BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 3 months ago
Twice now I have hiked the battlefield trail on King’s Mountain (as well as miles of other trails in that park) with my children, even though my children were grown when I did it. It’s always educational to remember what once was and what used to be. On Monday I hiked this trail with my beautiful daughter, Devon.
I have seen many homeschoolers on the trail with parents, reading literature and learning real American history, when men were free, rather than the fabricated crap and lies they learn in public schools that passes for history, taught by the collectivist lemmings. I have never seen a public school class there.
One placard in particular has always caught my attention.
This distinguished race of men are more savage than the Indians, and possess every one of their vices, but not one of their virtues. I have known … these fellows (to) travel 200 miles through the woods never keeping any road or path, guided by the sun by day, and the stars by night, to kill a particular person of the opposite party (George Hanger, British officer formerly attached to Ferguson’s provincial corps).
Would we win the war of independence today? Do such men exist, who would travel 200 miles through woods, day and night, to engage fellow countrymen in a battle for freedom?
BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 7 months ago
David Codrea:
A recently promoted and parroted monopoly of violence cult talking point appears to be that women wouldn’t “need” guns if men were all good. And if wishes were fishes we’d all cast nets, or if “ifs” and “buts” were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas.
Ain’t that something? It seems like James Madison, someone who had more than a passing interest in the Second Amendment, expressed related thoughts in The Federalist #51: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.”
David also discusses Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule centered around penises. No joke. Stop by and see what he’s talking about. And many thanks to David for the attention at Examiner.
I’m reminded of a visit I took with my second son, Joseph, to King’s Mountain military park a while back. While public school kids today are learning (through common core) about how cool Islamist jihadists are, the only other ones I saw at King’s Mountain that day were home schoolers (Joseph is grown, but we both learned a lot at the park).
One of the British commanders remarked in his letters that he had never seen men such as he was fighting at King’s Mountain. They would ride on horseback by moonlight for weeks, he said, without food or provisions, just to kill a single man, and then turn around and go home – if they lived. As word went out across the mountains about the British intentions, men would prepare to ride to the battle, with women in the trails and streets of their townships urging them on and singing hymns of blessing upon them and beseeching God’s grace on them.
Where are these sturdy women of today? Men need you.