BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago
The problem with this video, other than the fact that it outright promotes communism because Kamala Harris is a communist, is that she uses the word “compete.” There is no compete if everyone ends up at the same place.
But consistency has never been a strong suit of the controllers.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 5 months ago
Harris is the pick. Everyone with any sense knows that if he wins, Biden won’t make it six months into a presidency. Thus, a vote for Biden is a vote for president Kamala Harris.
As if you didn’t need to know anything else about her, she coupled up on the Amici Curiae against Dick Heller, and while I’ve pointed out how incredibly weak the Heller ruling was, she doesn’t believe you have a right to self defense at all.
She also believes in the admissibility of false confessions in court, contrary to the Holy Writ which doesn’t allow self incrimination but rather opts for two or more witnesses. Here see R. J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law.
Because she is evil.
See also a JIT post by David Codrea.