BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 1 month ago
David Codrea:
Further detailed allegations, being investigated by this reporter and seemingly corroborated by the unsealed opinion, include Judge Allegra being contacted by Internal Affairs Investigator Christopher Trainor, a key witness in the Dobyns case, concerning his being threatened by a main government witness — one the judge himself had raised perjury questions about — and chillingly,also threatened by lead government attorneys. Trainor had reportedly earlier given the intimidation to ATF, which opened a criminal investigation, and then approached ATF and Department of Justice attorneys, both of whom allegedly refused to report the witness tampering allegations to the judge. It is further alleged Trainor was warned by the DOJ attorney that if he reported the witness to Judge Allegra, his career at ATF would suffer.
The judge then reportedly notified Attorney General Eric Holder, then-Deputy AG and (“Number Two” at Justice) James Cole, and the Office of Inspector General of DOJ attorney fraud against the court, and issued an order barring seven of the attorneys from filing any further legal documents in the Dobyns case. Although no direct connection has been established, it is noted that the timing of the judge’s notification appears contemporaneous with Cole’s resignation and Holder’s announced resignation.
I encourage readers to study David’s other research into the Dobyns case linked at this article. This is extremely serious stuff. First of all, it demonstrates a complete lack of professional ethics and personal moral compass. But on top of that, this is criminal activity, and if it can be proven to the standards of the American Bar Association, they could be disbarred. Finally, if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, they could face criminal penalties.
This is a very big deal, and it goes to show the lengths that the government went to cause disrepute on Mr. Dobyns. The Arizona Daily Star reporter that David cited can’t fathom why the justice department would have gone to these lengths in a simple contractual dispute. The answer is that this is more than a simple contractual dispute. This goes to the entire obscene connection of the government with running guns to the Mexican cartels in order to justify more gun control for Americans. They tried to ruin this man’s reputation and destroy his life.
It’s a picture of a failed state, because the government has lost the mandate of heaven. It cannot be entrusted with even the most basic safety, health and welfare of society. The federal government has itself become a criminal cartel.