The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

The Best Tree Stand Harnesses of 2023, Tested and Reviewed

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 3 months ago

Outdoor Life.

This is an extremely easy to use rock climbing harness that easily carries and supports hunters in a seated position after an arrested fall. The Black Diamond Zone is designed with the idea that users (climbers) are expected to fall in this harness. It is also designed for self-rescue, since rock climbers are often not easily accessible to rescuers. One of the reasons that full-body safety harnesses are recommended often for hunters is that it would be impossible for a hunter to fall out of a full-body harness if all the straps are fastened properly. Properly worn, the rock climbing harness provides almost as much security. Remember that rock climbers, unlike deer hunters, plan to fall and may be in unusual postures when they do so and count on these harnesses for survival.

Although the front attachment of the tether for rock harnesses could get in the way, the big advantage of this attachment point is that self-rescue becomes far easier after an arrested fall. Since this is a “sit” harness, hanging in these harnesses is much more comfortable than the full-body harness. Because you sit in this harness while suspended, unlike hanging in a full-body harness, the risk of suspension trauma is low.

He goes on to discuss traditional fall-arrest harnesses with a lanyard on the back of the system.  Don’t do that.

You’re incapable of self-rescue, and the system will cut the flow of blood to your legs, potentially causing loss of limbs.  Don’t be tethered to your back side.

Do it the right way.  Use rock climbing gear.  Dump the old, traditional ways of doing things.  All you need to purchase is the harness from Black Diamond, a legitimate carabiner, and a tree tether.  Replace the tree tether if it gets worn.

Game Wardens Might Be Watching You

BY Herschel Smith
2 years ago

Field & Stream does a good job outlining the history of the Open Fields Act, the history of this issue, and what’s at stake.  It’s in three parts.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

In part 3 the author writes the following.

There’s simply no getting around the fact that Hollingworth is a poacher, by definition. He has admitted to, been charged, and/or convicted of the following:

  • Chasing coots with a boat and shooting them with lead shot.
  • Shooting deer at night from a vehicle (though he insists his buddy pulled the trigger).
  • Shooting cliff swallows.
  • Shooting beavers at night on public land.
  • Baiting migratory game birds.
  • Shooting over the limit on ducks.

Hollingsworth told me that he believes that there should be some game laws—but he also said private-property owners should be able to shoot a deer or turkey any time of the year, so long as they use common sense and are shooting it to eat it, and that baiting waterfowl should be legal on private land, too, provided hunters adhere to the bag limits.

All of a sudden, I wasn’t so sympathetic.

That said, no matter how many past violations Hollingsworth has or how inexcusable they are, it is still fair to ask whether the wardens overstepped their bounds in this case. Did they go too far in planting the hidden trail camera? I think they did. And did they really need (as Hollingsworth describes it) to surround his home with multiple officers just to serve a warrant for a “stolen” trail camera? I suspect they didn’t.

Good grief.  Do you know how many bird species are included in the migratory bird act?  More than 800.  If a Woodpecker is tearing a tree apart on your property, and that tree, or group of trees, is (or are) necessary to prevent washes and fissures on your land, too bad.  You can’t kill it.  Chimney Finches or Chimney Swifts are protected.  If one gets into your chimney and dies for whatever reason, you have to live with the smell of death in your house because you didn’t drive it out of there before it died.

If a Killdeer nests in your gravel road, you can’t move it under Federal law.  I didn’t say not to kill Woodpeckers killing your trees.  I said that under federal law, you cannot do it.  These rules are stupid, concocted and promulgated by stupid and wicked men.

As for killing deer out of season, it would be nice for every man to be as well off as every other man, but that won’t happen in time and on earth.  Thus, some people just have to do what they have to do to feed their families.  I get the issue about modern game management techniques historically increasing herd size.  I really do.

But the creature isn’t above the creator.  And the creator gave man charge over the animal kingdom.  I am opposed to anything that gives government more power, because controlling men are always abusive.

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Quite Small Game Hunting

2 years, 1 month ago

In a recent conversation, the discussion of rabbit hunting came up. The rabbits are thick this year in our area. The intent is “backyard” hunting for food on several acres. Why not eat the rabbits while teaching your children to forage and harvest what God makes readily available in addition to regular hunting, fishing, chickens, and a large garden?


Hunting in most areas here is legal, but the 22LR is too loud for the desired purpose. A lower profile with the neighbors is a better choice. Early in the investigation of options, any info or background readers might have would be very helpful. The readership here is much more intelligent than a web search.


Below is some preliminary info on “quiet 22,” subsonic, and .22 air rifles. Also, the option of suppression comes to mind, which brings up questions about the law.

CCI’s Quiet .22 load is designed to deliver about 68 decibels (Db) at the shooter’s ear. This is about half the noise generated by high-velocity .22 LR ammunition and only slightly more than normal conversation. Sounds can be painful at around 95 Db and sustained exposure to noise in the 125 Db range, or even one time exposure to levels of 140 Db or higher, can cause permanent damage to hearing. When I was growing up hearing protection was rarely used when shooting and the incessant ringing in my ears is a constant reminder of that mistake.


While subsonic .22 LR ammunition—ammo with a muzzle velocity of less than about 1,100 fps—has been available for a long time, it generally comes in the form of expensive match-grade ammo or target rounds that are only slightly below the speed of sound. This means you either pay more for each shot or the noise reduction is minimal so as not to sacrifice velocity.

The Best Quietest Air Rifles mentions not scaring prey away and avoiding alerting the neighbors.

Looking to hunt vermin, rodents, or squirrels in your backyard? Well, after spending dozens of hours on research, I found and shortlisted some of the quietest air rifles in the market right now. Let’s dive straight into it!

An air rifle in .22 could be a good fit.


There Is A Difference Between Inflicting Wanton Animal Cruelty And Hunting

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Via reader Ned, BLM news.

Black Lives Matter supporters ran over a raccoon twice before beating it to death with a baseball bat in a horrific and senseless act of animal cruelty before posting the video online and saying people should “worry about the police killing Black people” and “treating us like animals.”

“James Blue”, the person who filmed the violence, attempted to justify the animal cruelty by saying that “Black lives matter” and “Only white people worry about animals.”

The disturbing incident took place in New York City, as onlookers watched and cheered the sickening attack on a defenseless animal.

The alleged niece of one of the perpetrators replied “Worry about the police killing Black people” before dismissing the brutal and unnecessary killing of the raccoon, saying “only white peoples worry about this.”

That difference in practice is called the “ethical kill.”  All legitimate hunters care about that.  An ethical kill means you kill with minimal pain and suffering, and you process the animal you just harvested for food.

The difference in people is called a conscience that hasn’t been seared.

On to another issue, is there any doubt they would do this to people?

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