BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 7 months ago
David Codrea:
“Here’s An Idea: Only Women Should Have Guns,” this new theme goes. “[S]ince it’s abundantly clear that they’ll commit less violence than men and be vulnerable to violence committed by men, let’s take all the guns away from men and give them to women.”
I recently heard another engineer complain that the engineering schools should be graduating at least as many women and men. Why? I don’t really know. Just because, I suppose.
I would rather people pursue their God-given talents and ambitions rather than be pigeonholed into a degree program just because they are a woman or man. And as for guns, the fourth wave feminists just think men are dirty, unruly, loathsome creatures who need to be controlled by laws and regulations and requirements. The true spirituality belongs to women.
Hey, now that I think about it, who would do all of this taking away of guns the feminists propose? They might just have to turn to those nasty men with guns. Do LEOs know what the feminists really think about them? They would just as soon you be a woman, but if you must be a man, then at least you need to do their bidding until they can replace you.