Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Biden Speech

2 years, 6 months ago

Fear is the currency of evil. Faith is the currency of God Almighty.

Of course, I didn’t waste time watching the thing, so there I was this morning, long weekend ahead, not planning to write. Then, turning on the internet, it’s “The Antichrist” with raised fists proclaiming the coming genocide of 70 million Americans.

Communists are like rust on a weapon, and America is becoming pitted.

I dislike being taught about the devil, and I hate being preached to about the devil. And I hate even more having to teach and preach to others about the devil, but sometimes it’s necessary. Those “churches” that only preach heaven will join those planning the coming atrocities; they’re too ignorant to see evil. The soon attempt at genocide is being broadcast loud and clear on all channels. The day is coming when they will be full of pride, thinking they do the god of progressivism service by killing you.

There’s no reason to watch it; all of the stagecraft is in that single shot. Having read the pertinent quotes, two things are clear; Joe “touch & sniff” Biden got his name recognition back, and his team threw red raw meat to the hard-core Leftist Communist base.

Every time I think we’re finally done with the ridiculous MAGA thing, as if Trump would, even if he could, make America great, some career government flunky, like PedoJoe, comes along and makes us rejoin the MAGA. If that’s how they want to label the Traditional American 2.0 patriots, then it’s a moniker we might as well take upon ourselves with gusto. But, MAGA is just a dog whistle; our covenant is with Father God through Christ Jesus. I pray yours is too.

There is no person in the Bible “The AntiChrist,” but there is a spirit of antichrist, and it’s descending upon the carcass of the former Christian West, probing on every front, searching for weaknesses. That’s what evil does; it looks for deficiency, frailty, or division as a point of attack. The devil isn’t stupid, evil yes, stupid no. And his workers of inequity are not stupid either, evil undoubtedly, some knowingly and some unwittingly yet wicked all the same.

This imagery is so overwhelmingly antichrist that even a wife-beating whiskey drunk can immediately see it. But perhaps that’s a lousy analogy; the devil knows his own. How about a normie nine to fiver, a decent guy who doesn’t think much about politics, just trying to raise his family in suburbia? We have zero doubt he can see it too. You don’t have to be Christian for it to catch your eye and prick your conscience.

It’s a spiritual war waged in the heavens and played out among nations and men. The imagery may very well be a call to boldness by evil without the specific knowledge of those that choreographed the event. Anybody can see the image. Still, the event planners didn’t intend for the mouthpiece of the “free world” to appear as Satan. Let that sink in, dear friends. The devil’s greatest deceit is convincing you that he doesn’t exist. All was carefully planned, and their eyes were blinded.

The subtlety of the setting is extraordinary; “The Antichrist” standing at the place of the founding of Christian America. The scene is straight out of Mark 13:14. If you don’t read your Holy Bible, you can’t even understand what is being done to America and Western Civilization. It’s being shoved in your face, dear Christians!

There are those that saw the imagery exactly as you do, but they liked it and were spurred on in hatred by it. Those types will have to be dealt with.

Don’t let these things scare you, for that is the point of this bit of propaganda; both the men and spirit behind them intended it. Fear is the currency of evil, but faith is the currency of God Almighty. It’s a real war. The war rages and those immersed in the Holy Bible daily have that discernment necessary to see the war (Hebrews 5:14). We say it just about every week here at TCJ; your life depends upon you knowing the Holy Bible!

It’s not a popular message, but the truth rarely is; America is arriving at the reaping of the fruit of her doings.

“9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” – Jerimiah 17:9-10

Openly evil, how could America become anything other? From the heart comes corruption, immorality, and depravity.

“18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:” – Jesus Christ, in Matthew 15:18-19

Keep the faith and take strength in the knowledge that as the first-century saints overcame, the righteous in Christ are the victors at the last reckoning.

“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” – Revelation 13:10

Note: none of the cited or quoted verses are about America or our current situation. Yet we are wise to apply the teachings of Holy Father God to the evil of our day so that we might resist the devil and serve Christ without fear. Though Christ has bound the devil for the salvation of His saints so they might hear the preaching of the Gospel of the cross unto life everlasting, the same evil works in our day.

Joe Biden And The “Palmist”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

What a goober.  Every second grader knows how to pronounce the word Psalm (second grade at the latest).

The man is a colossal embarrassment.  If it weren’t for the awful things he and his administration will do over the next four years, I’d almost wish he was elected for the sake of having something to lampoon.

Politics Tags:

Just So You Understand The Stakes In The Upcoming Georgia Election Runoff

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago


Breitbart News reported Ossoff’s proposed ban on the sale of semiautomatic rifles, citing his campaign website, where he says, “I support a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles (“assault weapons”) and high-capacity magazines to the general public.”

During an MSNBC interview Ossoff expounded on his views, citing his support for a license requirement in instances where a semiautomatic firearm–rifle or handgun–is already privately owned. He said, “For semiautomatic weapons, whether they are rifles or handguns, we need strict licensing requirements.”

What on earth happened to the state of Georgia anyway?

The runoff elections in Georgia (it’s a stupid rule anyway) will make the difference in whether fraudster election Biden’s team makes life exponentially more difficult for firearms owners.

Election 2020: More Evidence Of Voter Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Dogs who vote.

And in case anyone claims to you that there is no evidence, when someone swears an affidavit in court, that’s a big deal.  They are risking prison time for perjury if they are lying.

Politics Tags:

Rolling Civil War

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Via WRSA, this.

The Fox News/ New York Post angle is particularly enticing. Why are they suddenly supporting Biden? Way beyond internal family squabbles worthy of the Successionsaga, Rupert Murdoch made it very clear, via the laptop from hell caper, that he has all sorts of kompromat on the Biden family. So they will do whatever he wants. Murdoch does not need Trump anymore.

Nor, in theory, does the GOP. Former CIA insiders assure of serious backroom shenanigans going on between GOP honchos and the Biden-Harris gang. Trade-offs bypassing Trump – which most of the GOP hates with a vengeance. The most important man in Washington will be in fact GOP Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.

[ … ]

So this has nothing to do with governors, not to mention the media. It’s up to GOP state legislatures to act accordingly. The drama may roll out for weeks. The first step of the Electoral College procedure takes place on December 14. The final determination will only happen in early January.

Meanwhile, talk of a New Resistance is spreading like wildfire.

Trumpism, with 71 million + votes, is firmly established as a mass movement. No one in the GOP commands this kind of popular appeal. By sidelining Trumpism, the GOP may be committing seppuku.

Oh I think so.  Furthermore, none of this is going away.  I think the entirety of America may be committing seppuku.

Politics Tags:

Best And Most Succinct Explanation Of The Coup I’ve Seen

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This is what they had planned, as well as what went wrong in their plans (via WRSA).

The plan was simple.

Saturate the media with polls showing a blue wave and an inevitable victory. Discourage people from voting in person. And then, after tabulating the paltry votes of those who defied the media to vote in person, dump all the tampered, altered, and harvested ballots for Biden in key cities.

Even before Election Day, the Democrats knew their plan was going awry. Suddenly, instead of urging their base to use mail-in ballots they were, just as loudly, telling them to vote in person.

Why? Too few Republicans were voting by mail and too many were going to vote in person.

If the Election Day numbers tilted too decisively to President Trump before suddenly going Biden’s way, the election would look rigged, and there would be an outcry from Republicans.

Despite last minute efforts urging Democrats to vote in person, that’s exactly what happened.

Once again, Democrats had overreached, committed a massive crime, and have been left with no choice except to ride the tiger. That’s what happened last time when the Obama administration allied with the Clinton campaign to eavesdrop on its political opponents. And then doubled down with investigations and indictments, not of the perpetrators, but the victims.

Despite the blatant irregularities in key battleground states, they’re doubling down again.

The American Coup is underway. In classic Leninist fashion, its initial goal is to control the propaganda and the process. The media has declared Biden to be the winner while mass celebratory gatherings cheer the new order. Big Tech censors any skepticism about the election.

And the same faction that declared four years ago that casting doubt on an election was patriotic and the best defense of democracy now claims exactly it’s treason.

The only Democrat rule is that it’s patriotic when they do it and treason when their opponents do. That’s not how ‘democrats think. It’s how dictators rule.

All of this is a sideshow. What really matters is the process, not the propaganda. The propaganda is meant to divert attention from how implausible the media’s numbers are.

Republican turnout rose, instead of falling, in in-person voting, and the GOP also went into Election Day with clear leads in mail-in ballots in key battleground states, including Wisconsin and Michigan. The tide of Biden ballots that arrived during the night resulted in implausible turnout figures. The photos, videos, and whistleblower accounts of poll and postal workers tampering with ballots didn’t take long to show up. And just as quickly to be censored.

The odd numbers mostly came out of urban areas run by notoriously corrupt political machines. And the race between those trying to steal and unsteal the election began with a power struggle. In Philly and Detroit, efforts were made to keep Republican observers out of view.

In Philly, it took a court order to even get the observers within sight of the ballots, while the city continued to fight the ruling. In Detroit, windows were covered up with cardboard, and Republican observers were locked out. Potentially tens of thousands of ballots were illegally transposed with no Republican observers. In Pennsylvania, Democrat operatives had been illegally given access to rejected mail-in ballots so that they could arrange for provisionals. And back in Detroit, workers were told to backdate ballots that had arrived after the election.

In Wisconsin, thousands of witness statements may have been illegally altered.

Meanwhile the glitches, errors, and irregularities began piling up.

He encapsulated it very nicely.  Once in, they had to “ride the tiger.”

Professor Mann of Penn State was trying to prove something he couldn’t prove about global warming.  Most people misunderstand the intent of his seminal (but falsified) paper.

He wasn’t really trying to prove that the globe was warming, although that was one outcome.  He was trying to prove that there was correspondence between tree ring data and global temperature (which would then allow him to show global temperature rise).  Since global temperature has only recently been measured and tree ring data has been around for much longer, he wanted to show similar graphs.

The trouble for Mann was always that it was false.  The tree ring data stayed on course in a relatively similar direction, while global temperature actually decreased during this tree ring data graph.  He had to “hide the decline.”

So that’s what he did.  For years he refused to release his raw data.  Unfortunately for him, it was leaked and researchers finally saw what he had done.  He adjusted the data to hide the “hockey stick” decline in global temperatures.  He was, and always will be, a complete fraud, just like his global temperature model.

Joe Biden is a fraud, and the hockey stick vote tally, common around the country in swing states, is one more instance of the Mann proposition: If you can’t be truthful and win, just lie.

His Fraudulency, Joe Biden

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago


MEET ‘HIS FRAUDULENCY,’ JOE BIDEN: Presidents sometimes get unflattering nicknames. John Adams was known to some as “His Rotundity” and John Tyler, who only succeeded to the presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison, inevitably became “His Accidency.” I just heard “His Fraudulency” suggested for Joe Biden.

Very well.  I’m convinced.  From now until I pass away from the earth, Biden will be known to me as “His Fraudulency, Joe Biden.”

I will pass it own to all of my family, friends, loved ones, and readers.  I will never stop using the appellation.

Politics Tags:

Biden The Bewildered

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago


“It’s estimated that 200 million people will die probably by the time I finish this talk,” claimed the 77-year-old career politician.

Correction.  “It’s estimated that 200 million more of my brain cells will die probably by the time I finish this talk.”

Politics Tags:

Grumpy Old Man Biden On Guns And Everything

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Just remember these words: “Biden’s blonde leg hair.”

The most amazing thing about this, though, is the reaction from David Frum.  This is no joke.  I initially thought this was some sort of parody, but it’s not.

Kind of amazing that anybody thinks this video makes Biden look anything other than terrific. He shushes the aide who wants to lead him away – and then engages a hostile critic face to face, fact to fact. Impressive.”

Hey David, when did you sell your soul to the devil?

Politics Tags:

The Court Jester, Joe Biden, Weighs In Again On Shotguns And AR-15s

BY Herschel Smith
11 years, 11 months ago

Washington Examiner:

“You know, they make fun of my saying about use a shotgun if someone’s invading your home – guess what, use a shotgun  someone invading your home and you don’t kill your kids – use an AR-15, it goes through your wall and it can kill your kid in the bedroom.”

Now I point you to Box O’ Truth concerning shotguns and rifles through drywall.  I’ll let you read the whole thing, but the bottom line is that rifle rounds and shot penetrate drywall.  To be clear, my opinion is that if this had been tissue (or ballistic gelatin), the AR-15 rounds would have begun to fragment because the drag coefficient is so much higher.  They are after all frangible rounds and they are designed to do this (except for steel core such as PMC green tip and similar rounds).  But if you miss, drywall is no protection regardless of what you’re shooting – handgun, rifle or shotgun.

Know you backstop.  Use of a gun anywhere is dangerous, and you must observe the rules of safety.  It is a gun. It is dangerous by definition. And for heaven’s sake, don’t listen to the court jester concerning anything.


5.56 mm Ballistics

The AR Is A Legitimate Home Defense Weapon

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