This will be the first of several reviews of the CMMG PSB .45 ACP. My intention for this first one wasn’t to test accuracy at distance, as I will get to that later.
My intention was (1) to put a lot of rounds through the gun with different manufacturers, (2) to test it in rapid fire, and (3) to sight in my EOTech with the gun.

I headed out to the range with the Glock .45 ACP magazine that came with the gun, plus another (26 round mag) from the Gun Mag Warehouse (this one was SGM Tactical). Both magazines worked fine, but the Glock magazine loaded easier and the spring on the SGM Tactical was very stiff. I spent most of my time with the Glock magazine.

It took a long time and a lot of rounds to get the EOTech centered, more turns of the screws than I had anticipated. I finally got it shooting at about one inch low at 7 yards, or a little higher than height-over-bore.
I put close to 300 rounds through the gun. I was also shooting a Dan Wesson 1911, but only two magazines worth of rounds. The CMMG performed flawlessly. It ate everything I put in it.

Remington, Federal, Magtech, American Eagle and Winchester. The Remington was hollow point. The Winchester seemed dirtier than the others, and the Magtech and Federal seemed to perform the best.
But every round hit where I aimed when I finally got the red dot centered where I wanted it (I had to move it to the right and up). It works very nicely in rapid fire, and it’s easy to recover sight picture.
The things I like about this gun are as follows.
(1) It worked flawlessly over nearly 300 rounds, many of which were discharged virtually as soon as I could grab a sight picture (less than a second).
(2) It has AR style operation, with which I’m intimately familiar.
(3) I find that I really like the thumb-over-bore (or C-clamp) grip. It helps to stabilize any AR style weapon. I had worried that this barrel was so short that the muzzle brake would cause concussive stress to my left hand upon discharge. No worries after the first shot. The barrel was cool, the hand guard was cool, and I didn’t feel a thing even without gloves. My left hand was near the end of the hand guard.
(4) This gun and its caliber were very controllable. I’ve shot AR pistols before in 5.56mm that I considered to be out of control (or better said, very difficult to control). This one is not.
(5) It has a flared mag-well where the magazine is easy to insert, but not the AR-15 size magwell. It is one suited for the Glock magazine for which it is designed.
The things I don’t like about this gun are as follows.
(1) Nothing …
I consider this gun to be a very good weapon to fill the gap between pistols and rifles, as I don’t really relish the idea of shooting a rifle inside the home for self defense. I really, really like this gun.

Now, if I could just remember to put my tools in the range bag before I go so I don’t have to borrow tools from other guys. It’s embarrassing. Or I could just get some tools and leave them in the range bag.
I’ll do other reviews on this gun as time permits.