BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 12 months ago
David Codrea:
Taking the cake for media manipulation may be PressTV, a state-owned affiliate of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. They borrowed a photo of a cute little girl reaching for an unattended handgun to illustrate their take on the story, as if that’s what anyone is talking about, but with a headline like “Iowa approves bill to let children aged 14 and under have guns,” their job is done.
I noticed that sort of thing in my coverage of OIF and OEF for years. When it comes to gun rights, I sure am glad that American journalists are fair and balanced. They aren’t anything like journalists in Iran.
Rubio and Trump on guns. We knew this about Trump, but until now I hadn’t know the truth about Rubio and gun rights. I do now.
In Scotland they now have to license air guns. Such is the sad road when you start down it.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 12 months ago
Oh dear. Mike Vanderboegh is in some health trouble. I don’t like what I’m hearing. Keep praying for him.
Actually, I’m interested in what you think the lesson is, David? I’ve thought about it some, now what are your thoughts? You go first.
Make sure to check out the comments on David’s most recent article. They are enlightening.
Distributed lethality. Because I want you to be aware of current military doctrine.
Megacities and littoral regions. Because I want you to be aware of current military doctrine.
Ace’s thoughts on Donald Trump. No one says it quite like Ace. Read it all.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 12 months ago
Pray for Mike. I am
David Codrea:
“College students in Brooklyn are about do to something the National Rifle Association has refused to — build a smart gun,” a purported “news report” by the New York Daily News proclaims in what it’s labeled an “Exclusive.” Right off the bat, and unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with how the rag compulsively lies about guns, they start off with a misdirecting falsehood.
Good. Here’s what I want you to do, students. Spend a lot of time on it. Put your best and brightest on this project. They can use “smart guns” to build their CV for when they apply for jobs. I want you to pour money into this, enough to bankrupt the school if the gun isn’t sold. Then I want you to market it at local guns stores. If you’re in New York, you might have to drive a long way, or market it to your local police. Write me a note and tell me how it goes.
Fred sums in football:
When people have no cause for conflict, they invent it. For this we have football teams in which armored felons having no connection to us attack somebody else’s felons—and we become deeply involved emotionally.
Courthouse News Service:
A Ninth Circuit panel on Tuesday refused to set aside a California law banning depictions of handguns on gun store advertisements.
I guess the first amendment doesn’t matter any more.
BY Herschel Smith
9 years ago
David Codrea:
“While many people might disagree with statements made by those involved in the Malheur takeover, Americans have a fundamental right to freedom of speech,” the ACLU of Oregon declared in a position statement on charges against Santilli. “We can all agree that we should not hold members of the media or protesters in jail without bail simply because they have shocking or abhorrent views. These are principles that we must stand by, even when we disagree with the message of the speaker.”
David adds, “Love him or hate him, if the government gets away with its prosecution of Pete Santilli, freedom of expression and freedom of the press will be effectively quashed.
And I’ve noticed that holding people without bail appears to be a favorite tactic these days of prosecutors who find the accused particularly objectionable. They seldom get away with it unless judge feels the same way. Oftentimes they do. So whether you find justice seems to be related to whether they like you and whether they perceive you to be a threat to their social pecking order.
David Codrea:
Vote yes on the recall of Grover Norquist from the NRA board.
I didn’t know there was one, and I certainly will. I’ve weighed in before on this worm.
Former ISIS sex slaves take up arms against ISIS. My question: where are the men?
Muslim migrant abuse of Christians. As I’ve said, this problem isn’t really that difficult to solve. Remember Herschel’s Dictum.
BY Herschel Smith
9 years ago
David Codrea:
Whether the ruling will be upheld or overturned on appeal is anybody’s guess. Still, this goes far in validating those of us who were arguing years ago not to listen to useless mainstream Republican squishes — who were adamant that the intermediate benchmark was the highest goal we could hope to attain.
What this win-for-now does not do – and what gun owners had best get up to speed on and not ignore – is redirect the emphasis on the “in common use at the time” excuse for infringements. That was a phrase used by Justice Scalia in the Heller case, and has been a major concept the antis have been pinning their hopes, and their legal strategies on. And in many cases, “our side” is playing right into their hands by focusing exclusively on sporting purposes, and on self-defense against crimes by private actors.
The self defense focus is correct when applied across the board – self defense against individuals and against nation-states. I’ve said I think the Supreme Court will sustain an “assault weapons” ban. The seeds are in the awful Heller decision. Only the Fudds focus on hunting, and as I’ve said before, a sporting purpose is anything that gives me pleasure, including sitting and holding it. Finally. it occurs to me that the whole issue of intermediate scrutiny versus strict scrutiny and such divisions to stack the deck is the mark of a judicial system that doesn’t seek justice.
Muslims and sex slavery. Cheer up, women. According to the Muslim scholars (I know, that is a contradiction in terms), they can only take you as a concubine if they take you in battle. Just taking you as another wife without calling you a wife is forbidden. This will help you rest easier tonight that the religion of peace has your best interests at heart.
Remember. Migrants come because of love.
Using firearms against migrants. Oh, it’s going to have to get a lot better unanimity that one out of four.
Mark Levin eviscerates Chris Christie. Listen to the first clip to hear his most recent position on guns.
BY Herschel Smith
9 years ago
David Codrea:
And just to prove he’s willing to sell out freedom of expression and online conduct (the same way “Don’t be evil” Google has done), Facebook, in order to please domestic collectivists every bit as anti-gun as their Chinese counterparts, has implemented a ban on private account gun ads …
As if we needed any more reason to hate Mark Zuckerberg. What a horrible, terrible man. I knew this about him when he designed a business deal that ensured his partner would hold worthless shares, giving him sole ownership of the company. If you have a Facebook account, then so be it. I closed mine out. I won’t judge you, but Mark Zuckerberg is a horrible man (did I say already say that?) and I won’t give him any more power.
From Mike Vanderboegh, here are plans and details of work weekend. I am afraid that I won’t be able to make it due to family and other issues. I had hoped to see Mike in person, but that will have to wait. What I can do, and have done, is donate to assist him and Rosie. You can too, Oh, and don’t forget to pray for him.
The F-35 software is overrun with bugs. Well, I’ve given you a solution before, and I’ll do it again. Shit can the whole idea, this pathetic, overblown, one-size-fits-all super jet that can’t really do anything very well, refurbish the existing fleet of fighters, and buy A-10s. Lots and lots of A-10s.
Where are all the German men? They fell victim to The Alienork way.
Can China copy the U.S. Marine Corps? Ha. They won’t try. They wouldn’t have women in their combat ranks.
BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 1 month ago
David is in a throw-down with Gavin Newsom, who is a worm. It might be interesting to watch this one play out. I don’t do Facebook because I hate Mark Zuckerberg so much. But for those of us who can stomach an account, I admit it can be used for good from time to time.
David Codrea:
Bottom line: Just because current or former members of the armed forces support “gun control,” it would be naive and dangerous to conclude that has made them weak or otherwise impaired their capabilities.
Oh, absolutely. I pointed out that I doubted this Marines credentials, whether he was a grunt. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean he isn’t dangerous. No grunt would misapply the phrase “military grade assault rifle” so badly. But being a grunt and being a control freak don’t necessarily intersect.
Hognose disabuses you of the oft-repeated notion that a lone defender with a handgun cannot possibly be effective against terrorists. Of course he can.
Via Uncle, this is a good idea.
If a Tennessee grocery store bans guns on its property and a black bear or wild hog kills or injures a person who otherwise would be carrying his or her gun, the gun owner would be allowed to sue the property owner if a newly introduced bill became law. To accomplish that goal, the legislation allows any Tennessean with a valid gun permit to sue a property owner in the event of injury or death provided the incident occurred while in a gun-free zone.
Via Mike Vanderboegh, EOTech comes clean, or so we’re told. But I’m still not sure what to do about mine.
BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 1 month ago
Matt Bracken on The Alienork Way. If you don’t read anything else this week, read this.
Yet another reason to hate Mark Zuckerberg. Do we really need any more?
Update on the Remington 700 Walker Fire Control System. This sure would have been easier if I had been CEO and had made the decisions on what to do when they first found out the system could discharge under all kinds of unintended conditions.
Ernie Chambers on white folk.
David Codrea isn’t very impressed with the recent judge’s decision on fast and furious documents still held by the crocked administration. Or for that matter, Congressman Jason Chaffetz. Neither am I.
David also links the great work recently done by Dave Hardy at the Clinton library. Part I is here, Part II is here.
2016 Shot Show coverage.
BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 1 month ago
David Codrea:
“We have received a preliminary copy of one of the most dangerous pieces of anti-gun legislation we have ever seen,” Oregon Firearms Federation alerted its members. “This bill eviscerates due process and turns Oregon into a Soviet style collection of secret snitches!
Remember what TCJ commenter menckenlite said? “Control freaks love psychiatry, a means of social control with no Due Process protections. It is a system of personal opinion masquerading as science. See, e.g., Boston University Psychology Professor Margaret Hagan’s book, Whores of the Court, to see how arbitrary psychiatric illnesses are. Peter Breggin, Fred Baughman and Thomas Szasz wrote extensively about abuses of psychiatry. Liberals blame guns for violence. Conservatives blame mental illness. Neither have any causal connection to violence. The issue is criminal conduct, crime. Suggesting that persons with legal disabilities are criminals shows the nonsensical argument of this politician and his fellow control freaks.”
It’s just that in this particular law, the list of government snitches who can bypass due process protections has grown to mammoth proportions.
Nice job, jerk off!
A former Marine for gun control. Oh, it’s not worth the time for me to formally respond. I think he’s lying. I don’t really think he is a former anything, most of all Marine.
Gun violence. Because people decide that’s what they want to do, not because of guns.
One commenter thinks there will be civil war in Canada if the newly elected effete boy-ruler tries to confiscate weapons. “The province of Quebec has been the worst – where the mafia practically owned Montreal during the 30s to the 60s and the cops often looked the other way . With the muslim immigrant threat in the 21st century , the mafia days will come across ,in another 10 years,sadly,as “the good old days”. The western provinces (basically politically conservative ) are so fed up with the garbage from the East (Ontario,Quebec and the Maritimes) and their support of Justin Trudeau that there is a growing movement for a call of separation from Canada. Vancouver (on the West or “Left” coast) is viewed as being quite brain dead to any reality. Canada, far from it’s image of being composed of nice little polite “Canuckies” living in little log cabins eating back bacon ,is on the verge of much internal strife and conflict in the coming years. If Trudeau tries to grab guns in Alberta and Saskatchewan there will be “civil war”. Tough times ahead for the whole world and Canada is not exempt from it.Not by a long shot.”
BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 1 month ago
David Codrea:
At least in this case, the Bloombergians used real NBA players, although how much of a “role model” that organization provides is questionable.
Yea. I saw that about the NBA. David also covers NFL and other sanctioned sports and how they treat guns. As for me, I laughed when I saw the thugs in the NBA co-opted by the anti-gun crowd. They deserve each other.
John Jay has a GREAT piece on the standoff in Malheur. GREAT article. You need to read it for perspective. Now that I think about it, John must be right concerning the roots of all of this.
As I’ve said, the TSA is a jobs program for hicks, goobers, rednecks, perverts and child molesters.