BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 5 months ago
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube deleted livestream videos of the event posted by Breitbart News after they went viral, claiming the videos contained “lies” and disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic.
Gulag and Fakebook removed it, but guess what? TCJ readers saw every bit of it if you wanted to. And more of the conference.
That’s because [1] people have finally learned their lesson and are saving the raw video to other, less communist sources than YouTube and Twitter and Fakebook, and [2] TCJ has great readers who love to spread the truth.
I depend upon you.
BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 8 months ago
As seen on Facebook:
This is why Facebook is stupid. Yes, I know the hazard of saying something like that is that there are so many reasons Facebook is stupid that someone may point out the reductionism of the assertion This is why Facebook is stupid. Nonetheless, this is why Facebook is stupid.
No one has apparently asked her to change the subject to something like automobiles. ” … You’re already stating that having car insurance and ambulances means that cars are dangerous and a threat to those nearby.” Consistency is only the Hobgoblin of small minds in American schools.
About the only thing you can say to something like that (because she’s not teachable) is “Shut up, go to the kitchen and make me a sandwich.”
If you have a Facebook account, delete it. You’re stupider every day you have it. It’s amazing that Zuckerberg actually makes a living with this crap, a testimony to the stupidity of the American people.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago
You can still get to the FB post itself, but it looks like you have to have the direct link in order to see it.
Color me surprised… /s
EDIT: Ben’s reposted it to his feed, so it’s back for now. One small victory (for now) for truth, one giant leap for saving the kids? Time will tell.
[ … ]
Just confirmed all shares linked to the story posted by my fb friends have been removed from their timelines as well.
Biggest coverup I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.
And from the comments, “Have fun in hell Zuckerberg,” and “They must be in full blown panic mode. Full Blown. Fry, you bastards.”
Ben has to keep resharing the video because Facebook is censoring it. Probably something to do with “fake news” according to the masters at Facebook.
Oh, Zuckerberg won’t be having fun in hell. He’ll be in a lot of pain, I believe it’s variously called “outer darkness” and “lake of fire.”