BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago
Eugene Volokh has an update on current events within the Ninth Circuit and Peruta, and I’ll let you read his information (it’s far from an assessment, it’s more just data and information).
Better is Dave Hardy’s post concerning the implications of all of this.
If denied, Peruta stands (altho two cases heard at the same time raising much the same issues might be taken en banc, court hasn’t ruled yet). If granted, California becomes the new defendant, and files its motion for rehearing en banc, and the court decides that.
You have to read Dave’s complete workup in order to understand where we are with this. I am interested in part because of a recent trip I took to Hawaii and research I did on guns and gun rights in Hawaii. I’ll have much more on this in the future, but Hawaii is part of the Ninth Circuit.
That said, I would still rather see states recognize God-given rights rather than turn to black-robed tyrants at the federal level. That’s what I will be imploring the politicians in Hawaii to do. Onerous gun control doesn’t have to be that way. It’s what people choose. But there are good folks in Maui (where we were) who live under the edicts of elitists in Honolulu and cannot change the power structure any more than we can.