BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 9 months ago
This is a new series inspired by reader Michael, updated as time permits and as assisted by readers. I do not intend for me to do all of the work.
“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA — ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”
–Heinrich Himmler
“I have grown up with guns all my life, but people who like assault weapons they should join the United States Army, we have them.”
–Gen. Wesley Clark, US Army
“Anyone who wants to possess such a weapon (“assault weapon”) should join the Marine Corps.”
–Oliver North, President of NRA
“We think it’s reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone.”
–Wayne LaPierre, CEO and Executive Vice President, NRA
“In the aftermath of two of the country’s worst mass shootings, it’s an affront to both our safety as a nation and the common sense of its citizens that Congress would consider actually weakening our gun laws.”
–General Stanley McChrystal, author of the ROE that killed good men at Ganjgal
“I spent a career carrying typically either an M16 or an M4 Carbine. An M4 Carbine fires a .223 caliber round which is 5.56 mm at about 3000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It’s designed for that,” McChrystal explained. “That’s what our soldiers ought to carry. I personally don’t think there’s any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and particularly around the schools in America.”
–General Stanley McChrystal
For the record, The Captain’s Journal believes that all gun control laws are an affront to God’s created order and denial of rights endowed by our creator by virtue of being created in His image, and a violation and infringement of the constitution of the U.S. and the various states.