I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
The video surveillance from an Albuquerque motel shows it clearly: A man paces the corridor; a woman exits her room to get something from her car, and then returns.
“And from out of nowhere this guy came back around the corner,” recalled Lynne Russell, “and this time he had a gun and he was pointing it right at my abdomen.”
At that very moment, Russell’s husband, Chuck De Caro, emerged from the shower. He recalled: “He then moved the gun from pointing at my wife to pointing at me, and he said, ‘I need your money.'”
But the gunman did not know that Russell, a former CNN anchor, and De Caro, a former CNN reporter who trained as a Special Forces soldier, habitually travel with guns that they are licensed and trained to use.
Russell was able to slip her gun from the nightstand into her purse, which she handed to De Caro, telling him “‘Take a really good look inside here; see if there’s anything you can find that we want to give the man.’ And Chuck looked and he said, ‘Yes, there is.”
And, they say, as the suspect started to shoot, De Caro fired back: “And I killed him,” he said.
“But you got shot yourself?” asked Braver.
“Well, that’s the nature of the game,” De Caro replied. “It’s called combat.”
[ … ]
But Dallas Police Chief David Brown, speaking after five officers were shot and killed, says these “good guys” actually complicate matters for police: “It’s been the presumption that a good guy with a gun is the best way to resolve some of these things. Well, we don’t know who the good guy is versus who the bad guy is if everybody starts shooting.”
The police would rather you be disarmed so that it makes their job of mopping up the remains and going home after their shift easier. But is it actually possible to protect yourself? We keep hearing the progressives say that it’s impossible, an argument that disproves their point since they never logically extend the argument to disarming the police.
AZ Family reports that police arrived on scene to find 27-year-old Frank Taylor in the parking lot, suffering from a gunshot wound. He was rushed to a hospital, where he died from his injuries. Witnesses told police that Taylor held a gun to 23-year-old Carol Miracle’s head and demanded money. Miracle told police that “Taylor tried to rob her at gunpoint near the store.”
Glendale police officer Tiffany Smith indicated that investigators “learned that Taylor pointed his gun at Miracle’s head.” Smith said, “She then drew her own handgun that was holstered on her hip, and shot him one time while she was in fear for her life.”
Smith said the evidence recovered at the scene is “consistent” with eyewitness testimony that Taylor had a gun to Miracle’s head.
You mean without all of that super Ninja warrior stress control training LEOs go through she was able to defend her life? I’m shocked. Shocked!
She didn’t have all of that Ninja assassin training she needs.
Perhaps if the “terrorist attack” has to do with knives, or gun, or trucks, a person like her would be effective against it. She seemed pretty cool under pressure to me. If it involves a battalion of Ninja warriors, she may need some help. It’s best, then, if everyone carries guns.