Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Michael Flynn On The Advance Of Socialism In America

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Michael Flynn.

I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time.

The more I’ve thought about this phrase, the more I believe it. There is now a small group of passionate people working hard to destroy our American way of life. Treason and treachery are rampant and our rule of law and those law enforcement professionals who uphold our laws are under the gun more than at any time in our nation’s history. These passionate 2 percent appear to be winning.

Despite there being countless good people trying to come to grips with everything else on their plates, our silent majority (the indifferent) can no longer be silent.

If the United States wants to survive the onslaught of socialism, if we are to continue to enjoy self-government and the liberty of our hard-fought freedoms, we have to understand there are two opposing forces: One is the “children of light” and the other is the “children of darkness.”

As I recently wrote, the art and exercise of self-governance require active participation by every American. I wasn’t kidding! And voting is only part of that active participation. Time and again, the silent majority have been overwhelmed by the “audacity and resolve” of small, well-organized, passionate groups. It’s now time for us, the silent majority (the indifferent), to demonstrate both.

The trials of our current times, like warfare, are immense and consequences severe and these seem inconquerable.

As a policewoman from Virginia told me, “People don’t feel safe in their homes and our police force is so demoralized we cannot function as we should. In my 23 years with my department, I have never seen morale so low.”

[ … ]

They are also intent on driving God out of our families, our schools and our courts. They are even seeking the very removal of God from our churches, essentially hoping to remove God from our everyday lives.

Remember, we will only remain united as “one nation under God.”

And yes, there is a “resistance movement” by the forces of darkness. However, we must also resist these onslaughts and instead take an optimistic view of our situation. Like war, optimism can be pervasive and helps to subdue any rising sense of fear.

We must, however, be deliberate about our optimism. Otherwise, we may get lost in discouragement and despair of any failings we encounter. We must be tenacious in the ultimate end we wish to gain. That end is to remain an unwavering constitutional republic based on a set of Judeo-Christian values and principles. We must not fear these and instead embrace each.

I could quibble with bits and pieces of this, e.g., he relies heavily on policing, and I wish the republic, if there is any left to call it that, would embrace the constitutional notion of the unorganized militia.  The posse also has a storied and respected history in America.  It should be brought back.

Be that as it may, Michael Flynn is a good man.  I told you so before.  It’s obvious why the deep state painted a target on his back.

The Deep State Couldn’t Allow Michael Flynn To Go Unmolested

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

He had designs for the deep state.

Sidney Powell, attorney for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, said her client, in his duties as the White House national security adviser, was prepared to “audit” the U.S. intelligence community.

That, according to the former federal prosecutor, is partly why federal agents “set up” Flynn.

Powell, who took over Flynn’s defense last summer, told the “Vickie McKenna Show” on 1310 WIBA Madison that her client was “totally set up” because he threatened to expose wrongdoing by top intelligence officials in the Obama administration.

“He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off the books,” Powell said, referring to former CIA Director John Brennan.

Flynn was picked by former President Barack Obama to serve as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, but he was pushed out of the position after clashing with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others.

He simply knew too much.  Following the money would have led to weapons trafficking in Northern Africa, involvement by the CIA, military contractors and other elements of the deep state in Syria and Libya, trafficking in gems, previous metals, cash, humans, and a formidable flow of money into the pockets of deep state actors.

Illicit bank accounts and financial dealings would have been laid bare, names would have gone public, and then America would have known.  The deep state couldn’t allow that to happen, and General Flynn had a target on his back from the day he announced his support for Trump.

Department Of Justice Drops Case Against Michael Flynn

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago

They should never have started it.

The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.

The announcement came in a court filing “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information,” as the department put it. DOJ officials said they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

[ … ]

Documents unsealed a week ago by the Justice Department revealed agents discussed their motivations for interviewing him in the Russia probe – questioning whether they wanted to “get him to lie” so he’d be fired or prosecuted, or get him to admit wrongdoing.

And not only that, but knowledge of this went all the way to the top.

President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.

Obama’s unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn’s calls, which the FBI said at the time were not criminal in nature, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn — and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to “get [Flynn] fired” when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017.

Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was “not a fan,” according to multiple officials. Obama had fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014.

Unexpectedly.  Just like I’m sure of his knowledge of running guns to Mexico along with his AG, when it becomes found out at some point, will be “unexpected.”

I said from the very beginning (look up my previous posts on this) that the deep state had to take Flynn down because he knew too much about the various military machinations across the globe by the deep state.

Michael Flynn Was Set Up By The Deep State

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 3 months ago

Washington Examiner.

With her filing of a blistering Motion to Compel against federal prosecutors in the Michael Flynn case just made public, Sidney Powell has upended my adherence to Hanlon’s Razor. Powell is the attorney for former national security adviser and retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn, who pled guilty to one count of lying to FBI agents during the special counsel investigation. Powell’s motion seeks to unravel a case many feel was biased from its inception.

One of the most damning charges contained within Powell’s 37-page court brief is that Page, the DOJ lawyer assigned to the office of then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, may have materially altered Flynn’s interview FD-302, which was drafted by Strzok. FBI agents transfer handwritten interview notes onto a formal testimonial document, FD-302, within five days of conducting an interview, while recollections are still fresh.

It is unheard of for someone not actually on the interview itself to materially alter an FD-302. As an FBI agent, no one in my chain of command ever directed me to alter consequential wording. And as a longtime FBI supervisor, I never ever directed an agent to recollect something different from what they discerned during an interview. Returning a 302 for errors in grammar, punctuation, or syntax is appropriate. This occurs before the document is ultimately uploaded to a particular file, conjoined with the original interview notes which are safely secured inside a 1-A envelope, and secured as part of evidence at trial.

With this in mind, this related text message exchange from Strzok to Page dated Feb. 10, 2017, nauseated me:

“I made your edits and sent them to Joe. I also emailed you an updated 302. I’m not asking you to edit it this weekend, I just wanted to send it to you.”

But guess what?  The FBI (ahem) “lost” the original Michael Flynn 302 report.  That’s right.  Lost it.

One of my biggest gripes with Donald Trump is his tendency to throw people under the bus who seem like a handicap to him and his goals.  The moral compass of a man can always be determined by how he treats others to whom he has bonded himself.  If a man cannot honor verbal covenants he has made with others, he simply cannot be trusted with anything.

I said it back when the idiots from reddit/TheDonald were screaming to sack Flynn.  The attack on Michael Flynn was a hit job by the deep state.  Michael Flynn knew the dirty secrets of the deep state, and they couldn’t allow him to be around Trump telling him all about their nefarious deeds.

And then today there is this.

Joining Powell on “Maria Bartiromo’s Insiders” was Lee Smith, author of the new book, “The Plot Against the President,” who reported that Flynn was looking into potential misconduct in the U.S. intelligence community.

[ … ]

Additionally, Powell repeated allegations that the government worked to entrap Flynn.

“They literally planned and strategized about how to interview General Flynn to keep him relaxed and unguarded at the highest levels of the FBI… Strzok and McCabe met many times to plan it,” she alleged. “It was a high-level meeting to calculate and strategize about how to go about that interview to keep him unguarded and without knowing that he was the target of a criminal investigation.”

They’re telling you the same thing I told you months ago, and if you read TCJ, you’ll hear it first.

He knew all about the nefarious deeds of the deep state.  He was in a position to shine light on the deep state.  To the deep state, he was a danger they couldn’t suffer.  So the FBI lied, altered his testimony, and conspired to frame him.  As a consequence, he has almost bankrupted himself with legal costs.

Reminder: Don’t ever trust the FedGov for or with anything.

Michael Flynn is a decent man.  Of all the people Trump needs around him now, Michael Flynn would be at the top of the list.  The fact that Pence was instrumental in his sacking makes me distrust Pence to the point that I will never vote for him, not even for dog catcher.

Exculpatory Russia Evidence About Michael Flynn That U.S. Intelligence Kept Secret

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 1 month ago

The Hill:

  • Before Flynn made his infamous December 2015 trip to Moscow — as a retired general and then-adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign — he alerted his former employer, the DIA.
  • He then attended a “defensive” or “protective” briefing before he ever sat alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia Today (RT) dinner, or before he talked with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
  • The briefing educated and sensitized Flynn to possible efforts by his Russian host to compromise the former high-ranking defense official and prepared him for conversations in which he could potentially extract intelligence for U.S. agencies such as the DIA.
  • When Flynn returned from Moscow, he spent time briefing intelligence officials on what he learned during the Moscow contacts. Between two and nine intelligence officials attended the various meetings with Flynn about the RT event, and the information was moderately useful, about what one would expect from a public event, according to my sources.

DIA spokesman James Kudla on Wednesday declined comment about Flynn.

Rather than a diplomatic embarrassment bordering on treason, Flynn’s conduct at the RT event provided some modest benefit to the U.S. intelligence community, something that many former military and intelligence officers continue to offer their country after retirement when they keep security clearances.

As I told you.  The entire ugly affair was a deep state hit on the most “objectionable” potential member of Trump’s cabinet.

Nothing more, nothing less.  The real treason is within the deep state.  It always was.

Donald Trump Versus The Deep State: Part II

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

We’ve discussed the firing of General Michael Flynn earlier, and followed it up with an informative video.  There are two more videos coming your way in this post, since it’s the best way I know to communicate things in a short and easy manner.  But before we get there, I need to convey a few thoughts.

This writer has some things to say along those lines, pointing to the deep state coup against Michael Flynn and advocating the idea that this wasn’t about Flynn.  It’s about who’s in charge, Donald Trump or the deep state.  But he gets sidetracked by adding these things.

Please don’t come and tell me that Flynn was wrong on Iran, on Islam or on China.  I agree … For better or for worse, it is absolutely evident that Flynn was the brain behind Trump’s entire foreign policy.  On some stuff Flynn was great (Russia), on some stuff he was okay (Takfiri terrorism), on some stuff he was ridiculous (China) and on some stuff he was terrible (Iran).

The writer is correct that the deep state had to bring him down.  He’s wrong on his assessment of Flynn and foreign policy generally.  As for Iran, many writers aren’t able to divorce themselves from loathing of Jews or Israel or the Mossad.  Listen to me, folks.  Our Iran policy should not be based on whatever the Mossad wants us to think.

The problem with Iran is that the Imams believe in the “twelver” view.  They want to see the final Imam come, they want to see a worldwide conflagration, they want Iran to burn in order to start it all, and above all else – yes, above the destruction of Israel – they want to see America burn.  Don’t see Iran in the idiotic Ron Paul way, where if we just stop meddling in foreign affairs we can be friends with these people and trade with them.

Horse shit.  We should stop meddling in foreign affairs, and we should close our borders.  But that won’t change one iota what the Quds or the radical Mullahs think of us or want for us in the end.  We will eventually have to confront Iran, and it’s best to do it with less military force than with greater.  Obama refused even to verbally support the “Green” movement in Iran when they needed it most.  We allowed them to humiliate our sailors, we made pussy deals with them, and thus we empowered Iran.  Sanctions were working to impoverish the country, and then they were removed.  We haven’t even tried yet with Iran, and we seem to want to give up because we have no stomach anymore for anything at all beyond sitting on the couch and watching idiot shows on the TV.

Flynn is also spot on about Islam.  I’m not sure where the writer is getting his view of Islam, but Muslims, many of them, would sooner cut his head off than to look at him, and if they outnumbered him would force conversion to the evils of Mohammedism.  Flynn knew all of these things, and more.  This, along with the fact that he knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak, is why he had to go.  He knows where the assassinated folks are.  He knows who killed the reporters looking into the oil rat lines in Libya.  He knows who killed Monica Petersen.  The writer only got it partially right.  Former CIA director John Brennan is a Muslim, Obama is at least a Muslim-sympathizer, and the country has been infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood operatives at the highest levels.

Flynn knows all of this, information from the deep state to the Islamic threat, and he knows that there is a pedo ring operating within the highest circles of government.  And he knows that DynCorp and the CIA is taking down Libya and Syria for oil, money, human organs and children.  Flynn wasn’t just some target to show off for the deep state, he wasn’t just an example to everyone else.  Flynn represented a threat to them of the greatest caliber.  This wasn’t random.  Michael Flynn has character and knows as much as they do.  This made him their number one threat.  Got it?

Now, on to the updates and perspectives by those who know more than I do.  Listen to as much of this video by Robert David Steele as you can (it’s a long one).  If you cannot devote the time to this video in its entirety, then watch the first ten minutes.  It would have been better if Alex Jones would shut up.

Then listen to the counterargument, which is that Flynn’s firing is exactly what Donald Trump wanted to happen, the plan being hatched by Flynn himself.  I find this hypothesis very unlikely, and the evidence isn’t hard.  This is all highly speculative with only open source information, whereas I believe that Steele still has good contacts within the intelligence community.

Either way, there is civil war within the highest circles of power in America.  Those circles had better hope the right side wins.  There might be a bigger war after this if it doesn’t go well.

Do You Doubt The Deep State’s Hatred Of Michael Flynn? Watch This Video

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Prior: The Strange Case Of Donald Trump And Michael Flynn

The Strange Case Of Donald Trump And Michael Flynn

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Donald Trump stepped on his dick with tungsten cleats today.  It was an unforced error of huge proportions, and it doesn’t bode well for his battle against the deep state in the future.

Oh to be sure, there is no question that Obama and his loyalists have waged a campaign to get rid of Michael Flynn.  His ouster was a political hit job, due in part to the fact that Obama knew that Flynn would bury Obama’s foreign policy legacy, for what it’s worth.  But they could only be as successful as Trump allowed them to be, and only Donald Trump could have fired him, and there is speculation, even early reports, that Reince Priebus was responsible for whispering in Trump’s ear to “fire the bastard.”  The mole inside the Trump administration may in fact be him, or it may be VP Mike Pence.  Who knows at this point?

What we do know is that in order to excise the cancer of the deep state, leadership will be required.  Trump didn’t display that today.  For this failure, he now faces the prospect of ugly Senate investigations of whatever they want, with hysterical calls for someone’s head because shut up and do what we say.  How’s that attention to Obamacare repeal working out, Donald?

In fact, remember the deep state?  You know, the NSA/CIA/FBI campaign, along with DynCorps and the Clinton Global Initiative and the Council on Foreign relations to topple seven countries in North Africa and the Middle East for the purpose of trafficking oil, humans, money and weapons.  Yes, that deep state, the one who ousted Michael Flynn.  How much attention have you and Jeff Sessions paid to that deep state?  You have folks actively working against you and for a shadow government, Donald, and the price for your lack of vision and failure to lead is that all of this attention just got buried in an unnecessary and hysterical witch hunt for a boogeyman.

The charge is that Flynn talked with the Russian ambassador (my God, I hope he did, someone needs to be talking to someone else in representative authority in Russia), and that there was some sort of miscommunication back to the administration about these conversations.  Frankly, I don’t give a shit about the details.  But the deep state does, and here’s why.

The deep state wants war with Russia for a host of reasons, including the fact that war is business model, war buries past sins and keeps them on the back burner so that they’re not investigated, and war opens up vast new frontiers for oil, mineral, precious gems, human trafficking and money trafficking.  The deep state is into all of that, as are most of the Senators.

Furthermore, the U.S. government has a death wish, and apparently wants to flood the country with illegal aliens South of the border to access cheap labor for the corporatists (while the middle class provides their medical care), as well as flood the country with Mohammedans because of whatever reason.  Each ruler has his own religious or monetary reason, moral perfidity or pathological condition for bowing to whose who would abuse them.  For whatever reason, there is also a Muslim invasion in the U.S.

Here is the problem for the progressives and the deep state.  Michael Flynn knows all about the deep state, and he also knows all about Islam and the danger it represents to America.  Just listen for a moment to comments at The Small Wars Journal on an article about Michael Flynn.  The article is irrelevant, but the comments aren’t.  For the record, the SWJ is where the lefty progs hang out who are attached to the military or foreign policy think tanks.  CNAS was good friends with the SWJ, and CNAS is where Obama got one of his loyalists, Michele Flournoy, former undersecretary of defense for policy.  Listen now to someone who calls himself Outlaw, who is anything but an outlaw.

Flynn to a reporter: “Islam, Mike, is a political ideology based on a religion” , at 1:55:

This article fails to actually indicate that the SecDef ruffled privately the Flynn feathers for actually leaking his document to CNAS……

Notice that the article also does not explain the firing from DIA “for cause” ie poor performance as DDIA……basically an attempt to create an image of a great mover and shaker for change…and to bridge his failures at DIA…..

When’s the last time you saw a Klan leader getting excited by an Attorney General…a DCIA and a NSA appointments?

David Duke must know something we all do not know about the three?????

Wonder if Flynn will reject the joy expressed in his appointment by the KKK?????

here is my beef….

1. Flynn’s anti Islam rhetoric while it pulls with many…does not play well in the entire Sunni and especially Shia ME……
2. Flynn got caught tweeting an anti Semitic tweet out and then when caught at it apologized so is anti Semitism really his core believe…
3. Flynn has fully failed to explain his trips to Moscow and how much he has received from Russian Today and 400% owned Russian propaganda machine
OR how he came to be invited to speak at the FSB/SVR Moscow Headquarters and just who invited him OR his personal ties to Manafort and Page Carter
4. Flynn led the RP Convention chants of “jail her”…to me personally a direct threat to the US Constitution….that supposedly he is now protecting from enemies near and far

Notice the charges.  Not seeing Russia as the “enemy.”  Flynn uses anti-Islam rhetoric.  Flynn led the chants of “jail her.”

If this is the best Outlaw can do, my estimation of Flynn just went sky high.  Flynn knows what’s going on, and he knows the threat posed by the real enemies of America.  Thus he had to go.  Flynn was a wall around Trump that couldn’t be breached, someone who had Trump’s ear, someone who had a history with this stuff.  Someone who had authority.

The other objections are just fabricated problems and intramural squabbles found throughout the military.  Flynn was axed for the same reason Stephen Coughlin was axed.  No one wanted to hear what he had to say.  Coughlin was a scholar and in many ways like “the weeping prophet.”  Flynn was a militarized prophet, and he posed a danger to the deep state.

In the end this can be recovered, and in the end Trump can show the leadership he needs to rid America of its shadow government.  This is not a good beginning.  The press conference he should have given would have gone like this.  Trump walks to the podium and says, “Flynn is my man.  The rest of you can go to hell.”

And that would have been the end of it, focusing all attention back on him and his agenda.  But if Trump continues to listen to mole Reince Priebus or VP Pence or any of this other “advisors,” he might just hear what the deep state has to say rather than what the people have to say.  And in the end, that probably means civil war.

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