Our firm regularly prepares employee handbooks that include policies against violence that are protective of employers while allowing employees to carry their firearms to work. If you are an employer and would like to implement such a policy, here are a few
1. Screen your employees before you hire them, and always, always, conduct a thorough background check. A safe workplace begins with the hiring process.
2. Set requirements for training—if your state laws allow you to do so. At a minimum, require that your employees have a state concealed carry permit, which means they have passed a background check conducted by law enforcement.
3. Establish requirements for storage and control of the firearm. Leaving a firearm unattended inside the workplace where it is accessible to others is grounds for termination without discussion.
4. Ensure that employees have read your firearms policy and have had an opportunity to ask questions.
5. If not prohibited by your state’s law, implement a reporting system for employees who carry. Employees should at least annually update you with proof of their training. They should also at least annually sign a declaration stating they are not a prohibited person under state or federal law.
6. Have a self-reporting policy that requires employees to report immediately to their supervisor if they become a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm.
7. Make sure you have a procedure for other employees to report threats of violence.
My company already has most of those things since I work under a fitness for duty program that meets the requirements of the code of federal regulations. I’m not sure what she intends for number 2, but I put more rounds downrange than most LEOs. I shouldn’t have to demonstrate over and over again at a cost to me that I know how to safely and effectively operate my firearms.
On the other hand, if the company wants to rent out a range for a day and have employee fun day at the range with a qualification supervisor watching, I’m all in for that. I’d even buy my own ammunition. I just don’t think I should have to go pay a state-approved CHP instructor every year for this.
What’s not to like about this? It’s a win-win, and as few of those that come along in life, you have to grab them when you can.