BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago
News from Maine.
Leaders of the Maine Legislature voted against allowing seven different gun-related bills to be introduced in the next legislative session.
The bills, sponsored by number of different lawmakers, would have included improving public school security and creating a new child endangerment crime for those who fail to lock up stored firearms.
Gun-control advocates were critical of leadership’s votes, some of which broke along party lines.
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The Legislature’s 10-member Legislative Council reviewed 399 proposed bills on Wednesday and voted to exclude all but 133 of them – including the gun-related measures – from the session that begins in January. The council, which comprises the minority and majority leadership in both House and Senate, as well as the speaker of the House and the Senate president, includes six Democrats and four Republicans.
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A bill that would have banned the distribution of assault weapons without proper authority was defeated on a 4-6 vote while another that would have required all gun owners to buy liability insurance for their weapons was defeated unanimously.
Other bills that were rejected sought to redefine machine guns and ban assault-style weapons outright. Also rejected was a Republican proposal that would allow retired law enforcement officers who are cleared by the federal government to carry concealed firearms on school grounds.
It’s good to see the leftists get the comeuppance from time to time. But don’t get cocky. It’s only defeated for now. The statists never sleep in their designs for total control over your life.