Dean Weingarten has a good find at Ammoland.
Judge Eduardo Ramos, the U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York, has issued an Opinion & Order that a ban on stun guns is constitutional. A New York State law prohibits the private possession of stun guns and tasers; a New York City law prohibits the possession and selling of stun guns. Judge Ramos has ruled these laws do not infringe on rights protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Let's briefly [read more]
WASHINGTON, Oct 3 (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court, which expanded gun rights in a major decision in June, on Monday declined to hear a challenge to a federal ban on devices called “bump stocks” that enable semi-automatic weapons to fire like a machine gun – a firearms control measure prompted by a 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.
The justices turned away appeals by a Utah gun lobbyist named Clark Aposhian and firearms rights groups of lower court rulings upholding the ban as a reasonable interpretation of a federal law prohibiting machine gun possession.
The case of McCutchen versus the United States is still alive. It’s based on a “takings” argument. To me this is a weaker case since technically, the government could do it with so-called just compensation. The whole point of this is that the ATF cannot make law, but they do make law because of the overblown bureaucratic state and cowardice of the Congress to do anything about it by withholding funding and handing them pink slips.
Remember that Trump did this. He didn’t have to. No one held a gun to his head. He voluntarily chose to do this. It’s on his head – not only this ban but the precedent it sets (which is ongoing and growing as we speak with the new SBR / arm brace rules).
Anyway, recall that floor camera in Paddock’s room showing all of the spent casings? Me neither.
Las Vegas was a running gun battle with multiple shooters for several miles down main street. Anyone who claims anything different is a liar.
The SCOTUS should have declared the ban unconstitutional because the executive branch made law. As it stands, the best anyone could hope for now is a $150 credit on income taxes.
Uncle attaches this photo, and says the following.
That story promptly went away for no reason. But the UK press has been covering it. That piece is a few months old. But it does put to rest the conspiracy theory that he didn’t really use a bump stuck .. On the right, that is pretty clearly a bump stock.
Sorry, but that photo proves nothing. No one has demonstrated yet that he actually used a bump stock, or even what weapons were used. Remember, Uncle? The FBI prevented the ATF from examining the firearms in the room. Wonder why they did that?
Say, I did notice how clean that room was. Clean ceiling, clean floor, clean carpet, spotless lamp shades, everything is spotless. Just like he had discharged thousands of rounds in that very location. Or perhaps they accidentally let the maid in before they took the picture. Yea, that’s got to be it.
I’ll repeat the question my former Marine asked after this event: “Have you ever discharged thousands of rounds in a confined space like that? Do you know what it looks like after a battle like that? I have, and I do.”
Len Savage sends the following pages released as part of his FOIA request on the bump stock ban.
Now, let’s pose some questions for readers to consider. First, why are these pages marked SECRET/NOFORN (No Foreign Nationals)? Second, if you were Paddock, why would you voluntarily choose to shoot an AR-15 with a bump stock in a crime you intended to perpetrate when you could shoot a fully automatic weapon? Third (and I’ll keep asking this until I get an answer), why did the FBI refuse to allow the ATF to examine the crime scene weapons?
Apparently, the most important requirement for government “service” is that you are willing to hide things from the public and release only information you see as beneficial to your cause (whatever that might be). In other circles, that’s called lying.
In the absence of any further information, I’ll continue to believe my own son’s analysis after listening to the consistency of the rate of fire over video: “He was using a fully automatic weapon.” And my son has plenty of time under his belt shooting fully automatic weapons. Bottom line – I’ll believe my son over the FedGov.
Newly released body camera footage shows Las Vegas police officers pausing for several minutes in the hallway of the Mandalay Bay hotel — as mass shooter Stephen Paddock guns down 58 people on the floor directly above them.
“Holy sh-t that’s rapid fire,” officer Cordell Hendrex utters in the chilling video, reacting to Paddock’s gunfire — which he later described as “like thunder all around and above us,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The officer and his first-day trainee, Elif Varsin, stayed on the 31st floor for four-and-a-half minutes, even as they heard the shooter’s position reported as “the 32nd floor, room 135.”
“I’m inside the Mandalay Bay on the 31st floor,” Hendrex says in the video. “I can hear the automatic fire coming from one floor ahead, one floor above us.”
In a report, he later wrote that he “froze right there in the middle of the hall” after being terrified.
Eh, whether it’s a column or patrol car in Florida or hotel floor in Las Vegas, I’m just glad the cops had something to hide behind and that they went home safely at the end of their shift. Officer safety first, of course.
And if things like this don’t dissuade you from the belief that the cops are there to protect and defend you, then you believe in fairy tales, myths and children’s story books.
When it was released yesterday over the objection of law enforcement, I watched it and thought at the time it was a lot of nothing.
It took ZeroHedge pointing out to us that no broken windows were reported. In fact, it’s really more than that. It was positively asserted by one team member that there were no broken windows.
Make of this what you will, and fill us in with the comments.
I’m going to offer up these links (via reader B Bauch) with just a little bit of commentary. The reader can judge for himself the content of the links. As for the first one, it’s a highly useful link and video until it gets to the ads.
If you come to me telling me things and you have a badge and title, I don’t believe you. But guess what? As for that black lady in the video? I believe her. Every word of what she said happened that night.
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — Footage captured by a private surveillance camera on the night of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history reveals several shocking details which authorities have failed to investigate.
The bombshell footage was released on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Friday evening and is presumed to have been captured by a nearby business’s southward facing security camera which is located approximately 780 feet due east of the venue where the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival was held on Oct. 1. The tape was given to Fox News by an attorney who represents several shooting victims.
Although the date burned into the video says ‘Oct. 2,’ Tucker Carlson confirms that the tape was in fact recorded on Oct. 1, the night of the shooting. The discrepancy comes after the proper date was not entered upon installation of the system.
A close look at the footage reveals the first notable detail occurs at 10:06 p.m. which is just one minute into the shooting, according to the official timeline, as Carlson points out.
At 10:06 concertgoers can be seen running eastward through the parking lot in an effort to get to safety.
“By ten-fourteen much larger crowds of people can be seen streaming through the area to escape the massacre going on,” Carlson explains. “You can see a large amount of wind and debris, apparently that is due to a helicopter hovering overhead.”
This is astonishing, to say the least! A helicopter hovering overhead?
[ … ]
According to Carlson, the owner of the tape maintains that law enforcement investigators have never asked to see the footage.
I maintain that I don’t need a pet theory of what happened that night and why it happened. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t have to prove my theories. I also maintain that the narrative told to you by FedGov is a lie.
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — Flight records and information obtained by Intellihub show that at least one assailant may have been extracted via helicopter for a 10:21 p.m. EXFIL from the southwest rooftop of the Delano Hotel just four minutes before Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department helicopter N911WY arrived in the vicinity for the first time since shots were fired at crowd goers attending the Route 91 Harvest Music festival around 10:05 p.m., as the timeline indicates.
Even more disturbing is the fact that the aircraft’s transponder was transmitting the call sign “SWA4119” which is registered to a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-7H4 passenger jet with the tail number “WN4119.”
According to the data, SWA4119 was originally scheduled to depart Tulsa (TUL) at 14:10 and arrive in Las Vegas (LAS) at 15:00 but was somehow delayed for over 7-hours giving “SWA4119” a new arrival time of 22:22 (10:22 p.m.) which doesn’t make sense because the craft was headed north and was too close to the airport to be aligned with any of the runaways.
You see, the aircraft that was displaying “SWA4119” between 10:21 and 10:22 p.m., which emerged on radar for the first time at 10:21, absolutely can not be a passenger jet because the actual flight data confirms that the aircraft slowed to a stop then changed its direction abruptly to a due north heading before proceeding to hover over the Delano in a very specific spot for approximately one-minute (i.e. the craft in question was, in fact, a helicopter because jets simply cannot hover or change speed and direction with such intensity.) This means that the operators of the craft were intentionally transmitting a fictitious call sign before going dark (invisible) from radar altogether.
To top it off, the Oct. 1 flight data for Southwest Airlines “WN4119” is showing inconsistencies.
The following screen-capture of the the aircraft’s flight history shows that “SWA4119” landed at 10:22 p.m. at (LAS) despite the fact that a transponder was pinging from the rooftop of the Delano at that exact same time.
Not to mention, the tail number listed for that exact flight is “N227WN” and not “WN4119” as the transponder was emitting in real-time suggesting that the plane on the tarmac that “landed” was “N227WN” which is a different aircraft entirely.
Thanks to reader B Bauch for this tip. Go read the rest at Intellihub, and make sure to watch the video he has embedded of official radar the night of the Las Vegas shooting.
I’ve been saying all along that while I don’t have a particular pet theory for what happened, the FedGov account could not and did not happen. The more we find out, the more my view makes sense.
You won’t find anything else out from the FBI or the Las Vegas police. The police have been shut down by the FBI, and the FBI doesn’t want you to know what they know about it.
Mandalay Bay hotel officials said Thursday the Las Vegas gunman wounded a security guard in a hotel hallway within 40 seconds of firing into the crowd at a music festival, disputing a police timeline that put six minutes from the time the guard was shot and when Stephen Paddock committed the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
In the most recent chronology given by investigators on Monday, police said Paddock sprayed 200 rounds into the hallway on the 32nd floor Oct. 1, wounding an unarmed security guard in the leg, six minutes before he unleashed his barrage of bullets on the festival crowd. He killed 58 people and injured nearly 500 before taking his own life.
In the industry in which I work, we have conducted forensic analysis, failure modes and effects analysis and event investigations many thousands of times. I’ve done them too, many times. I’ve also been through Management Oversight and Risk Tree training with EG&G. One thing is clear from all of that. Before anything else gets done, a team of experts creates a time line and sequence of events that is verified, forensically defensible and absolutely correct, with enough fidelity to perform your analysis. Until you have that, you have nothing. Nothing.
For this particular event based on published and verified reports, Jesus Campos was shot before, during and after the shooting of the crowd.
The FBI is either stupid (I hate voluntarily stupid people) or corrupt (I hate corrupt people).
Undersheriff Kevin McMahill defended the hotel and said the encounter that night between Paddock and the security guard and maintenance man disrupted the gunman’s plans. Paddock fired more than 1,000 bullets and had more than 1,000 rounds left in his room, the undersheriff said.
This is the first time I’ve seen in print that he shot somewhere around 1000 rounds. Supposedly, somewhere around 500 people were injured (489), and 58 people killed by the Las Vegas shooter. Even if some of the injured were due to shrapnel, glass and flying debris, this is still around 50% hit rate. I’ll lay this out there without comment. Readers can make of it what you will and do the research for wartime fire and hit rate, even with automatic weapons.
Via reader Mack, True Pundit has insider information, publishing information here and here. I’ll also lay this out there without comment, except to say that Andrew McCabe is the very definition of the deep state.