BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 1 month ago
We previously covered the ill-advised cartoons done in poor taste promulgated by the CSGV. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse and the CSGV couldn’t go any lower, it does, and they do.
An influential anti-gun group is targeting Clint Eastwood’s potential Oscar nominee “American Sniper,” but it might be the group’s corporate sponsors — including the NFL — that get blasted in the assault.
The Washington-based Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has given critics of the upcoming movie a Facebook outlet to rant about the subject of the movie, sniper Chris Kyle, killed after the leaving the military and while he was at a gun range with a vet suffering from PTSD.
“Good Riddance,” wrote one. “What goes around comes around,” sneered another.
Kyle is an American hero, a sniper so effective in Iraq that terrorists put a bounty on his head. But the movie is a liberal’s nightmare and the anti-gun coalition’s supporters have been eager to condemn it and keep it out of the Oscar spotlight.
You don’t have to be supportive of any phase of the campaigns Chris Kyle was engaged in to keep from being an ass clown about his death. I didn’t agree with the initial invasion of Iraq (OIF1, while at the same time taking a different view of OIF2 and OIF3 for reasons explained in previous articles). I supported the initial stages of our actions in Afghanistan (OEF), while calling for the complete withdrawal of troops when it became obvious we were going to engage in nation building, COIN and stability operations.
All of that is irrelevant except to point out that support for campaigns (or lack thereof) can be a complex thing, even among the military (remember that my son was deployed in Iraq and would have been in Afghanistan had he extended his enlistment – his views on these matters are complex and involved). But for the CSGV to beclown themselves this way shows what they are truly made of. Their moral character is despicable and repugnant. I put them in the same category as Westboro Baptist Church.
BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 2 months ago
Kurt Hofmann sends this along.

First of all, the folks carrying the cartoon are rude and ill mannered. The cartoon is poorly done. I don’t mean just in poor taste, I mean poorly done. It’s an awful cartoon. My dog could draw better than this. Second, the cartoon is in poor taste. Blood dancing is in bad form no matter who the dancer or victim.
There are good cartoons and bad ones, and I don’t even have to agree with the cartoonist in order to appreciate good art and clever ideas. For example, a very liberal cartoonist with whom I seldom if ever agreed, Doug Marlette, once gave us this after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.

The Eagle cries. Now one doesn’t have to agree with huge government programs in order to appreciate Doug’s having captured the moment with a cartoon. Furthermore, as an engineer I know full well how Morton-Thiokol had ignored their own engineer’s warnings concerning temperature and O-rings. The failure never had to occur.
Still, whether one agrees with the cartoon or not, Doug wasn’t blood dancing. He was showing true grief and sorrow over needless deaths. The folks at CSGV have latched on to crap and made it their own. Very well. It suits them.