about the things this BLM “cop” is saying he is going to do, and what he’s already done. I told you this before.
You see, if any in our community really believes that after all of this goes down there will be an end to no-knock raids and police overreach will be reigned in, you are a naive fool.
They intend to evict the few remaining relatively good people left in law enforcement, those who still believe in some semblance of the constitution, replace them with others (MAVNI recruits, La Raza, etc.), and turn the police against you.
That will ensure that (a) you don’t fight back when they confiscate your 401K and retirement accounts, (b) you don’t fight back when they try to confiscate your weapons, (c) you don’t fight back when they enact a bill to tax inheritance, (d) you don’t fight back when they enact a bill for reparations, and (e) you don’t fight back when they socialize medicine.
Do you see? You didn’t really believe any of this was about the cops, did you? Tell me you saw through all of this?
“Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.”
They want your wealth. It doesn’t belong to God, or to you, or to your family. They don’t believe that “The good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” To them, the only good is in them taking what you have for you and your family.