“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Apparently, that means pornography everywhere, Islam co-equal with Christ, sodomites dominating public policy, and communistic fascism as the form of government and society.
Christiandom is so overrun with easternism that Christ’s people have lost knowledge of what Christianity is. In easternism, yin and yang exist, and the living soul ostensibly interacts in every aspect of life, aware they should choose the good thing in what they are doing.
Christians in the west are living the same way. They move within work, home, entertainment, government, business, culture, and other spheres of life, accepting the evil, thankful for Christ perhaps but not enough to know that all aspects of creation are His. Christians have authority in these realms but have, in an eastern way, decided to accept being with the evil, never trying to change those environments by their works for Christ.
Communists fully expect their converts to change everything about themselves and take over every aspect of life on earth. So too, the Musselman is expected to radically transform and conquer everything in their path. Even “atheists” demanding separation of church and state get it; they are set for the conquest of the government sector and, through its law, imposing their religion on the whole country.
Only modern Christianity expects nothing of its “adherents” but an occasional visit to a corporate location for a pop phycology pep talk and leave a check – thanks for coming. Not even easternism is this dilapidatedly lame and willfully ineffectual. Christians are the only ones who deny the notion of operating and dominating all domains of life and society, and they are wrong; that’s not what the Bible teaches or what Christ said.
Communism, Islam, and atheism are frauds of Christ’s kingdom power on earth. The church has completely lost the mandate given to the disciples and retaken by the reformation. Christ expects you to be fully converted to the way, everything about you changing from the heart outward. And under His commission, we are to teach all people of every nation to obey Him. The scriptures are about theological penetration into the whole of society that you might not sin against God, to further that it may go well with you in the land.
Christians shouldn’t care what the Supreme Court says. They are part of the communist regime that claims false rule over Christ’s domain. Christ’s people shouldn’t care what the left thinks about the separation of church and state. Those words are not in the Scriptures.
Only Christians with an actual mandate from the creator Himself, written instruction on how to carry it out, and the indwelling Holy Spirit to lend weight and power to the mission have authority to take every domain on earth for their King. Christians are supposed to be priests and kings. The kings of this world are supposed to be Christ’s men doing His good pleasure. The church is supposed to take over the state, and since Christ’s men aren’t doing it, the devil’s minions will.
There is no such thing as separation of church and state. (Here, we use the word religion broadly, meaning belief system.) There can’t be. Whatever the prevailing religion a majority of society holds, even entertainmentism as Americans today have, will permeate everything in that society. Society is made up of the people; what lives in their heart of hearts is that society’s religion and every aspect of that society begins to reflect the belief system. The government is people (insert Soylent Green joke); they have the prevailing faith system whether anybody likes it or not. That religion is supposed to be Christian, according to God Almighty.