I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
First of all, I prefer the 7.5″ barrel, not the Banshee. I also found that it ate everything I fed it. But I really like Browning BPT Performance Target FMJ (for the CMMG and pistols), which increases muzzle velocity to 920 FPS. I also recommend to the video author that he shoot .450 SMC, which will run 1120 FPS.
I found it easy to ring steel (8″ diameter) at 100 yards with an EOTech red dot, regardless of the ammo brand. It’s easy to shoot 300 or more rounds with this gun and feel like you’ve only just begun range time. It’s that much fun, that accurate for a pistol caliber carbine, and that light on recoil.
I did an initial review of the CMMG .45 ACP Guard, with more to come. It has an 8″ barrel and classifies as a pistol because it has an arm brace rather than a stock. I liked the weapon, and in fact will be using it as my primary home defense gun (with EOTech and tactical light and pressure switch attached).
I don’t like the idea of a shorter barrel, but CMMG apparently knows that there is a market for it, and has come out with a version of this with a 5″ barrel called the Banshee. I appreciate reader Ned Weatherby sending me this video.
This reviewer, Lone Star Boars, had a suppressor on it as well as a thermal scope. I like the can with its quick-connect design over the flash suppressor. CMMG makes it for their weapons and sells through Silencer Shop. I am told by CMMG that the buffer kit he used was for their Ripstock Assembly, which I don’t have, and that my gun doesn’t need this kit to run 450 SMC.
A couple of comments. This is impressive performance. However, gunners simply must deal with the notion that YouTube is dead. This video has all the appearances of being a hunting video, but with one complaint it will be taken down by Google because of the presence of guns. Watch the video while it’s still up. But we simply must move on from YouTube. To us it must be dead.
I found the gun as pleasant to shoot as he did. I put 300 rounds through mine the first time, he put 500 through his. I could have put a 1000 rounds and still been fresh, but that gets expensive, even with ball ammunition.