BY Herschel Smith
12 years, 2 months ago
A Duke University student named J. Travis Smith waxes on about firearms, and he’s convinced that the U.K. is all that and more concerning the prevention of crime and firearms related injuries. He should do more research. But the most amusing part of the commentary is this statement.
Today, with high ammo clips, a single person can enjoy the ability to take on the masses, as enabled by a constitutional statement intended for militia.
High ammo clips. This is horribly reminiscent of High Magazine Clips and The Shoulder Thing That Goes Up. Young Travis should seek legal counsel against his professors at Duke for allowing him to become a senior without learning to do research. Clips have a very specific connotation, with stripper clips being distinguished from en bloc clips. These are almost certainly not the magazines to which he refers. Son, the correct term is “high capacity magazines.”
Travis is likely on a pathway to being among the ruling elite in the country, perhaps with a degree in International Studies, where he lives inside the beltway, writes regulations and develops policy directly out of college for a progressive administration. I’m also willing to bet that Travis has never held a firearm, doesn’t know anyone who currently has firearms, has never used a firearm, and doesn’t know the history of firearms in America.
I’m willing to teach him, or even host a shooting clinic for him, but he has to be willing to learn about his subjects before writing about them. That’s included in college skills 101 … or at least, it used to be necessary to pass other college courses.