BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago
David Codrea:
“As the leader of the Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers – the largest statewide affiliation of law enforcement associations in Nevada, representing more than 1,500 law enforcement professionals – I am calling on Attorney General Laxalt to do his job,” NAPSO executive director Rick McCann tells Reno Gazette-Journal readers. “As the state’s top cop, he can and should work with both Nevada’s Department of Public Safety and federal officials at the National Instant Criminal Background Checks System (NICS) to find a path forward, ensuring that law enforcement in our state are protected when they risk their lives to protect ours.”
He’s referring to the Michael Bloomberg-led Question One “background check” initiative that passed in Nevada in November …
Recommending new laws or fabricating imaginary ones has nothing whatsoever to do with an AG’s job. He just made that up.
Here’s something else he just made up: “Our job is basically to protect officers around the state.” Who told him that is his job? Where did he get this information? What does protecting police officers have to do with being a police officer? What does protecting police officers have to do with the oath he took upon his swearing into office?
I think you know the answers.