How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia

Herschel Smith · 30 Sep 2024 · 11 Comments

To begin with, this is your president. This ought to be one of the most shameful things ever said by a sitting president. "Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?" BIDEN: "We've given everything that we have." "Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?" BIDEN: "No." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 30, 2024 We must have spent too much money on Ukraine to help Americans in distress. I don't…… [read more]

Marks of Christian Maturity, Parts One and Two

1 year, 7 months ago

Part One

The Grace that God has given you is to be measured out again by you unto the brethren for the increase of the body in the love of Christ.

Ephesians 4:1-16

In Ephesians 4, verses 1 and 16, there is a command and God’s splendid purpose for this section. We are to walk worthy of our vocation, which is to be like Jesus doing the works to which we are appointed. And in Verse 16, there is that purpose; the body of Christ must fit and function to accomplish His goal for the Church on earth until He returns to call His bride unto Himself, judge the quick and the dead, and consummate history.

From verse 17 to the end of the chapter in verse 32, we find a set of commandments that all believers must follow, perhaps broken into sections beginning at verse 25. But if a collection of commands was sufficient, was not God’s holy law handed down through Moses enough? Or further, and more importantly, if a list of commandments was adequate to reach God in His holy hill of heaven, why did Christ suffer and die? So, there must be some attributes, some way to attain not perfection nor salvation but certain things that mark those, sealed of God unto the day of redemption, to actively pursue the mission of Christ using the tools with which God has blessed His people, each one in his way according to the Holy Bible. The law of commandments convicts of sin, but holding to the law of grace makes a believer more faithful to bear fruit for the glory of God.

Verses 1-6 tell us how to walk worthy, which is a personal presence of peace by the Holy Spirit in us, Christ being the Prince of peace. God deserves our unity (verse 3), so we have a single purpose in Christ (verse 4), for God is a unified God (Verses 5-6); therefore, being a peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9), we must be suitable men under His command.

Verses 7-16 tell us why we must walk worthy in sharing the measure of God’s grace shown to us (verse 7) because He saved us (verses 8-10) and gave us the gifts to share His grace through us (verse 11) to complete us as a unified people (12-13), showing both positive and negative attributes that require our due diligence (14-16) to walk rightly in service of Him that we might be like Him, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (verse 13).

Nothing, not one single thing in chapter 4 of Ephesians, can be accomplished except by faith. God has laid a sure foundation in Christ, given an Old and New Testament to show God’s purposes in judgment, love in grace, and for instruction in righteousness. And He’s given the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost of God that we might be reminded of the truth, comforted in it, while training us and showing us the way of Christ. You came to this knowledge by faith; therefore, we continue in this same faith in Christ to attain all that is pleasing in His sight.

Maturing in Christ does not happen by accident; you must follow the plan of God. God wants you to walk worthy of His plan for you. So in Ephesians verses 1 through 15, we find markers of a man walking in the Spirit, serving with purpose, and growing in the faith and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Since the text shows us indications of what maturing in Christ looks like within the body, we must accept this instruction and follow Christ in prayer and deed to be like Him, who chose us for His eternal purposes.

Some consider that Ephesians 4 is only about unity in the body or just the gifts, but the vocation and calling (verses 1 and 4) is to love as Christ loved the Church. Chapter 4 starts with “I therefore…beseech you…” We should ask what Chapter 3 is about since it’s the precursive point that Chapter 4 instructs us to apply.

The mystery of chapter 3 is the Gospel to the Gentiles; therefore, we, too, like Philip (Acts 8:26-40), Peter (Acts 10:30-48), and as James (half brother of Jesus) commands (Acts 15:13-19), must seek the lost unto the uttermost part of the earth according as Christ has made us witnesses (Acts 1:8). We are witnesses for Jesus Christ our Lord; the purpose of which in Chapter 4 is the building of the Church in the bond of faith. But, indeed, if there is strife, envy, or false prophets sowing discord, the body becomes lame, and any service would do little satisfactory and pleasing to God, showing no good fruit and none that remains to stand against persecution.

“2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling”

The new religion would have you believe that this is how we ought to behave in the face of unrepentant sinners and heathens. But context matters; this book and chapter and our verses are written to believers showing them the functions of the members of the body of Christ and a picture of how that looks if done in the faith of God and love for Him who saved us and washed us in His blood. Verses 2 through 4 give a sense of how the fruit of the Spirit should appear in us among the saints of God. Lowliness, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing with patience the weaker members, endeavoring for the unity of Spirit being knit one to another in the bond of peace.

Submit yourselves one to another in love (verse 2), being servants, for there is no chief but he who is a servant of all (Mark 10:44).

Secured by the Spirit in unity (verse 3), there is no way a Christian may be bound, one man to another, except in Christ. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 6:14). God the Spirit knows His own because those born of the Spirit are His. The mark of unity is the cement of peace, for Christ is the Prince of Peace. There is no war among the members. If Christ has saved a man, the lust of the flesh is enmity with God and causes, therefore, strife one another; all others are tares cast into eternal fire.

There is a calling on your life, and the work of God starts in the house of God through diligence to make your calling and election sure. Like mind and spirit in these things are next shown.

To be one (verses 4, 5, 6), you must submit yourself to God because that is how to be submitted to one another, as verse 2 indicates. The sin of pride seeks to make us our own god and the controller of others.

“5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

There is one God, common faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and one baptism of the believer as evidence of the fear of God in you, Christ, the head of His Church, and Holy Father God is the head of all. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God (1 John 5:7). Therefore be ye one people in Christ to serve in faith with love, blessing, and edifying the saints and proclaiming the truth of the Gospel to all men. Why? Because of the grace of God poured out from heaven when the King of saints made His covenant with you.

“7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”

The Grace that God has given you is to be measured out again by you unto the brethren for the increase of the body in the love of Christ. If you’ve received the grace of God (verse 7) and have no measure of it for your fellows, you do err. What is the gift of grace? Forgiveness of the debt we could never pay to have eternal life in Christ. How is there a war in one body except by sin; does Christ have sin? Then go and sin no more, shedding grace abroad among the saints.

Please make sure to take benefit of the point here. We are not to thus sit down and attempt to define or measure this gift in us. Many confuse themselves looking for gifts before walking in the confidence of Christ. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” – James 2:17. Everything starts with faith; the blessings you have from God to share are only evident by trust, not by your own might.

The measure of the miracle in us is found not in receiving but also in executing the mission or calling of God on us. The effort will be reckoned at Christ’s throne one day; walk therefore to fill up to overflowing, service upon service, even in sacrifice to our Lord. If you mark the sacrifice of Christ worthy, then so too be worthy of acceptance in service of Him. Pass the time of sojourn here in fear; “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16.

Want to know your vocation and calling; read all 5 of these short posts and do, by faith, the four things God commands and you will discover the works He’s ordained for you.

Jesus died for your sins and rose again from the grave, this is a marvelous gift indeed; what of you now, what offering shall you give to Him but yourself because that’s what He wants (Romans 12:1-2), that ye may prove the will of God for you. What is a holy man that hides his light under a bushel basket? None of Christ’s.


Part Two

“8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)”

Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is His death for our sins, burial, and resurrection unto eternal life (verses 8-10), by God’s grace, come the gifts.

“11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”

Pray about these, but with all confidence, I can tell you that your gift is found in the doing. Often, two years and halfway through a service, you may see God’s hand of perfecting your works unto Him; why stand ye gazing up into heaven? Pray with all seriousness at length and not only for yourself and your family. Study your Bible like your life depends upon knowing and doing those things. Assemble with other believers regularly provoking each other unto love and to good works. And tell lost sinners about how Christ paid the ultimate price for them that they might go free, condemned to eternal death no more. In these, you will find your calling.

Believe God will use you. You don’t need a new book, a guru, or today’s most popular up-and-coming Christian star; you must do what Christ says in His book. Your contributions will become evident and kept alive if you stay in faith. These four services of God will not bind you as the law would but will free you in the ordinance of grace that is in Christ Jesus, walking worthy of your calling. Faith is the currency of God that runs the economy of the believer.

Treasure. Talent. Time. Testimony.

From the beginning, Christianity was commissioned under the New Covenant as a campaign of witnessing (Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18-20). Christianity has been turned into a lifestyle add-on to appease our sinful thoughts, but the Christian worker is primarily a witness, a teller of the truth of soul salvation through the story that never gets old. It’s outrageous, scandalous even, that the religion, ceremony, rites, and rituals are of no lasting effect, but that’s of God’s design; it’s the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by word of mouth that builds His Church by converting those called through faith and always has been.

The dying of the light is not for lack of talent or treasure but for lack of time and testimony; modern Christianity is failing, in large part, because men won’t give what’s plainly needed. Heaven forbid the idea that you can buy off God with your meager trinkets of fiat! And, you can’t outsource the work of Christ to a few paid men, woe unto us for such a thought found nowhere in Scripture. What has a professional class of “expert” Christianity done for the world?

You must give up your time and your testimony in the field; tell somebody your conversion story; tell them today! God doesn’t need another building (obviously, in fact, He’s abandoning your old ones) or a new program; the works of Christ require us (time and testimony) to elucidate the body and tell the Gospel to those who Christ would make His people, planting seeds and watering with purpose.

The Christians in the first century abandoned their former lives with glee and set about to build His Church. John Mark left the field (Acts 15:38), but he later returned to the battle as a good soldier of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 4:11); if you’ve left the war, rejoin the fight, God’s people need you. They weren’t the most talented (have you read the Bible?), and most surely were not rich; they gave their time in faithful service to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the known world. It will cost you something to follow Christ; is eternity worth more than your time and testimony?

Christianity is not a mountaintop monastery religion. The perfecting (completing) work of Christ in you does not come by self-centered seeking; it comes by outward giving in service, just as all the saints, by numerous examples walking in faith, have shown in the word of God. Joy is found in Christ not by inward reflection but by being like Christ to others.

How Christ was to His disciples: He taught them exhaustively what they must do upon receiving the Holy Spirit. How Christ was to the lost: He told them of their broken, sinful condition and need for salvation. It’s not complicated unless you overthink it or outsource it to create a learned class of leaders with marginal effectiveness in the Kingdom of God.

Modern Christianity is fractured because it’s not doing what God said a disciple of Christ must do. Unity of faith comes from times full of Christ, reading His word, telling two or three folks the Gospel, sharing fellowship with the body, and praying for the saints and sinners alike.

“13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”

Unity in the faith is not found among us but only in Christ! Stop looking for agreement in men, for any such thing shall never be seen, but we are all one in Christ by His will, or we are none of His, and no accord will be found! If you do the works of Christ, you will be one with Him and with each other; otherwise, is endless activity to no perfecting purpose nor glory to God before His throne; hopeless is the man seeking to please men with pious sounding agendas that are found nowhere in the Scriptures.

God gave you a battle plan and the tools to win. Please stop wandering up and down with no direction, a soldier of Christ with no battle implements, supposing there is no land to conquer in the name of King Jesus. The measure of Christ is in Him! The more you do what Christ said to do and in the manner that He said to it, the more your stature looks like He who loved you and bought you with a price. The more you serve, the greater the gift of the Holy Spirit becomes in leading you, pillowing your head at night full of the knowledge that you’ve done well as a good and faithful servant.

“14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive”

You must read and study God’s word. But that you do as Christ commands, you are lost sheep gone astray, without a master, gnawed on by wolves, having your pastures spoiled by the dung of ungodly men. We are so prone to sin that except you be steadfast in Christ, seeking to be full of the Spirit of truth at all times as a doer of the word, you will be led away by sleight of hand with cunning craftiness under Christian-sounding speech and service to no effect, bringing the judgment of God upon you. You don’t need an outside consultant to explain false doctrine; read chapter four of Ephesians and be a doer of the truth.

“And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” And “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” – Jesus Christ in John 10:5 and 27

The simplicity that is in Christ cannot be duplicated because complications arise from any lying form seeking to deceive (2 Corinthians 11:3).

“15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ”

It’s not speaking ‘truth in love’ as we’ve heard some say. It’s telling ‘The Truth’ in love, for what greater love than to share the Gospel and the word of God, even if it offends? There is only one truth! Not a feeling, not going along with sin, not weakening the righteousness of God’s people; the truth is Jesus Christ (John 14:6)! Lest you thought meekness and longsuffering were the allowances of sin in your midst, we find in verse 15 the command to speak the truth, that the actual body, which are those sanctified by the blood of Christ, grow up in Him, all (good) things, to the glory of Holy God.

Without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6); it’s by continuous diligence in seeking to serve the Lord that our reward comes. Don’t look for the gift or blessings in this life; pray for the faith of the Almighty to be made complete in Him, for Him, and by Him (verses 12-15), and all these things (gifts and blessings) will be added.

Shall you never get started, or worse still, quit the labor of your vocation before receiving the reward of heaven, or will you forsake the calling of Christ to follow another master?

Therefore, the Marks of Christian Maturity treat the confidence Christ has placed in you as a vocation and a calling to form unity among the brethren in dispensing in love the gifts Christ gave you for your service of Him, giving all diligence to make your calling and election sure.

“16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”

What does “Son of man” Mean

1 year, 8 months ago

God calls Ezekiel Son of man. (Chapter 2:1, 3, others. It’s capitalized for both Jesus and Ezekiel in the KJV.) I’ve often thought about this in connection with Christ’s own expression of Himself as the Son of man.

It’s a qualifying term. Ezekiel, acting as a type of Christ, is called upon by God to both prophesy and judge. There’s a typological connection with Ezekiel as a prophet to the Jews and a judge to Jesus, who is Prophet to all men and the Judge of all men.

Keeping in mind that the New Testament interprets the Old Testament, this study shines much light both on Christ and Ezekiel under the term ‘Son of man’. It would be well worth investigating Ezekiel’s role more fully, but Dr. Gentry explains for us why Christ calls Himself the Son of man.

It’s a fascinating short study with detailed Scripture references while also being expressed in a manner that even I can understand. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. He’s solely qualified to judge all men justly, not just the first-century Jews.

Though believers are accountable to God for violation of His law, it’s wonderful to know that God, in His mercy, doesn’t judge us only by His own perfect, inerrant, and holy standard. Though saved, now we cannot attain; He is the Creator; we are the creature incapable of being co-equal with God.

Jesus, being the Son of man, solves the need both for the final holy sacrifice to usher in His Kingdom and, being fully man, He’s uniquely qualified as high Preist to believers and Judge of the quick and the dead. He knows our temptations and infirmities; Christ walked a mile in our shoes, as the expression goes. “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” – Hebrews 4:15.

Folks who may be on the fence about Jesus, refer here for a more thorough explanation, in simple-to-understand terms, of who Christ is and why you need the salvation of Holy God.

Nothing from me this Sunday. Below are a few key paragraphs from this excellent study. Have your Bible handy for reference, and do read the whole thing.

As we consider this phrase in the Gospels, we must keep three important issues in mind: (1) Jesus is the only one who ever uses this phrase. Never do his disciples, the Jews, or anyone else mention it. (2) The phrase is always used with the definite article: “the son of man” (3) In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus himself does not even begin using it until Matt. 8:20. Each of these points is significant.

In the Gospels, we find four key predicative-expressions serving to identify who Jesus is: (1) “the son of David” (Matt. 12:23; 22:42); (2) “the Messiah” (Matt. 16:16, 20; 26:63); (3) “the Son of God” (Matt. 26:63; 27:43, 54); and (4) “the king of the Jews/Israel” (Matt. 27:11, 42). And these are often used by persons other than Jesus — even by God himself (Matt. 3:17; 17:5), Satan (Matt. 4:3, 6), and demons (Matt. 8:29).

The phrase “the son of man” is a technical term, but not a term of identification pointing out who Jesus really is. That is, we never find it mentioned as a predication, such as “he is (or is not) the son of man.” Despite modern popular opinion, it does not function as a christological title. And it is not a substitute for “Messiah.”

That key sentence was bolded by me. It’s something not previously considered.

So Ought Men To Love Their Wives, Parts One and Two

1 year, 8 months ago

Part 1

“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” – 1 Corinthians 11:3

Unless you are her leader, your wife can’t be happy and will be useless to you. The man is to offer his family to God, without spot, sanctified by obedience to the Holy Writ, just as Christ will present His Church, cleansed from all sin by His blood, to the Father.

True contentedness in marriage only exists when each knows and subordinates themselves according to the law-word of God. The Fifth Commandment (Exodus 20:12), the Seventh Commandment (Exodus 20:14), the Eighth Commandment (Exodus 20:15), and the Tenth Commandment (Exodus 20:17) all apply directly to the man’s responsibility not only to his wife but to all women, both those that his own family, and those that are not. Therefore this responsibility to the Almighty extends to God’s ordained family for its purpose in creation, structure, and function.

The family is central to God’s plan for every person. The family is critical to a foundation upon which God will build a functioning civilization. The Left sees the family as a primitive construct, a fiction that can be reimagined to fit any abominable wickedness of sin ever considered by the heart of man. Without the family, as God supplied, society rapidly breaks down under the weight of sin. Please keep in mind that it’s not the lack of family; it’s the presence of sin that causes the absence of family to perpetuate total degeneracy; sin always comes first. No sins can stand alone; the corruption of man’s heart has far-reaching and horrific consequences once a bit of evil is allowed.

We don’t have space here to answer many aspects of these four commandments of Holy God. However, as we’ve stated over these pages, violating only one of the Ten Commandments is nearly impossible; there’s too much cross-application among them. It’s impossible to keep the whole law.

It was an act of God’s caring, which had Him provide a helpmeet. And by His mercy in creating the family for us, it’s an act of reciprocal love for the Almighty to constitute your family upon the foundations of the Holy Bible. If you are Christian, God’s word should be your sole worldview, within which you establish a functionally just society, the head of which is Christ, and must include the sound family structure revealed to us in God’s law and word. It’s a lie from the pit of hell that women can lead the family, the fruits of which lay glaringly evident at the fall and today; sin abounds, begetting even more corruption.

Women are to be a helpmeet for the man (Genesis 2:18). The man is to lead the woman (1 Corinthians 11:3). When the woman directs, sin enters in (Romans 5:12). That’s what happened in the garden with Adam and Eve. Adam stood right there when Eve sinned against God, and he did not stop her (Genesis 3:6). The whole Earth stands cursed because the man failed to lead as the head, harkening unto his wife instead of Holy God.

It’s the man’s job to lead the family in righteousness. Perhaps you esteem God’s word lightly, but no matter: what’s explained here isn’t Christian theory; it’s a fact evident in nature (His created order), to any man of sound reasoning, that God was kind enough to warn us about in His word.

God has given three central institutions of which Christ is to be the head; Church, Family, and State. Men are to lead in each instance as Christ’s representative to those under his charge. Woman’s leadership leads to sin, destroying family and Civilization with it.

“19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” – Ephesians 1:19-23

Christ is the head over all things to the Church. If you are Christian, you are a member in particular of the body of Christ, so to you, Jesus Christ is above all things; He has the preeminence. We keep the commandments of God by faith in Christ our King. See Exodus 20:3 and John 1:1.

We might as well address this while we’re here. Marriage is a covenant one man and one woman makes with Holy God. It’s not a state-licensed activity between two people of any sex to be disannulled at a whim.

At marriage, the man and the woman are made one, no longer twain (Mark 10:8), but one flesh, a joining by covenant in a holy union with their Creator. Christ is the head of the Church, which is His body. The man is the head of the woman, now made by marriage one body. As Christ is the head of the Church, which is His body (at marriage, the man and woman are made one body), the man is the head of the woman and his children; this constitutes the body of the family; they are the man’s charge, under Christ our Lord.

In the section of Mark below, Jesus discusses divorce, but the direct application is thoroughly made with no reservations to the family as a whole.

“5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6 But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. – Mark 10:6-9, Jesus refers to Genesis 2:24.

Carefully consider that monogamy is disappearing, so too, prostitution has waned; what in one is pure before God and the other terrible wickedness are merging under the Leftist program. Sadly, women are so terribly misled that they consider themselves free from the constraints of patriarchy, while men view them as unpaid servants of pleasure. Men don’t like women who give themselves away but view them as a simple physical utility to an evil end. Being broadcast across all media, it’s a lie from the pit of hell that physical interaction equates to love. Women themselves have taken this up and are promoting it, only to end later in life with a devastated soul longing for the satisfaction that God, from the start, offered by obedience to His design purposes for the woman to belong to one man, raising a family. Sin never finds a comfortable middle ground; it invariably progresses to destructive ends.

The man and the woman have exclusive property rights to the other’s body. The exclusive right to be the only desire of the heart and mind takes much steadfastness in the faith with prayer, Bible devotions with reading both separately and as a couple, gathering together with other faithful and monogamous Christians in the worship of your Lord, and serving Christ together in building the Kingdom of God while seeking His return. Nobody said marriage was easy but fulfilled are the man and woman who look upon their marriage as consecrated by the Almighty that He alone has dominion over.


Part 2

We thought to provide the meat up front in Part One. What follows is a common outline. It’s not enough; it’s not holding the family together, even in the churches, this lightly touched-upon explanation that’s taught everywhere. As though God were merely suggesting these things and not commanding in His might from the throne of wrath that His people obey or suffer civilizational collapse. The New Religion soft peddles everything ruining your future.

God made them male and female (Genesis 1:27).

God gave Eve to Adam to be his helpmeet. This is why, in Christendom (we suppose a type of symbolism), the woman is given by her father. Her father was, before marriage, her image (type) of God, leader, and priest. She is given by her father to her husband, who now becomes her sole leader and priest in the image of Christ.

Continuing to emphasize the likeness of the Church, Jesus Christ being her head, with the man as head of his wife and family, Ephesians 5:25-31 is often cited. But first verse 32 because it tells us the purpose of this section.

“This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” – Ephesians 5:32

What’s being spoken of is the Church of Jesus Christ. Remember that a mystery in the Bible is not something hidden but something that has been, or is being, revealed to us in Scripture.

In the section of Ephesians below, the writer uses the family as an illustration of the Church. These illustrations in the Holy Bible are instructive by design, so we must look for the lessons contained in them. One thing about them is that they often take something self-evident in God’s institutions to explain a more significant function relating to our understanding of God’s purposes for us in creation. In this case, God uses the husband’s relationship as the wife’s leader, which should be evident in the macrocosm as common knowledge, to explain a more profound truth of Christ and His Church, bringing the obscure into the light by using marriage as an example of His Church, Christ as the head.

Still, many have taught, in our day, the government of family structure and roles based upon Ephesians chapter 5, and this isn’t wrong. It is gravely disappointing that Western Civilization has fallen so far that one must teach this section from a reverse perspective. Still, in verse 25, instruction to the husband is what we find. The man is to present his family to God, without spot, sanctified by obedience to the Holy Writ, just as Christ will present His Church, cleansed from all sin by His blood, to the Father.

You’ve seen these verses before, so take them and hide them in your heart, that you might not sin against God (Psalm 119:11).

“25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” – Ephesians 5:25-31

These duties are immense and can only be undertaken with much prayer and steadfast insistence.

-The man is commanded to be a type of Christ

-Die to save her life

-Be the spiritual leader as the priest of the family

-Be both submitted to God yet the leader of the household simultaneously

-Love his wife as much as Christ loves him (that’s a command of Holy God)

-Ensure the family is without blemish before God

-Be sinless, spotless, and above reproach, and keep his help meet the same

-And he must sacrifice his own will, unto God, so that his family will thrive

A man has an innate drive by the design of God to fulfill these roles. And a woman would be much better off letting her husband lead the family, tribe, and nation. An intelligent woman will recognize Ephesians 5 as a grand and useful master list, from God Himself, on how to support her man to maximize the realization of their dreams together.

The Left is destroying men by insisting that these tasks belong to government and also indicating that they aren’t needed duties but that women can suffice to do them. It’s gibberish, and all lies.

The fall of man as it relates to sin today and the destruction of society must be considered.

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” – Genesis 3:6

It’s not hyperbole to say Civilization hangs in the balance when we sin against the Almighty. The man was with her and, as the leader, failed to stop his wife from her sin, and in so doing, Adam disobeyed God. Sin brought the fall of man, and with it, the whole earth is now cursed.

Christ’s sovereignty came by submitting to the Father, even unto the cross of humiliation. For us, by submission to Christ as our head come the blessings of the authority to carry out the roles in God’s design for men and women.

“For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” – John 6:38 and many others.

Even Jesus subordinated Himself to the Father. We must subordinate ourselves to God’s word. The man must take charge, and the woman must submit to the glory of God the Father. Once this is accomplished by continuous active pursuit, a colossal burden is lifted from the family. Keeping God’s ordination brings blessings evident in nature and daily living to those faithful to keep His commandments.

The result of sin today is evident all around. Only the devil wants women to be like men and men to be like women. Why? Because the devil and his workers of iniquity hate you and want you destroyed and dead.

If the man and the woman are to be under Christ, the woman is subordinate to the man. The priests of the New Religion will never be allowed to say that women acting like men publicly in society and at home have caused major mental and emotional problems, but it’s why 40 percent of women are taking antidepressants. They’ve been told that they can, and even should have been, just like men in all aspects of the associations they inhabit.

God made men to work, protect, hunt, build, and make hard decisions to ensure the survival of the tribe. God made women to nurture, gather, encourage, and, yes, especially to inspire. These traits of women are not belittling to mention; this notion is absurd brainwashing. Women are necessary for the proper raising of children, maintaining a family, and critical to nurturing that familial relationship without which all of society falls apart.

The choices of blessings or curses are set before us each day; choose wisely.

I’m not qualified to have written this, but it’s by the dispensation of the grace of God that would allow teaching to men and women whose shadow I’m not worthy to gaze upon.

No Discharge In That War, Part One and Two

1 year, 8 months ago

Part 1

Ecclesiastes 8

Ecclesiastes can be somewhat disheartening, but we should know that reading it will set the proper perspective about our station in this world. Though good men should leave a legacy for their children’s children and teach the brethren about Christ while seeking the lost, Christians do this not for any expectation other than heaven. If this book bothers you, and at times it does me, though all may be vanity, ask yourselves, what is my purpose here, and what God do I serve? “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” – Matthew 6:21

“4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”

Ecclesiastes 8 refers to a human king and his subject’s obligations. It may refer to Solomon and the king’s oath. Gifted with wisdom beyond any mortal man only eclipsed by that immortal One, Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:42), and from that position and wealth, the writer knows a thing or two about that which he speaks. But understand that the object of the lesson isn’t the king or his governmental decrees.

This is incredibly important in these times that grow alarmingly dark. As verse nine would indicate, there is a time when a man would rule over another to his own hurt: today, our leaders destroy trust at every turn, damaging the people; our rulers only sabotage themselves in the long run. All America is a people with an indignant frame toward the truths set before us in Ecclesiastes 8; its many warnings have roots in verse two.

“2 I counsel thee to keep the king’s commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God.”

Keep the king’s commandment, and that, regarding the oath of God. A just government honors the word of God and not with its lips but in the execution of its laws. When government and the rule of God conflict, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” particularly in matters of evangelism by the body of Christ because the Almighty will prevail.

You could read verse two as a command to keep the laws of men where they are agreeable with God, knowing God’s law is higher. Or you could read it as keeping the king’s commands staying within the scope of God’s law. God’s law will prevail. The rulers of America swore an oath, apparently, beyond their understanding. God, in His wrath, will visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes (Psalm 89:31-32) to the ruin of our nation for its disobedience.

To us who are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, He is the prince of the kings of the earth, our heart is always set “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”

We have a high King, Christ Jesus. Keeping our oaths to Him, for He will not repent of the blood He shed to make us His purchased possession, our allegiance and fidelity belongs solely to the Almighty; do all things according to the will of God, found in His writ. Where the word of our King is, there is power; no evil can stand against it.

God’s love toward us demands reciprocal love in obedience to follow Christ. “We love him, because he first loved us.” Salvation comes with responsibility. Wisdom is the fear of the Lord in outward manifestation as obedience to Christ; departing from evil, the wisest thing a man can do is to follow Jesus.

“3 Be not hasty to go out of his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him. 4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”

America is at a fall, and not even Christians know the degree of what’s transpiring because if they did, they would be shedding every unnecessary impediment to saving America. So few today comprehend that the God of the Bible is the God of covenants. He makes oaths that shall not be broken except on pain of destruction. Don’t go out of His sight chasing after some evil thing, for God will glorify Himself in Christ Jesus.

We have a duty to keep the King’s commandment concerning the oath of God that we took, which is the law by contract that we, all those chosen in Christ Jesus, must follow. Christians everywhere waste time and energy blaming the objects of our judgment instead of the source, which resides in the mirror.

If Christians were absolutely about the Father’s business, with love for Christ as their sole motive, believing that the word of our King is power, they would face down every evil. Accepting the truth that nobody can fix Western Civilization except Christians, by the oath of God, which is to keep all that Christ commands; if God in His grace would bless our effort, we, by the power of our King, can save America.

We say we love Him, but our hearts are far from Him. Before you object, Jesus says in John 14:15: “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

I’m guilty too; cowardice, sloth, failure to go to the appointed place at the specified time. When I was on active duty in the Navy, you could do almost anything and get a comparative slap on the wrist, but if you missed the ship’s movement as it left port headed to sea, that was about the worst thing you could do to fellow crewmates who then were on the hook for your job. The number of men on a ship is finite, with jobs specific; some things just wouldn’t get done to the detriment of the entire mission. Failure to be where God commands us is rampant today, and the few serving with all effort in the Kingdom of God suffer as millions deny the work for Christ or do little at all; “Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?” But don’t wait for them; stand up; lead by following Jesus. If one man fails, the mission of Christ in this generation is in jeopardy.

Have you ever asked, ‘what is the appointed place, oh God, where I must tell of the great things you’ve done?’ At any rate, start right where you are today; we are without excuse;  Every Christian, man, woman, and child is to be a witness for Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God, a beacon of light and truth and hope, salt in the first place to prevent rotting and feted churches and country, and a righteous rebuker of the wicked. Too few are willing to pay the price to serve in truth and righteousness. Friends, there is no discharge in that war; you’re going to lose it all; you might as well lose it now for Christ instead of waiting for the power to go out, the food to get cut off, or the knock on the door for that last train ride.

Though He compels us to approach strangers with the Gospel, He will not physically force you to demand of your Christian brothers that we “…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” which is the beginning from the end and all that lands between, the conclusion to all righteous duty and holy living is to keep the commandment in regard of the oath of God.

The assurance of God for us is that Christ died for our sins to secure us unto Himself for a people to serve Him, which brings glory to the Father. Jesus kept His word under the will of the Father, fulfilling the Holy Scriptures, but too few of His disciples do.


Part 2

“5 Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.”

God made an oath, a covenant when His own Son was crowned with glory and honor, suffering death by the cross; He tasted death for every man by the grace of God. And He rose again to take His kingship, His station above all. Like it or not, it’s a covenant in blood, in the only immaculate blood that was or ever shall be, keeping the commandment of Jesus Christ, He will keep you from the evil. Keeping the commandment of God to heed the call of Jesus Christ unto eternal life, in death, you will feel no evil thing. You who are afar off, weary in sin, failing God almighty, your nation, your family, your children’s children, and wrecking your covenant by forsaking adherence to the Sovereign of all things, make your oath with Jesus Christ today.

Who shall stand for good in the day of evil? If not God’s people, then none at all.

Jesus warned, “…ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?” Where is wisdom but in the Holy Bible: have you not read in the prophets and the law what travails begin at the outset of civilizational destruction; the wise man’s heart can discern both time and judgment – look around – do you know what time it is?

“6 Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him. 7 For he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be?”

Who can tell us anything but God, who gave us His word so that we can know Him and His love and hope toward us that keep His word? He has revealed to us what horrifying things befall the disobedient nation. It’s why history repeats or at least rhymes, as the saying goes. Time and judgment catch us all and, sadly, often unawares. But we don’t think America is unaware; it just doesn’t hurt enough yet. That’s what the judgment of God is upon a people, pain until they return to the oath, open His commandments, and do them, knowing the pain of death is otherwise in the offing, we must cry out, “Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.” Return ye unto God.

“8 There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.”

No man can keep his soul. Instantly at death, you pass to one of two final abodes; there’s no moment of decision upon departing, no interval to plea your case to the Judge. You are powerless over the moment as agency leaves you; a foreign force quite beyond your control effects your soul’s departure; the journey and the end thereof are in the hands of God alone. There’s no discharge, no escaping the draft of force; all men are appointed once to die, but you don’t have to die in hell. God owns the day “Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” The day of death is coming for us all. The many efforts you make without Christ, any work of wickedness: not by force of arms, not by governments of men, not by works or wishful thoughts at all; no evil can deliver those given over to it: call upon His holy name, only Jesus Christ will save.

“12 Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him”

In His patience and longsuffering, the Almighty sends warnings, sometimes by men, sometimes by circumstances, but read His word; the hour is late, fear your King before the sinners of this world.

What is your desire toward Christ? Answer Him! Though you’ve sinned a hundred times or more, Jesus paid your sin debt on calvary’s hill, dying there and rising three days later, offering victory over hell to you. Don’t take your chances on tomorrow; Jesus Christ will save your soul, forgiving your sins, and setting you before His throne, a brand new son of the King: neither is there salvation in any other; it’s Jesus. He will save you from your sin, save your marriage, save your children, save your household if you seek Him carefully by the covenant He made at the start. And through those that are His, He can save our nation from eternal ruin. Undoubtedly, America is lost, but we have Christ: “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” – Luke 19:10

Don’t hold fast to the wayward life; let Christ change you. Salvation is beautiful; it’s a restorative life-giving work of the Almighty to those who believe by faith, trust in His holy name, and pray for forgiveness. Then, as brothers in Christ, who is Lord of all, act upon every word of His sacred Scripture, which He commands. This, too, is an act of belief by faith, trusting God to restore our right standing.

“13 But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.”

This life is but a shadow, and when you come into the presence of the Light, there will be no more shadow, only truth laid bare. Ending here with a warning in verse 13, Ecclesiastes can be dark but don’t let the vanity of this world sow despair; praise the Father, determine in your heart toward the holy Redeemer to walk in the light, as he is in the light, seeking fellowship among the saints of God to build that which He desires; “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”  The day is short; fear God, knowing the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Christ is King and does whatever pleases Him; who shall question?

The Throne of Grace

1 year, 8 months ago

The Throne of Grace, by Charles Spurgeon, Preached November 19, 1871

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16


These words are found embedded in that gracious verse, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”; they are a gem in a golden setting. True prayer is an approach of the soul by the Spirit of God to the throne of God. It is not the utterance of words, it is not alone the feeling of desires, but it is the advance of the desires to God, the spiritual approach of our nature towards the Lord our God. True prayer is not a mere mental exercise, nor a vocal performance, but it is deeper far than that—it is spiritual commerce with the Creator of heaven and earth. God is a Spirit unseen of mortal eye, and only to be perceived by the inner man; our spirit within us, begotten by the Holy Ghost at our regeneration, discerns the Great Spirit, communes with him, prefers to him its requests, and receives from him answers of peace. It is a spiritual business from beginning to end; and its aim and object end not with man, but reach to God himself.

In order to such prayer, the work of the Holy Ghost himself is needed. If prayer were of the lips alone, we should only need breath in our nostrils to pray: if prayer were of the desires alone, many excellent desires are easily felt, even by natural men: but when it is the spiritual desire, and the spiritual fellowship of the human spirit with the Great Spirit, then the Holy Ghost himself must be present all through it, to help infirmity, and give life and power, or else true prayer will never be presented, but the thing offered to God will wear the name and have the form, but the inner life of prayer will be far from it.

Moreover, it is clear from the connection of our text, that the interposition of the Lord Jesus Christ is essential to acceptable prayer. As prayer will not be truly prayer without the Spirit of God, so it will not be prevailing prayer without the Son of God. He, the Great High Priest, must go within the veil for us; nay, through his crucified person the veil must be entirely taken away; for, until then, we are shut out from the living God. The man who, despite the teaching of Scripture, tries to pray without a Saviour insults the Deity; and he who imagines that his own natural desires, coming up before God, unsprinkled with the precious blood, will be an acceptable sacrifice before God, makes a mistake; he has not brought an offering that God can accept, any more than if he had struck off a dog’s neck, or offered an unclean sacrifice. Wrought in us by the Spirit, presented for us by the Christ of God, prayer becomes power before the Most High, but not else.

Here is a basic instruction in prayer that should be helpful for any believer.

Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him (For Keeping The Law)

1 year, 9 months ago

“19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.” – Mark 10:19-21

I woke up thinking about this post from Sunday night and its implications in today’s churches. In this section of Scripture, the rich young ruler tells Jesus that he has kept the law from his youth. Only Mark, of the three synoptic Gospels, records more closely the physical interaction between that man and Jesus. Perhaps Mark, who many consider to be an eyewitness to much of Christ’s time in public life, was in a position to see his Master, where Matthew was not, and Luke, we reckon, was not there.

Only Mark records, “Then Jesus beholding him loved him.” We’ve heard some speculation about this in preaching and teaching. Some say the love Christ showed was actually pity for the man because he must have lied about keeping the law. And yet others have attempted to reduce the significance of the moment and the non-verbal response of our Lord.

During travels this last summer, I attended a Wednesday night meeting at a small church. In becoming acquainted with the Pastor before the service, he revealed that we would discuss the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the law of God until the temple(s) was built, where the law was then held in the holiest of holies. The Pastor asked me and a few others from his church in the pre-meeting discussion where the ark is now. Well, I said it was in heaven, always has been in heaven; the ark and the temple were merely types or a picture of the throne room of God. Fortunately, only a few people heard me because I gave away the conclusion to his lesson. The Pastor offered for me to stay in his RV while passing through. Good folks, down to earth. A discussion with a very recent convert was especially fruitful and enjoyable. It’s always a delight to meet newer believers. That night’s lesson did not mention the section of Mark above, but you’ll see the point momentarily.

Back to the rich young ruler and Jesus. Why wouldn’t Jesus have looked upon a man with love who had kept His law? The law was given by God, and Christ is God, Himself being the law in the flesh; “the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” Could that look of love have been God’s approval as He called the rich young ruler to follow Him to his own cross of martyrdom? The ruler kept the law but loved his stuff; this we all get. Having observed the ordinances, he was called to abandon the things of this life, going wheresoever the will of God would take him (Joshua 1:9).

There were attempts to downplay the law’s importance in those poor lessons about this passage. All failed to show that Jesus is God and that the law is The Word of God! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1.

It’s bothersome having never heard a preacher state simply that God loved him for keeping His law. Why is this so hard to say? Because it hurts, all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. God loved the man for keeping His law. The only way around this is to press incredulity losing the straightforward meaning of the interaction between Jesus and the ruler. We’re not saying that the man never sinned; only Jesus has done that. But he did, apparently, keep the Commandments Jesus cited.

The keeping of the law can never save a man’s soul, this we know, but where is the error in righteous living unto a holy God? Surely the churches are not advocating theft, dishonor of parents, deceiving, cheating, or killing, are they? Why can’t a man who believes, and is sure of his eternal station, keep the law? Is it so offensive to believers today?!?!

Some said the law was for the Jews, which is true, but if you search the Scripture, only the law of sacrifice (and the rules of Pharisees) has been done away with. We still live with sin today. The law remains and convicts the sinner unto repentance which is its purpose (1 Timothy 1:9). The implication is that some seem to claim that we can now, living under grace, pretend to be Christians while acting much like those headed to the devil’s lake of fire, which is a perilous new doctrine. But as the linked post from Sunday night shows, it may not be so new after all.

Wickedness remains; the law and God’s judgments are in the New Testament and are used by the Holy Spirit of God to bring conviction of sin in the heart of the lost man and believer alike. Yes, Jesus loves us and is the Saviour offering the gift of eternal life, but He is no less Lord (Romans 6:23).

When we witness to lost sinners, we use the simple example of a lie to prove their sin. Is this wrong to cite one of the Ten Commandments today? No, all men have lied. It’s a simple way to prove sin while not getting sidetracked into various debaucheries and sinful living. Slightly off-topic, but while we’re here: people under conviction might confess felonies. For many reasons, some obvious and some not, don’t let detailed discussion of sinful behaviors happen when talking to the lost; keep it simple; use the lie as a single primary example. Looking them right in the eye, you can tell them they’ve lied and done much worse. This drives the point home while sticking to the subject of salvation by the grace of God’s forgiveness of sin.

The law is in heaven; it’s always been with our holy God. The law is there in the throneroom with the four living creatures, all the holy angels, and the four and twenty elders on their faces saying, “Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” Amen.

The law is still there, right where it’s always been. The point is, if you’re in one of those churches that downplay righteous living for the Lord, get out and find a church that’s at least serious about all that God commands, teaching His whole counsel. People now verbally dancing around the law of God expect to stand in its very presence one day soon. God have mercy on them.

“11 For there is no respect of persons with God. 12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; 13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. 14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) 16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” Romans 2:11-16

We won’t go through this thoroughly now. I tell people to read these verses first as one reading. Then read what is not in parenthesis and then read, thirdly, what is between. This will significantly help with comprehension. The section outside parenthesis cannot save you by the law, nor will the part inside save you without the law; salvation is by Christ alone.

Assuming you never attempted the foolhardy life of trying to keep the law absent the Holy Spirit, when you sinned, you sinned without the law and were headed to perish in hell, but you had broken the law nonetheless. When God saved you by faith in Christ’s atoning death, burial, and resurrection, He forgave you forever. When you sin in the law, even today, having heard His word but being already saved, you have even less excuse not to live according to God! Is the law of Mighty God written on your heart, yes or no? We’re not telling you to stand before God depending on the law, but verse 15 indicates that God shows the work of the law written on our heart, our conscience also bearing witness.

The Church is trying to thread the needle between saying we have no obligation to the law and demanding righteous living; it’s not working. Everything is falling apart, and it started with the churches long before the government, family, and society went to the dogs. One reason a Reconstructionist approach attracts is that clearly, what the Church is doing isn’t working. And blaming our failures on escatology is a lousy excuse to accept rampant heathenism and an even worse excuse for believers to live like heathens themselves!

What is a Christian that spends his day as a liar, cheating, stealing, abusing family, etc.? Well, he’s not Christian; we know that. Those saved by Christ no longer live like that; that’s part of the miracle of salvation. We are being recreated in the image of God’s own Son and trying to live a life spent as the image of Christ to those around us. When Christ looks upon you, will He love you?


The Old Paths Are the Good Way

1 year, 9 months ago

“16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. 17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.” – Jeremiah 6:16-17

When you have strayed and sought out many inventions, taking new gods by worshiping the works of our hands (Jeremiah 1:16), the everlasting Father, in His word, commands God’s people to return to the old paths. He calls us to produce what is tried and true in classical society as set forth in His word to rebuild the reverence and adherence to God’s ordained structure for Church, Family, and State in the manner that it was intended from the very beginning of creation. And God demands Christ’s Church follow His commands, a righteous leader as the head of the family, and a just government with just ordinances that will implement the same law of God that blesses all the earth.

God is not a mean old man; His law is a beacon of warning that righteous men shall live in peace, finding rest for their souls, but the wicked will have no peace at all; foreigners will rule over them with a hard whip. Holy God will set stumbling blocks in the way, fathers and sons will fall, and neighbors with their friends will perish for lack of Jesus Christ. God will bring evil upon you; even the fruit of your wicked thoughts will be meted out to you who have forsaken Him.

So primarily, God warns us to return to Him, to worship and trust in Him, forsaking the new gods that have led only to societal rot through greed and lusts of the flesh. Return to the Gospel of Christ, and preach the whole counsel of God, teach the generations to be like Jesus Christ.

“Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” – Ecclesiastes 7:29

The many inventions spoken of are applicable and scalable to any that man’s mind can set above our Lord, be they religions, technology, idols, or ways to rule ourselves apart from His perfect law and word. God made us to seek the good, giving us an innate desire for faith in Him, to know Him, and pursue Him. Still, we create all manner of things that extinguish the mind and soul in time spent unfruitfully, separating us from God. Some of these things have become a religion of sorts, replete with idolization, worship, and sacraments.

The many inventions themselves become the false god of our adoration.

The call is not for a return to the days of pre-mechanical implements. This is critical to understand; lifestyle comes from a foundation in Christ. A change of lifestyle while on your way to hell is not what God is asking. The new things, the technological advancements, have blessed us in many ways but have, at a terrible cost, separated us from family, hearth and home, lands, and the labor of the heart working with our hands and having settled community structures of neighbors we know and count upon. Rootlessness coupled with unknown and untrusted people is causing great despair.

And America continues to tell God that we will not walk in the good way or seek His face and those old paths from the Father of our founding. But there is encouragement as many thousands are coming to realize the importance of family, local stability, and tradition while seeking the Lord. As dismayed as we may be regarding national issues, realizing that you can only fix yourself and your family is driving a mini-revival in America toward the old paths. Many are settling on a small patch, raising a few animals, homeschooling, and working toward traditional self-sufficiency. Pray it catches fire, and those not only return to sound families, food sources, culture, and localities but repent toward God and serve Him.

The watchmen are lame and do not warn (Ezekiel 33), teaching hyper-personalized comfort when every alarm bell rings with warnings of trouble on the horizon. They covet much when the charity of God is needed, and they say peace when war looms, and there is little shame of abomination in the sight of the Lord.

But a few men, known of God, are sounding the trumpet, telling any that will hear to hearken unto holy Father God, return to His law, return to His design in creation for your family and the just rule of law. Remove yourselves from the unclean things, and call on Christ. Many of us are too old now to return to the old ways, but we can pray, we can encourage, and we can teach.

There are men that love their wives first, before their children, which prioritizes showing their children what a godly husband does. This ends divorce if it’s done correctly and consistently. And it ends the multi-generational broken families, all because one man did what God commands and the sons were taught well by example. God will bless these efforts as it’s His law that puts the man’s wife above his children. And there are men who’ve known only one woman. This is a beautiful and amazing thing, and those I know are blessed beyond measure for their loyalty to God’s designed purposes.

And young women, too, are asking where the men of the old way are, where are our roots and structure that we may have hope in the future God wants for us; this is inspiring. Joyfully, many women don’t want to give their best years to a faceless corporate bureaucracy while standing on a mountain of debt for a Godless lifestyle while somebody else raises their children. They see a false choice in that and instead give their best years to one man, raising their family together, making a home in loving and nurturing as the helpmeet, which is their duty to the Almighty. Satisfying the commitment that Holy God demands will always fulfill one’s soul more so than any other thing.

Without the old paths and the good way, no rest for the soul comes; troubles appear at every arc with increasing rapidity while warnings of war, financial destitution, and famine are in the air. But still, waiting with open arms for you with forgiveness in His clemency, the only faithful and true God is offering the blessings of means to set yourself aright within the covenant of our fathers, to save your civilization, for a more promising glory than heretofore. Will you return to Him?

Stand in the ways of God and see if His blessings come upon you, your family, and your country. “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” See how faithful He is; God’s mercies are new every morning.

First, admit your sin and failure to God. Determining to change your behavior is good, but without Christ, it’s not restorative to the soul or nation. There’s a generational work for you; ask the Almighty for the old paths, in which is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Pray for the traditional pathways and set about the business of restoration. Throughout Scripture, we are admonished to pray and then act. Many want to pray, yet others want to act, but God teaches in these verses what must come first and then second.

We know that His mercies are from everlasting to everlasting to those who do His will, keeping His law and ordering their life, family, and society according to the sure foundations of this ever-present truth: Christ is King and will have no other name above Him.

The Image of Christ

1 year, 9 months ago

Isaiah 53

We’ve already explored why you were made in the Image and Likeness of God in three parts;  OneTwo, and Three. Those regard what we suppose our final estate to be. But the question before us now is, what is the image of Christ in men while God has seen fit to leave us here in anticipation of Christ’s return?

“For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.” – Isaiah 53:2

I’ve seen many “AI” renderings lately, the makers of which have supposed to be of our Lord Jesus Christ. The definition and use of AI is another topic, but the image of Christ is critical for believers to understand. Seeing these images got us thinking, what is the image of Christ?

There was nothing special about His appearance as a man. He was not particularly attractive or fascinating to gaze upon, and He was not especially stunning in outward physique or face. And He, being a working man, unquestionably wasn’t pretty and effeminate as so many Middle Ages paintings would depict. He looked like an average guy.

Isaiah 53 is the prophecy of the trial and crucifixion of Christ. The degree and intensity of humiliation are vividly displayed, for in being debased, smitten, and stricken of God for our sin, the Father hath highly exalted Him and given him a name which is above every name (Philippians 2:9). Isaiah 53 is the Scripture the Ethiopian Eunuch was reading when the Lord’s messenger of the Gospel, Phillip, showed Him the way of salvation (Acts 8:26-40).

Verse 2 shows us that there would be no outward appearance of His person that indicates He is the Lord. But it’s more than that. Why did God ordain, in His wisdom, that Christ should have no external beauty?

Humans are visual creatures. It’s the most prevalent of our five senses. We have 3d depth perception in one of the broadest color spectrums of any creature on earth. Humans become enamored with beauty for a season. Some men appreciate specific facial structures and adornments given by God, while other men may respect different ones.

We’ve seen folks enamored with the appearance of somebody to the point of refusing to acknowledge that soul’s inward condition and ugliness. And conversely, if Christ had been attractive, could any have heard His great word and the offer of the Kingdom? The Father, through Christ, was and is seeking a people to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), not in outward impression.

Lovely, however, is the notion that He grew before God as a tender shoot, indeed, born of a virgin, God in a helpless child nurtured into manhood. So too that He grew from dry ground, an infertile hard pack where no life of the Spirit would grow; all Israel hadn’t heard from God in 400 years and was far astray from the Holy Creator of heaven and earth when John Baptist came preaching repentance toward God making way for the Holy One. Jesus arrived right on time, according to the prophet Daniel. But, praise God, not all were in darkness; some waited for the consolation of Israel and the Kingdom of God at His appearing. Simeon in the temple – Luke 2:25 and Joseph of Arimathea, who buried Christ’s body – Mark 15:43, are two examples.

“Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.” – Isaiah 53:10

Isaiah 53 reveals the lost condition of the human soul and God’s desire for reconciliation. Perhaps you’re not so sure about God’s desire. What more excellent an offer than that His own Son should die for you, standing in your stead as payment for your sin? It pleased the Almighty to bruise Christ and put Him to grief, making His soul an offering for sin. On the cross, Jesus Christ saw you, who would be a son of God. Jesus saw all His seed who would receive the new birth by the Spirit of God to be heirs with Christ in the Kingdom of God.

God made Christ’s soul an offering for the torture of hell that your eternal soul was supposed to suffer. Though every sinner deserves hell, God gave His soul to suffer in agony so that your immortal soul, helpless in its sin-stained condition, might see the Glory of God in eternity. Jesus poured out His soul, receiving an inheritance of the eldest Son, firstborn from the dead, resurrected to new life. He defeated hell and set the captives free.

Yes, God wants to reconcile with you so that you might know Him, even be friends with Him in service of His domain; it would please Him. Imagine that; God being well pleased with saving your soul by a simple faith in the power of Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead.

The challenging part for those who are His is to resemble Christ. You, dear Christian brethren, are supposed to look just like Him, who sacrificed everything so that men could be remade and joined again in fellowship and harmony with God almighty.

You were made in God’s image, but the likeness is broken by sin. Even for those born again, sin remains and is a constant battle. However, the resemblance to God has been recreated (a new man), and your mind and heart should be refreshed, having been given the image of God again in the Spirit who created you. “And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him” – Colossians 3:10. The new man, having been made a new creation indwelled by the Spirit, should look and act like Christ, God in flesh.

What did Jesus do, teach, and prepare His disciples to do? Those are the specific things the followers of Christ are supposed to do even today, “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” – Romans 8:11.

Don’t limit or reject the quickening of the Spirit, but trust God in all things doing the will of Him that loves you. What does a leader in Christ do? He declares to the believers that we are to emulate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). What is the similitude of Christ if not His people following His commandments because they love Him (John 14:15). The mirror is pointed right back at me, for none are perfect and all fall short. Still, brethren, “…press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14).

Jesus is the express image of the Father (Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:3). A disciple in any endeavor of human activity is supposed to be the likeness of his teacher; so much more the Christian, we are to be the picture of Christ who is the Master of all. But so many Christians today will need to be taught how to serve. John 14:9 is instructive, “Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?”

Has the word of God been so long time with you, yet you haven’t seen Christ and how you are to serve? Reading the Scripture, filled with awe and wonder at Him, what are you going to do about that? Hide it away in a napkin buried in the ground? What are you afraid of (Matthew 25:25). We’re all naked before God, why care what people think of you, serve Christ! “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” – Luke 6:46

There is no outward beauty that we should desire Him. The truths He taught and commanded in the Holy Bible are where the magnificence of Christ resides because in His word is where a man must always find the revealed will of the Father. Do the people you spend time with, do they see Christ? Do they know Him through you?

If you want to understand the relationship between God the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit better, always do the will of the Father, for that is as Christ did. It’s one reason why the Father sent the Holy Spirit in Christ’s name; to teach you all things and remind you what Christ has said. Without studying the Scripture, there is nothing about which to remind you! And without doing what the Holy Bible says a disciple of Christ must do: if you read it and don’t do it, it’s not real to you. You remain a theoretical Christian untrained by the Spirit and untested through the fire, having never walked by faith in the service of our Lord to see the blessings of the Dispensation of Grace. You’re missing the Kingdom into which you were reborn and are meant to be an active citizen.

What is an ambassador for King Jesus but one who represents Him in all things and beseeches the lost sinner to be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20). A consumer of Christianity who won’t be a bondservant of Christ in the New Covenant is a wicked and rebellious son.

What is the glory of Christ Jesus; the fullness of grace and truth (John 1:14). Be the fullness of grace and truth to bring glory to God.

“Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.” – 2 Corinthians 4:10

Authenticity, Integrity, and Authority

1 year, 10 months ago

This post is somewhat incoherent, being about three different random thoughts, but hopefully, it connects together, and somebody will benefit. Christ is the final authority in matters of the State, family, and Church, but this post is only loosely connected to those three domains.

“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” – 2 John 1:9

First, God is the final authority on Himself. Second, the Holy Bible is the final authority on all things about God; it’s God’s word. Third, God is also the final authority on you, the individual, and all that men do and say.

Most people have only minor problems with the first statement. Many have issues with the second, but this third drives men to anger, landing them finally in hell. God made everything, and it’s His.

God is holy. You are a sinner. You are made in God’s image.

These three things cannot be simultaneously true. If God is holy, perfect, sinless, and righteous, but we are sinners, how can we be made in His image? Something must have happened that changed or destroyed the original likeness that God created when He made man.

In Luke 5:1-11 Simon (Peter), James, and John, with him, are shown to be professional fishermen. They are experts in all things pertaining to fishing in those waters. For at least two generations, their families had fished that sea. Peter had fished all night to no effect proving the fish were not in that area. Jesus is a carpenter by trade and asks Peter to launch out into the deep and cast his net. In verse five, Peter answers, “Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net.” – Luke 5:5. By faith in the word of God and trusting in His power alone, a great haul is taken up in the net.


The word of God are His covenants with men and, indeed, all living things. You should seek to understand these covenants, especially the New Covenant; civilization and your very life hang in the balance of obedience to God by keeping the contract He made with man. Time and again, given as an example to us in the Holy Bible that we might learn to obey Him, men break covenant with Holy God, and a ruinous future proceeds to unfold.


To be honest, I would have to say many sections of Scripture bother my conscience deeply, convicting me of God’s righteousness and my helplessness to stop sinning against Him. Sometimes this also happens when I listen to preaching. I don’t like it when that occurs, but it’s true, and I know I need to hear the point being made at that time. It’s my job and yours as adults to adjust to reality or suffer the consequences. It’s a matter of personal integrity before God Almighty.

The situation of Western Civilization, now a godless empire going astray, is not unusual, but adults rejecting reality is historically irregular and deeply problematic to our day. It’s what the judgment of God looks like; everybody is running blindly from the truth. It’s not only an adult’s job but a distinctive marker of human maturity, in general, to adjust to any reality, including the word of God, as set forth in the Holy Bible.

Society is rife with young adults and even middle-aged adults who reject the reality of how life is on earth; they renounce God’s created order and the state of man as violent, wicked, sinful creatures. I fear we’ve been handed over to darkness.

The situation has infected the churches. The young and old alike reject the word of God yet claim salvation. This is a problem of Christian maturity. In every instance, when shown what the Bible says and how they are commanded to serve Christ, they cite feelings, time, cost, or many other excuses to avoid doing the hard work of bringing in the Kingdom of God. A maturing Christian sets his feelings and dislikes aside, mortifying the flesh, and, by faith, follows Jesus through keeping the commanded instruction in the Holy Bible.

“And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.”- 1 Samuel 15:22

Through salvation in Christ, the consequence of eternal damnation for sin is off your shoulders, but if somebody told you that being Christian was easy, I’m sorry, they lied. Crucifying self daily and following Christ to the cross is demanding. In your own strength and spirit, you don’t want to do it.

Maturity in Christ is not a function of physical age; it’s a matter of believing what God says in His word and acting upon that knowledge. A man may not reject His word and claim to be a disciple. God even puts His word above His own name.

And, in reality, we must question the faith of those who won’t pray, read their Bible, serve within the body, and witness to lost sinners; these four duties are the basis and foundation of the New Testament instruction in building the Kingdom of God which brings glory the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

The maturity problem is so pervasive that the churches have stopped teaching that men are sinners. The people don’t want to hear it because they are whiney little babies with poopy diapers who would rather have a pacifier than coming off the milk onto the meat of the word of God so that they may grow thereby into Christian adulthood. They hate God’s word, and brothers, if you hate God’s word, you hate Him that wrote it! Loving Holy God means trusting His word over your understanding (Proverbs 3:5).


Romans 10:17 explains why we open our Bible and show the lost sinner what the Scriptures say.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Because Christ has been given all power in heaven and in earth, we have the authority to make the kingdoms of the world His kingdoms, as soldiers of our King. In the operation of God in salvation, the Holy Spirit brings conviction as the lost sinner hears and understands God’s word; this builds their faith. As soul winners, we seek to determine if the lost sinner trusts God. Establishing the honesty of God and the integrity of His word is essential to faith and trust in God.

When witnessing, I ask lost sinners, rather starkly and out of the blue, is God a liar? And also ask them, is the Holy Bible true? (Alternately: is what I’m showing you in the Bible true, or do you believe what the Bible says to be true?)

The lost sinner must confess that what they are being shown in the Holy Bible is accurate and that God does not lie. There are verses of Scripture for both of these questions, but demanding to know what the lost sinner says of his own accord, belief by faith is being tested. If the lost sinner is under conviction, they will confess correctly. (This isn’t the only question we ask, and his salvation is with God alone, we are merely witnesses of the truth.)

If the lost sinner does not verbally confess and admit to the integrity of God, they do not believe in His authority as the judge of men or the authenticity of His word. Salvation is to those chosen in Him before the foundation of the world by faith in the atoning death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, plus and minus nothing.

If a man doesn’t believe the Holy Bible as God’s words, it’s not our job to convince them, and trying to do so may damage the seeds that God is planting and watering in their soul. They are not being saved if they don’t believe, trusting in God by faith. The conversation with the lost man is over if they, sadly, reject the integrity of God.

It may be a wonderfully interesting conversation among believers to discuss the source and authenticity of the Holy Bible, but here’s why I’m not a fan of apologetics as a manner to reach the lost. Weaving specific facts or illustrations into a conversation with a lost man is essential, but it’s not our job to convince people of the genuineness of the Bible. If a man wants to argue the authenticity of the Bible, an important question is whether they have read it.

Those under the influence of the Holy Spirit will seek by faith. A function of the Holy Spirit is to convince men of their sin and that the wrath of hell abides on them and of God’s salvation by grace. A lost man can’t understand the Bible. Convincing him of its historical origins can be a waste of time with a lost sinner when he needs faith.

Most men who argue against the Bible’s authenticity are really saying that they deny God, and if you press them on this, you’ll find it’s true. If somebody, whether they confess belief or not, doesn’t believe the Holy Bible is God’s word, we’re hard-pressed to see how they can be a Son of God. If somebody has read the Bible and doesn’t believe it, share some more Scripture with them, perhaps, or tell them to read the book John praying to God for understanding.

The Problem

God is holy. You are a sinner. You are made in God’s image. As stated at the top, these three things cannot simultaneously exist; how can the likeness of a perfect God be a sinner? Something is logically incorrect, or somehow one of these things became untrue.

“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.” – Proverbs 20:7

The break happened in the Garden when Adam, given a mind and will of his own by the grace of God, sinned against his Creator. Subsequently, all men became cursed with death and sin for Adam’s disobedience to God’s covenant. Your sin will also affect not just you but your family, church, and nation for generations to come.

That’s what sin does; it destroys our connection in relationship to Holy God. When Adam sinned, he broke the image of God in himself, and when you sin against the Almighty, the person God wanted you to be is also damaged; and it’s too late; you’re a sinner.


God will restore this damage from sin to a far superior condition than Adam in the garden could ever have imagined. The day of the resurrection and judgment is coming. You must belong to Holy God through faith to be entirely remade into the likeness of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. If the Bible troubles your soul, this is an extraordinarily marvelous thing; praise God, for He seeks to speak with you.


1 year, 11 months ago

Prior: God’s Church, Family, State

2 Samual 11:9-13

“But Uriah slept at the door of the king’s house with all the servants of his lord, and went not down to his house.” – 2 Samuel 11:9

God was manifest in the flesh, crucified for your sin, rising again from the tomb to offer salvation from sin and life, even life eternal, to all who believe by faith that He is and does what He says. We have a wonderful, loving, and caring God, full of grace and abundant in mercies. If that’s the message you need, stop here.

This post is a hard topic. If you want to avoid facing the reality of our current condition, skip this post. Evil is hard to stomach. Mature Christians must be able to confront the truth of evil in our day if we are to address how to fix it. The object at the outset is to arm you, not cause despair.

The destruction of the family is a blow to the heart of loyalty. The government neither deserves nor bothers any longer to garner commitment, and all its institutions wonder why it’s treated upon the scale from distrust to disdain and outright lawbreaking. The churches soft-peddle a New Religion, becoming full of wicked unrighteous men.

There’s no loyalty anymore. It used to be that a man could have one job, he would work hard, and a company would take care of him. He would have one wife, work diligently to provide for her, and raise his family and she would be loyal to him. The head of the family would have one law, the law of God taught by the Church of Jesus Christ, the foundation upon which civilization must function. But we’re not here to worship the good old days. This law scales up from the individual to the nation.

God is loyal to His own, demanding our loyalty to Him in return. God will never leave you nor forsake you, but what have we done? Loyalty is a component of human behavior and a man’s nature. Being social creatures made in God’s image, we have this same attribute and desire built into us. We have an innate longing to both garner loyalty and to be loyal. Fidelity is how an association of any size functions. But allegiance outside God’s law always leads to ruination in sin.

Though rarely expressed as such, at the core of many a lament today is a lack of loyalty, and rightly so; how can one be loyal to that which is unworthy of trust and respect? Commitment comes from faith that good men will do the right thing, particularly if difficult. All institutions today demand respect but have not functioned for decades in a manner that garners trust; they are deserving of none.

Some men are born having a personality that tends toward loyalty. This is a fantastic character trait, but when the churches, the State, and the family all fall apart, where can one turn? How shall we make a functioning society?

America is littered with millions of people coming to realize their loyalty to the State has been misplaced. This can be a dangerous circumstance as they’ll seek any leader they perceive to be strong enough to direct their cause. And a fraudulent apostate church reinterpreting Scripture to accept sin has led to the ruin of the churches and our country. It’s so bad that forced acceptance of pedophilia and child sacrifice, by law, is not far off. Don’t scoff at this; read your Holy Bible; America is no better than they were. Blind loyalty leads to genocide, and TPTB knows this. Men must be loyal first to God and His law.

Evil tests loyalty by requiring sin, which isn’t much of a test since all men are inherently sinners seeking the iniquity of this world. The darkness truly is the weaker and for the weak of spirit.

God tests loyalty through trials of faith and even tribulations. America is entering one such phase, where the true Church, those in Christ, is being tested. Are they vassals of the unscrupulous empire, or do we follow the Holy One? And God can allow all manner of evil to befall a Christian to draw them closer to Him. God demands loyalty, even obedience. Among the lessons one may find is that God will let you fail, ensuring you know that He is God and that men do not attain perfection. His will, in divine sovereignty, is accomplished in all things.

If you find men who seek to be loyal by nature, you should learn how to be worthy of their loyalty. This is a key component in team building and exists in family nurturing as well. But how can a leader know if somebody is loyal? Seeking a way to devise a test comes to mind, but we have no such formula for righteousness, only time together finding who is full of love one for another.

Some are more so than most by nature. They look for groups to which they can become loyal. It might be that people who appear to have their feelings hurt easily are faithful by nature, searching for reciprocation. They’re not soft or weak but have a remarkable character trait that needs to be recognized and fostered.

People are petty and don’t think long-term, but hard times are arriving. No team wants people that are hesitant to commit fully at that moment of critical decision. Always fostering a team attitude is leadership at its most basic. Don’t take advantage of the loyal.

A man should know himself and his own nature. If somebody is seeking to be loyal, they should be forgiving, accommodating, and patient in all things. Trust takes a long time for others to realize. Even relying solely upon what people say can be misleading; loyalty is found in the trenches of doing hard things together.

The loss of loyalty is a direct result of sin. If you’re a Bible-believing Christian, that’s not much of a revelation. In the case of corporations, commitment to money over people and products is the error. As to government, so too devotion to money and power over the security of the liberties bought in the blood of loyal men. Of the family, the lust of the flesh destroys the foremost fundamental requirement for a functioning society. When marriage is nothing more than a hookup that lasts a few years instead of one night, your society will soon fall.

In the Garden, holy God gave one law that man might not sin against Him. He created the first institution of civilization, the family, to live in peace and prosperity by obedience to His command. At the roots of the destruction of loyalty in America and the west is sin, the violation of God’s law, and His created order upon earth.

Uriah is a hero. We’ve heard much preaching about that section of Samuel but never on the loyalty of Uriah; perhaps the churches are not loyal to Christ our King. The modern churches teach and preach how David and Bathsheba sinned, but then how they moved passed their sin. The American churches teach adaptation to contemporary society with all its wicked sins instead of preaching and teaching how to build and maintain a culture based upon the moral laws of God Almighty. Teaching Christians how to adapt to the beast system instead of how to resist it is despicable; it destroys trust and respect and separates men from the loyalty to God they should always strive to maintain. That’s the foremost problem in American Churches today. When the church has no foundation of moral code, the destruction of the family and the State soon follows.

Few are loyal to a church nowadays. It’s a separate topic, but most Christians seek to find where they feel pleased instead of being challenged in their faith, growing and prospering in the faith of Jesus Christ. Entering into the finers pot (Proverbs 25:4) is hard, but purity before the throne must be above all else. On the tombstone of America will be written: they were comfortable.

Why would men be loyal to a church that condones divorce? In some instances, Jesus taught a more stringent law than the Old Testament, and divorce is one of those instances. See Matthew 19:7-9.

Uriah refused to leave his king (2 Samuel 11:11) until receiving new orders to return to his brothers in battle. That’s loyalty, both to the king and to his brothers. The well-being of his people was at stake because they were at war; this was loyalty to his family and clan. The first reason Uriah gave for not rejecting his moral duty by leaving the battle was that the Ark of God was down on the field; Uriah was devoted to his God. He was loyal to his Creator, the Lord of hosts, the God who is the right hand of the faithful warrior for good.

Government is merely a reflection of society. When men reject sin, flourishing families are established, and a just government is soon born, the structure of which matters much less than the morality of the component members. Loyalty is garnered because the government is loyal to the same law of God that the Church of Jesus Christ is, and the families adhere to it.

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