BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 9 months ago
Via Codrea, this from The Kansas City Star Editorial Board:
Guns and the mentally ill and physically fragile just don’t mix.
Okay, so prove it? You’ve made a strong statement concerning who has and doesn’t have rights, so prove it?
Given that I’ve quoted more mental health professionals than I can count concerning the fact that the mentally ill suffer no increased propensity to violence when compared to others, that the mental health profession doesn’t have the tools to engage in behavior prediction, and that the mental health profession cannot bear the burden people like this want to place on their profession, I think I an entitled to an explanation. You, editorial board, waxed educated and know-it-all, so it’s time to put up or shut up. I’m listening and waiting.
Finally, I’m wondering about this notion of the physically fragile not being allowed to have guns in the view of the Kansas City Star Editorial Board. Does that mean that the editorial board would prevent the very people who needed guns the most, women and the elderly, from being able to defend themselves? Are they that crass and morbid that they want to see innocent people injured or killed because they are physically more fragile than others? Is this the logical outcome of Margaret Sanger’s philosophy of eugenics?
And do they go as far as Hamilton Nolan with Gawker? Are they trying to lampoon and humiliate the weakest among us? Are they really that dark and twisted?