Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Handgun Drills, Part Eight

2 years, 1 month ago

You’ll remember the tiff between TCJ and Ammoland about a handgun drill at that site that we linked here. Ammoland insisted that Herschel delete the post. He did delete it and made these comments here at TCJ:

I removed a post made by fellow writer PGF.  I did so after receiving this note from Ammoland editor Fredy Riehl, as follows.

Hello  captainsjournal100″ (sic)

You have content from our website that is in violation of our copyrights. (here is one example, you have multiple.)

The Captain’s Journal » Self-Defense Skills and Drills, The Casino Drill (

 Please remove all content and images you may have scraped from our domain at once and email us notice it has all been deleted and scrubbed from your domain

This is a poorly written letter with awful editing (e.g., you don’t end the sentence with a period if there is a qualifier in parentheses, nor put a period inside the parentheses, I don’t know what the ” is about at the beginning of the letter, etc.).  But I got the gist of his offense.

You’ll note by the title of today’s post that it’s the eighth in a semi-regular series with the Tag handgun drills that we’ve been posting here at the captain’s Journal.

Well, AmmoLand has now embarked on a series of handgun drill articles. I know exactly what they’ve done because I know how lawyers think. They got Herschel to delete the link here and forbade any future links from TCJ while stealing* the idea to profit from it. I know this because AmmoLand just published another handgun drill article, and that’s how lawyers work to maximize corporate profits.

Now, I’m a Christian man, and I’m not even mad about this. In fact, I’ll do three things.

First, I’ll tell you that I can’t link the article to AmmoLand here because, as Christians, when we make a covenant, we keep it. But if you go to AmmoLand and click on recent articles, you’ll find their latest drill. It’s a pretty good practice; go read it and give it a try at the range. I recommend it.

Second, I’m telling you this out of Christian love, only because I want your family to be safe from tyrants of all stripes, be they lone assailants or the government. I never intended to profit from this series.

Third, I’m giving AmmoLand the cloak off my back (Matthew 5:40) by encouraging you to go read their article, which I won’t even name but look for the bull with red eyes. I pray AmmoLand profits handsomely from their handgun training drills series of articles.

I would have loved to have helped by sending them traffic. We could have worked together to make America a safer place. Lawyers are ruining America, but Christians have a duty to make it better.

*It’s not precisely a novel idea, and I surely was not the first to consider it, and neither were they, which makes AmmoLand all the more reprehensible for their corporate lawyer measures against TCJ.

Handgun Drills, Part Seven

2 years, 1 month ago

First, Ordinary Citizen shoots handgun drills at 25-Yard Reps. 1min 20sec.


That’s a goal to work toward. We’ve provided some training below to help you get there.

Next, another draw-and-shoot handgun drill:

Bill Drill, (for) Bill Wilson

IPSC target

Teaches: draw, grip, rapid-fire, recoil control, “adequate” rather than “perfect” sight picture.

Brian Enos puts master-level time for this Drill at 2.0 seconds.

Surrender Postition facing the target

With one IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) target 7 yards away, start from surrender position, draw, and fire 6 shots into the A-zone. If any shots miss the A-zone, the time does not count, so the emphasis is on accuracy before speed.

Variations: for a beginner, bring the target as close as 8 feet, or start from low ready instead of holstered. Shoot as fast as you can while keeping the shots in the A-zone and keeping a feeling of control over the gun. The point is to get used to the feeling of controlled rapid fire, learning to watch the sight, and familiarizing yourself with rapid-fire recoil characteristics. Drawing from the holster helps you to learn to acquire a good shooting grip; otherwise the gun will start to feel out of control. If you are missing the A-zone, you’re making mistakes. SLOW DOWN and do it right. This Drill can be a real ammo burner.

For brand-new shooters or rusty shooters, 7 yards is too far for starting out. Increase distance from the target as improvement grows with practice while gaining confidence as you go. Also, you may want to rehearse smoothly drawing your weapon while unloaded to get the hang of it before going to live rounds.

The object is to get proficient at close range – from drawing your weapon through to proper shot placement on target. Improving the time to get the muzzle on target accurately is the goal. It’s not recommended to become static in these drills. Move to new angles, distances, and target types over time while maintaining accuracy.

This one comes from handgun law dot us. Always check with Handgun law dot us for all fifty States’ handgun carry law information.

Handgun Drills, Part Six

2 years, 2 months ago

Here’s another helpful handgun drill as provided by handgun law us.

Three Target Test,  Ken Hackathorn

I have a simple test I run when checking new trainees or operators. I place three NRA five-yard bullseye centers up at 10 yards. I ask the student to fire six rounds at the first target slow fire, about 2.5 minutes normally). Next I ask them to fire six rounds at the second bullseye in 10 seconds, and finally six rounds at the third in five seconds.

Each string starts with the handgun in hand, at the ready. This is done with both hands on the gun in whatever grip or stance the student prefers. If the student cannot shoot a good slow fire group on the first target, with plenty of time for using good sight alignment and precise trigger control– guess what? The second and third targets are pretty sad.

My key point is that if you cannot fire an accurate group at 10 yards taking your time, you will be in big trouble if you ever expect to do anything well using marksmanship as a goal. Simply put, you had better learn the basics before you plan on being anything serious with a handgun.

This is excellent. I always point out that starting slow and attaining the objective is the first goal. Once rounds are on target to a satisfactory degree, then, and only then, do we increase the rapidity of the training. Don’t drill faster than you can productively hit the target because it’s a waste of time and ammo, teaching inadequate skills. This is especially important in practicing smoothly drawing your weapon to put rounds on target.

Shooting With Both Eyes Open

2 years, 2 months ago

In light of AmmoLand’s lawyers pitching a fit over linked articles here at TCJ, we’ve been working on getting permissions from quality sources that don’t mind sharing praxis while driving traffic back to them. Quality training, ideas, and techniques you may not have considered, and specific instruction to get better with our tools is the goal. We’ve already posted several Handgun Training exercises. We’ll tag those and all upcoming training posts with ‘Tactical Drills and Training,’ so we’ll have one tag to use as a reference resource.

Many of the readers here will find some of these to be entry-level. However, there are some with less experience who don’t comment much. The idea is that we all teach and share, encouraging one another. We’ll have higher experience/skill level posts soon.

The first article we’ll link is handgun training from Shooty McBeardface. If you’ve never heard of him, he’s at the usual online places.

From a defensive standpoint, habitually shooting with both eyes open is vastly superior to just using the one. Here I’ll explain a simple method that works; one you can use starting today.

When any of us first starts shooting we make a point to close our off eye so that we can have a clear sight picture. That clear, unambiguous sight picture is vital at this stage because we typically have no trained mechanics or muscle memory to assist with our effort to shoot accurately. What’s more, most of us are unaccustomed to directing our focus into one eye while the other eye remains open.

All of this is to say, there’s a bit of a learning curve to proper defensive firearm technique (of which the eyes are just one component).

I say defensive firearm technique because there is little benefit in target shooting with both eyes open. This doesn’t mean one shouldn’t target shoot with both eyes open, but the point of having both open is so that your field of vision remains as wide as possible so that you don’t miss something important or deadly in a fight for life; yours or someone else’s. However, since humans are creatures of habit, it is best to make a habit of shooting with both eyes open.

Picture: Shooty McBeardface

He continues with some basics and explanatory photos, including finding your dominant eye, aiming, and encouraging you to get out there and practice your new shooting technique to build lifelong skills. Please give him a click.

How I teach folks to check for their dominant eye is to extend both hands out straight in front of the face with the back of the hands facing you, forming a triangle (pictured below). Then focus on an object 20 feet away—close first one eye, then the other. You should be able to see the object with your dominant eye and not the other. I happen to be opposite-eye dominant, which means my dominant eye is not on the side of my dominant hand.

Handgun Drills, Part Five

2 years, 3 months ago

CQC on the Move,  Ken Hackathorn

Ammunition required: 50 rounds, Target: IDPA silhouette, Time Limits: Basic time limits as noted. As shooter skill increases, either shorten the time limits or increase the distance to the target.

Stage 1 — 3 yards/Close Combat Shooting is done from a close combat/weapon retention position, with the weapon already drawn. Fire 2 rounds in 2 seconds. 3X total of 6 rounds.

Stage 2 — 3 yards/Retreating from the target On signal, begin backing away from the target. Draw and engage the target with at least 3 rounds while moving backwards. You should end the movement at the 10 yard line. 2X. Total of 6 rounds. Your goal is to rapidly gain distance from the threat while you are drawing and engaging the target. The greater the distance you are from the threat, the greater your chances of survival.

Stage 3 — 5 yards/Strong Hand Only On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds in 4 seconds STONG HAND ONLY. 3X. Total of 6 rounds.

Stage 4 — 7 yards/Double Taps On signal, draw and engage the target with 2 rounds in 4 seconds. 4X. Total of 8 rounds.

Stage 5 — 7 yards/Lateral Movement How to perform this drill depends on the configuration of your range facility. The goal is to draw, begin lateral movement, and engage the target with three rounds. This should be accomplished moving to your strong side, and also to your weak side. 2X. Total of 6 rounds. This exercise increases your skills at placing your shots effectively while moving to cover or if your only path of escape is moving laterally. Go slowly at first, and then pick up your speed of movement only as fast as you can get good hits.

Stage 6 — 7 or 10 yards/Multiple Targets Facing three targets. On signal, draw and engage each target with two rounds, perform a mandatory reload, and re-engage each target with two rounds. Total of 12 rounds fired. Par time is 15 seconds for auto pistols and 18 seconds for revolvers.

Stage 7 — 15 yards/Single Target for accuracy On signal, draw and engage the target with 1 round in 3 seconds. 6X. Total of 12 rounds.

[Via handgunlaw us]

Handgun Drills, Part Four

2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Training CCW Skills Drills, Ken Hackathorn

3 yards On the signal draw keeping the gun in the retention position (Gun close to body) and fire 2 rounds center mass. Repeat twice for a total of 6 rounds.

5 yards On signal draw and fire either 1 round or dedicated pairs firing strong hand only. It is advisable to make some shots eye level point shots with hard focus on the target, not the sights. Fire a total of 6 rounds.

3 yards On signal back away from the target, draw and fire 3 rounds center mass while moving. Try to get to the 7 yard line by the time you fire your last round. Repeat once for a total of 6 rounds.

7 yards On signal draw and fire a dedicated pair center mass, slowly go to ready and scan the area and reholster. Repeat twice for a total of 6 rounds.

7 yards Move from center of target a few steps. On signal draw and fire 3 rounds center of mass moving laterally across the range. Repeat going in the opposite direction. Move only as fast as you can hit the target.

6 and 10 yards Draw and fire 1 round on each of 3 targets placed at varied distances on the range. Targets are placed between 6 and 10 yards, also vary heights of targets. Repeat using dedicated pairs on each target.

7 yards Place firearm on the ground, on the signal with your strong hand tucked into your belt pick up the firearm with your support hand and fire 1 round center of mass. Repeat once for a total of two rounds.

15 yards Draw and fire 1 round in 2.5 seconds. Repeat twice for a total of 3 rounds. These should be very precise hits. (Hack considers this long range for self-defense, however should be practiced.)

With additional ammunition repeat course utilizing your favorite flashlight technique, or add movement away from targets on all 10 yard or less stages.

[This week’s drill via handgun law us]

Handgun Drills, Part Three

2 years, 3 months ago

“The Box Drill”

OffGridNews gives us three drills. The second one, Off the X, seems the most practical. The other two are at the link.

Defensive Handgun Drills (#2): Off The X

The X is where the fight starts. Remember: You do not get to pick when the fight starts or ends; the bad guy does. So when he starts that fight, move. Change it up and make him think, and most importantly, get out of his sights. Sometimes you can’t move backward, so you need to move in a variety of directions, which could be to get away or get to cover.

This one is often difficult to practice live, but the main point isn’t to score shots with this drill. Dry works for 99 percent of the drill. That 1 percent of marksmanship practice can be achieved elsewhere.

The shooter starts with a weapon concealed and holstered. RSO or signal goes off and drill begins. Shooter moves dynamically to the left, right, backward or even forward. Forward movement is not to move toward the bad guy, but only to cover. Moving in a diagonal pattern is often the best method; you can get away and move out of the line of sight for the bad guy.

The point of this drill is to draw, get your gun on target, and move hard and fast out of the line of sight of the target. You can change this drill in multiple ways. Add obstacles and cover. Have someone place cover randomly without your prior knowledge and have your back turned to the engagement area. Again, 99 percent of this drill can be effectively learned without the use of live ammo. If ammo is used, be safe.

[This seems like a drill for an instance where you are both not the target, and not sure of the cause of gunfire in your proximity: draw and take cover or concealment as best you can while looking to egress the area asap. Avoiding a gunfight is a win!]


And a bonus drill:

Single-hand Stackup, Steve Tarani

At 10 yards, set up a steel “A-box” plate or a paper target with a designated center mass, primary-strike zone.

Support-Hand Stackup Drill – Part One
Starting with your support hand only, begin with the pistol drawn to the low-ready position aimed in at the base of the target (where the target base contacts the ground), with a firm grip and finger outside the trigger guard.

On the buzzer or go signal, move the muzzle from the target base to the visual center of your intended target and fire one round when your sights are aligned.

Your timing (purpose of the drill) should be to break the shot at the exact same time your sights align with the visual center of the target. Include follow-through after the shot by recovering (reset visually and mechanically) to visual center again after recoil. Once you can do this successfully four times in a row without error, you are then ready for part two.

Support-Hand Stackup Drill – Part Two
The second part of the Support-Hand Stackup Drill is to deliver, rather than a single shot, four consecutive shots from the low-ready position. If you are using a timer to record your shot times, you’ll want to work toward reducing your split times (times between breaking each shot) to as low as your skill level will allow that day.

Strong-Hand Stackup Drill – Part One
Moving on to your strong hand, start with your pistol holstered and both hands below your gun belt. Facing the target at the 10-yard line, on the buzzer or go signal present the pistol from your holster, stabilize the muzzle as you aim in at the visual center of your intended target and fire one round.

Just like the first drill, your timing (purpose of the drill) should be to break the shot at the precise time your sights align with the visual center of the target and to then recover back to visual center again after recoil. Once you can do this successfully four times in a row without error, then you are ready for part two.

Strong-Hand Stackup Drill – Part Two
The second part of the Strong-Hand Stackup Drill is, like with the weak-hand drill, to deliver four consecutive shots after drawing from the holster. If you are using a timer, you’ll want to work toward reducing your split times to as low as your skill level will allow that day.

Both single-hand stackup drills can be run from an open holster or from concealment [we recommend you practice the way you EDC.] and with or without a timer.

Remember, the objective of these nifty skill-builders is twofold: to develop your timing as to when the shot breaks and to reduce your split times.

[We did not mention the source because that organization supports gun control and always has, period! Practice this as a self-defense drill and not a skills test or IDPA course.]

Handgun Drills, Part Two

2 years, 3 months ago

30 Round Self Defense Practice Drill, Ken Hackathorn

With just one IDPA sized target, a sheet of target patches, and the Drills that I will enumerate below, one can now have a decent guide in teaching oneself the finer points of armed self defense. A friend with a competition timer will also come in handy. All Drills involve firing live ammunition and should only be performed in a shooting range or a place where there is no danger of hitting anything other than your target or its backstop. Oh yeah, you’ll also need a gun. The instructions below assume that you are using a semi-auto pistol, for wheel-gunners replace magazine changes with speed loader reloads.

Remember to observe and practice the four rules of gun safety.

  1. From 5 yards, allowing 1 ½ seconds, beginning at “low ready” one shot to head. Repeat 3 times.
  2. From 5 yards, allowing 2 seconds, beginning with gun holstered, one shot to head. Repeat 3 times.
  3. From 5 yards, allowing 2 seconds, beginning at “low ready,” strong hand only, two shots to body. Repeat 2 times.
  4. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, facing 90° to left of target, gun holstered, two shots to body. One time only.
  5. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, facing 90° to right of target, gun holstered, two shots to body. One time only.
  6. From 7 yards, allowing 2 seconds, facing target, gun holstered, two shots to body. One time only.
  7. From 7 yards, allowing 4 seconds, while backing to 10-12 yards, three shots to body. Repeat 2 times.
  8. From 10 yards, allowing 3 seconds, beginning with gun on target and round in chamber, change magazine and fire one shot to body. Repeat 2 times.
  9. From 10 yards, allowing 3 seconds, beginning with gun on target and slide locked back, change magazine and fire one shot to body. One time only.
  10. From 15 yards, allowing 2 ½ seconds, draw and fire one shot to body. Repeat 5 times.

Head shots only count if you hit the A zone of the “head” of the target. Body shots count if you hit the A, B, or C zones of the “body” of the target.

It is best to do these exercises with the same sidearm you intend to carry and with the same holster you plan to use. For most of us, this will be a concealed carry sidearm and concealment holster. Also wearing a shirt or vest that properly conceals the weapon is also recommended as the idea is to practice what you will do should you ever need to use your CCW piece in self defense. Assume that all Drills that require starting with a holstered firearm mean a holstered and concealed firearm. Using your star trek mod 1911 and an offset, fast draw holster won’t really teach you much about drawing and presentation which is what these Drills are mostly about. Think real world.

Don’t expect to be able to do all of these within the time required in your first few attempts, few meaning less than fifty. While this is not a substitute for proper training, it sure is a good start for many of us.

This one comes via hand gun law dot us

Handgun Drills, Part One

2 years, 4 months ago

The Drill, Clint Smith

100 rounds

Targets Standard white paper plates and a 3” X 5” index card at 15 yards for all exercises will be used. Stack dinner plates one above the other with the index card placed above the top dinner plate.

Marksmanship “Shoot well not fast” From the ready position fire 10 singles on chosen target. From the ready position fire 5 sighted doubles. (Practice your trigger reset.)

Loading Put one round in your handgun, fire, when the gun goes empty keep the muzzle on the target and reload. “An empty gun is not bad luck; it’s simply a reality of being in a fight.” Keep the gun between you and the target and reload. Do this Drill 10 times.

Non-Compliant Threats From the ready position fire 2 shots on the center plate and 1 shot on the card. Do this 2 times. Fire 3 shots on the center plate and 1 on the card. Do this 2 times. Fire 2 shots on the center plate, 2 shots on the lower plate and 1 shot on the card. Do this 1 time. Slow down for your head shots. “Remember the head is not a smaller target, it’s just different.”

Drawing Practice our drawing stroke smoothly, speed comes with practice. Fast is spelled SMOOOOTH. With an UNLOADED firearm draw 10 to 15 times correctly, and smoothly, following through to include a sight picture and hammer fall. (Remember your dry fire practice rules.) Load, draw and fire 10 singles, holstering between shots. Remember safety on and finger straight while holstering. While drawing take one step back and fire 1 shot. Do this 10 times. Remember: M & M. “Maximize the distance, minimize the threat.”

Malfunctions “Fights and family vacations have something in common, they rarely come out the way they were planned.” Leave the magazine unseated with one in the chamber and fire when ready. Stick a piece of brass in the top of the ejection port. Set up a double feed. The response is always the same, when the gun does not fire. Tap the magazine. Rack the slide harder and attempt to fire. If it still doesn’t work, remove the magazine and place under your strong hand little finger. Rack the slide 3 times and reload the gun and fire if you have a valid target. Run variations 5 times and after clearing, fire 1 shot to complete the cycle of operation in your head. Go slow and do it correctly. You have 21 rounds for this portion.

Strong and Support Hand Fire 5 shots strong hand only from the ready position, carefully transfer the gun to your support hand and fire 5 shots. Go slowly and carefully, speed and skill will come with time – and practice. Depending on your skill level lessen the distance if you’re not hitting the target. Only hits count!! Beginners should start at 5 yards and move back as skill increases.

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