BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham supports laws to temporarily revoke guns from people who might harm themselves or others, and he’s working on legislation that would give grants to states that pass such statutes.
It’s a controversial position among gun rights advocates, but the South Carolina Republican’s not worried about alienating his base.
“Not my base,” he said of his opponents of this issue, adding they are the “the fringe of the fringe.
“I think most Americans believe that multiple murderers shouldn’t have gun rights. Most Americans support background checks,” Graham continued. “The Second Amendment’s important to me, but it’s not a suicide pact.”
The “fringe of the fringe.” That’s how Miss Graham sees you and me. And she’s lying. This bill isn’t about preventing “multiple murderers” from getting guns. That’s already covered in the laws. This bill is about removing God-given rights from people who have committed absolutely no crime whatsoever.
From the department of pre-crime, Miss Graham knows what you’re going to do before you do it. And the voters of South Carolina will flock right to her corner on election day because of a few nice things she said about Trump, the other gun grabber who gave us the bump stock ban and suggestion for red flag laws, something even Obama never did.
Liars and soldiers of the Trojan Horse, they are.
BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 11 months ago
News from the arm pit of the universe, the abode of demons, gargoyles and pit vipers.
“I think passing a federal law is probably beyond what the market will bear,” he said in his opening remarks on Tuesday. But he said the federal government could give a nod to the states that “if you do it in a certain way, the federal government will incentivize you.”
“I think that’s the best way at least initially to solve this problem,” Graham said.
Give the state some money to do the dirty work.
So I read an article a day or two ago that stated Lindsey Graham has seen his support increase in South Carolina since he decided to glom onto Trump. Of course, he’ll be facing an election soon.
If South Carolinians fall for his opportunism, they’re idiots. And if anyone thinks Trump is pro-second amendment, he is equally an idiot.