It’s effective immediately. Folks like Rock River Arms and Springfield Armory who ensconce in Illinois now cannot even sell to customers in their own home state. It’s too bad they didn’t ride the “Gun Valley Moves South” train when it left the station. I know the gun community. Some will be reluctant to buy from a manufacturer who cannot even sell their products to folks in their own state. By the way, Colorado is effectively doing the same thing.
The list of guns citizen in Illinois cannot have is long. Very long. You cannot even own tactical shotguns under the new law as best as I read it (I did note that they didn’t specifically mention the Beretta 1301, although I’ll also mention that the new law “strengthens the assault weapons ban by also allowing Illinois State Police to update the list as needed,” Welch said”). So the ban includes whatever the cops want it to include.
Also, they are preempting the SCOTUS decision on Terry Stops: “If police stop a car driven by a semiautomatic gun owner, they can instantly check to ensure its legally owned.” What sense this makes one can only guess – if a gun owner has registered the weapon why wouldn’t it be assumed that it’s a “legally owned weapon?”
Also, it’s back to the way it was before Bruen – you cannot have that gun with you (you know, the only ones left not on the list) when you leave home. You cannot carry it on your person. So, it’s all the rage now for the communist states to pretend that Bruen doesn’t exist and that the supreme court never spoke to the matter.
I have supreme confidence that this law will be adjudicated, and I expect this law to be struck down, but I’m not sure how long it will be before that happens. In the mean time, they want citizens to register their guns if they are “grandfathered in.” Some Sheriffs have said they will not comply, dozens and dozens, somewhere around 70 at last count.
But what does this mean? Here is one clue.

But that’s not good enough. Merely refusing to assist the state police isn’t doing anyone any good. For this to have teeth the Sheriffs would need to ensure that not only were they constitutional Sheriffs, but their deputies were constitutional deputies as well, and that the city and township PDs agreed with this stance. Those are the preconditions for success.
That would all lead to the next necessary step, which would be a threat to arrest any state police who came into their counties to enforce the new law, and the stomach to follow through with it. Finally, if those counties have militia to whom the Sheriff could go for assistance, that may prove to be necessary as well.
Do any of the Sheriffs have the stomach for this? I seriously doubt it. I’ve said before, nullification laws or threats are dangerous for the citizens if they aren’t serious and don’t carry both the threat and reality of force behind them. If they are weighty and enforced, they serve as a check on centralized power and authority to infringe on God-given rights.
Illinois is just at the beginning of this whole affair. Chicago has decided the way it will be for everyone else in their state. Whether the balance of the state lets it stand will be up to them.