How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia

Herschel Smith · 30 Sep 2024 · 11 Comments

To begin with, this is your president. This ought to be one of the most shameful things ever said by a sitting president. "Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?" BIDEN: "We've given everything that we have." "Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?" BIDEN: "No." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 30, 2024 We must have spent too much money on Ukraine to help Americans in distress. I don't…… [read more]

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 10 months ago

Kurt Hofmann:

OK then–what has changed in this supposed threat to law enforcement officers since 1986, when BATFE granted the exemption? According to that agency, the change is the appearance on the civilian market of pistols that can fire the round–pistols that unlike the single-shot models generally recognized as intended for sport, and not of much interest to people with nefarious, violent intentions, are repeaters. That, the BATFE tells us, is the difference …

“Millions upon millions of M855 rounds have been sold and used in the U.S., yet ATF has not even alleged – much less offered evidence – that even one such round has ever been fired from a handgun at a police officer.” And if the BATFE has no evidence of that, they certainly have no evidence of such a round having been fired from a handgun through an officer’s body armor–the “threat” that supposedly justifies the ban.

[ … ]

In the final analysis, to be free, we the people must have the means to present a credible threat to those who would presume to rule us–and to the enforcers of that rule–should they dare to slip the bonds of the Constitutional limits on their power. Ammunition that can penetrate government myrmidons’ armor, usable in a firearm that can be easily concealed, is a part of that threat–and that’s why the Obama regime wants it banned.

Read all of Kurt’s analysis.  Several interesting things may be noted about what Kurt has said.  I haven’t spent the time to give this proposed ban all the time it deserves, but now that I think about it, the ATF surely must know that their reasons for the proposed ban are at best head-scratching and at worst laughable.  If I had decided to go to war against police or anyone else – and I haven’t – I surely wouldn’t choose a SBR or “pistol” (i.e., barrel < 16″) without a stock.  An AR pistol, with its buffer tube, is just not concealable, and besides that, I’m not certain what being concealable has to do with anything anyway.  We may as well be debating the man in the moon and how he pertains to the price of eggs in China.

Anyway, Kurt cuts through the smoke in his last paragraph.  We must have the means – weapons and ammunition – to present a credible threat to those would would abuse authority over us.  Green tip ammunition, while not perfect for every scenario, allows increased penetration when it’s necessary (e.g., shooting through glass windows or walls when someone is shooting at us and we don’t want our rounds to ricochet off track).

Via David, here is JPFO’s position on the green tip ban.  Yea, yea.  It sounds like a lot of bluster to me without any willingness to do anything about it.

Speaking of JPFO, here is a communication from David Codrea:

Over the weekend, I submitted my resignation as a content contributor to and adviser for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Here’s why:

Last week, I submitted my article on Mike Vanderboegh’s BamaCarry speech to Newslinks, another website SAF bought. It never appeared.

It’s no secret there is hostility between Mike and Alan Gottlieb. And Mike was apparently told by some readers that Alan has forbidden articles by or about him to appear on any properties he controls.

Alan confirmed that was the reason for the piece being banned.

I had previously said that I do not align myself with organizations, but with individuals.  JPFO is hanging by a thread in my book, since Kurt Hofmann is the only reason I would have left to pay them any attention whatsoever.  IF they lose Kurt, they may as well drop of the face of the planet as far as I am concerned.  David’s loss is huge, and I am truly sorry for this loss of income for my friend David.

David Codrea:

News that can help shape the political landscape of the gun rights advocacy community was broken last night on the nationally-syndicated Armed American Radio program, when Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, announced GOA will begin scoring politicians on their support or opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens.

Good for Larry.  I appreciate his stance on this issue.  My views are well known, and align with the idea that immigrants from South of the border are a risk to gun rights.

Handgun “safety instructor” in West Virginia worried about constitutional carry bill.  Ya.  I’ll bet he is.

Jihadists try to capture a Christian girl, but she had a machine gun.  We have the Hughes amendment.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 10 months ago

Via David Codrea, and also via reader Pat Hines, here is the Georgia Carry response to the proposed M855 ban.  It’s a good response, and readers will be familiar with the common concepts with which we deal every day, such as the difference between FMJ and MC ammunition (metal case where the tail end is not jacketed).  Also see the section on the fact that the “sporting purposes test” is unconstitutional.  Of course it is.

David Codrea:

That’s what’s going on with eight health organizations, notably the American College of Physicians, joining with the American Bar Association to demand more “gun control” in a “Call to Action” published earlier this week.

I’m glad David is covering this.  I saw the media frenzy this week and was uninterested.  I don’t think it’s any of my business trying to figure out ways to make the public safer from guns by curtailing the right to be armed.  I don’t think it’s any of their business either, but reading David’s piece reminds you that not only is it not their business, it isn’t in their area of expertise.  It would be like asking me what drugs to prescribe for congestive heart failure.  Doctors are going to have enough things to do under Obamacare (like useless paperwork).  They had better get their head in gear to deal with the coming calamity.

David Codrea:

In his speech Friday before the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discussed a host of issues impacting gun rights, declaring they all depend on each other. Curiously absent from his speech was any acknowledgment of the danger amnesty for illegal aliens with a “pathway to citizenship” would pose to continued government recognition of the right to keep and bear arms.

And yet, immigration – both legal and illegal – is the most significant threat we face as a nation and a people.  It is a clear and present danger.  David and I have both pointed that out.  Time is running out.

Per Mike Vanderboegh, here is an interview of Anthony Bosworth on his arrest.

Police chief arrested for brandishing gun while intoxicated.  Gee, I wouldn’t do something like that.  I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have all of that training and expertise that he does, you know, since he is a LEO and everything and I am not.

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

Washington State liberty activist Anthony Bosworth was arrested Wednesday outside a federal building for openly carrying a firearm, an announcement on Bosworth’s Facebook page reports. Within hours, he had been released with no criminal charges, his wife informed supporters.

Liberty advocate Kit Lange has fleshed out further details of the arrest on the website for The Patrick Henry Society. The “co-organizer of Arms Expo 2015 was arrested this morning outside the federal courthouse in Spokane as he attended a states’ rights rally with his family,” Lange reports.

Bosworth was arrested in front of his wife and children by agents for the Department of Homeland Security, who “claimed that Bosworth was in violation of federal law by open carrying a firearm on federal property.”

Read the rest of the report at Examiner.  I won’t be the first one, but I’ll certainly join the chorus and call bull shit on this one.  There is no such law that prohibits firearms on “federal property,” as if all property is subject to a single law.  For example, firearms are certainly allowed in national parks and have been since 2010.  A military base is technically considered a federal reservation, and firearms are allowed there (even personal ones with approval).  The arresting officer just made that one up.

Read Mike Vanderboegh’s take on this.  ” I was particularly interested that the FBI was particularly interested in talking to Anthony about me. Nice to know I’m living in their heads rent-free as well. (Maybe they can get with Gottlieb and split the cost.) The FBI, it seems, is particularly interested in the national armed civil disobedience movement. It really must flummox them. We don’t fit any pattern they’ve seen recently …”

David Codrea:

Setting the state up for massive gun owner civil disobedience along the lines of what has occurred in California and is currently happening in New York and Connecticut, Democrat State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins filed the Firearms Registration Act with the Secretary of State on Friday. The act was then presented for first reading and referred to the Democrat-dominated Assignments Committee.

Collins’ measure “[p]rovides that every person in the State must register each firearm he or she owns or possesses in accordance with the Act,” the official synopsis declares.

It’s easy for people to file legislation that someone else has to enforce.  So send in the enforcers, Ms. Collins.  See what happens then.  Perhaps you can go on one of the raids yourself, no?

Kurt Hofmann:

But Dr. Alan Delamater says even exposing young teens to this environment is dangerous.

“It’s another family gaming activity, right? Wrong. I don’t think it’s just another activity. I think this is something that can seriously affect child development and not in a good way,” Dr. Delamater said.

Delamater does not clarify whether or not “exposing” these young men and women–some of whom will in a few short years be serving in the military–to all firearms represents a problem for “child development” (whatever that unspecified “problem” is), or if the danger is restricted to fully-automatic firearms.

What does the man want, for boys to play with dolls and learn how to self actualize each other?  Every man needs to know things like engine building, guns, and farm animals.  If you don’t, buy a gun and learn to use it, tear an engine down, and volunteer your time at a ranch training horses.  And stay away from Dr. Delamater while he wets his pants.

Kurt Hofmann:

They’re refusing shipment until they know more about how it will be regulated–a pretty strong indicator that they know it’s not regulated now.  As Wilson says, there is absolutely no reason for FedEx to be concerned about legal issues, because there are no legal issues with shipping CNC milling machines. Wilson also points out that FedEx ships actual guns and ammunition, both of which are heavily regulated under federal and many states’ laws, and that hasn’t stopped them.

Read the rest of Kurt’s analysis.  I think Kurt is right.  There has been some dirty dealing going on behind closed doors on this one.

Christian militia takes on ISIS.  I want to be careful and very Christian as I respond to this and provide an assessment  – as a Christian.  Okay, here it goes.  May the Christian militia make the streets run red with the blood of the savages and send them to meet their maker who will send them to hell.  Godspeed to the militia.

The ATF reaffirms the Sig pistol brace is legal after all.  Whatever.  This is all being done by a bunch of worthless lawyers who have never used the thing and wouldn’t know it from a 2X4 if it bit them in the ass.  Ignore them and do what you want to with the brace.  The ATF has turned so paranoid and controlling they have become an undignified, unprofessional, boorish bore, like that uncle who cleans septic tanks for a living, the one with bad breath and creepy looks whom everyone avoids.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

It’s also in spite of almost daily revelations corroborating the increasing danger, and not just from the “illegal” side of the equation. Just within the past day, we’ve learned that Muslim immigration is outpacing that from Mexico and Central America, that 40 percent of New Yorkers are now foreign-born and half the residents of New York City speak a language other than English at home. We’ve also seen that the Border Patrol has been ordered to curtail deportations. Both legal and illegal immigration are being exploited by cheap labor Republicans and “earned citizenship” Democrats, both counting on the directed “cultural terraforming” to advance globalist interests and “fundamentally transform” the country.

David and I have been insistent, and for a very long time now, that the most insidious and dangerous threat to America has been and continues to be immigration, both legal and illegal.  The only question that remains is this: have we reached the point of no return?  If so, then we participate in politics in order to give us all more time to prepare for the inevitable dystopia.

David Codrea:

Johnson’s advice, that “public vigilance, public awareness and public caution in situations like this is particularly important” is true enough, but what’s lacking from that counsel is public preparedness to do anything about it if an attack happens, in spite of reassurances and promises of “enhanced security.” That’s because … well … let Mall of America speak for itself.

“At Mall of America, safety is a top priority,” it advises visitors on a Guests & Security page. “Guns are banned on these premises.”

So then you stay off those premises.  Simple.  Let Johnson answer for everything that happens after that.

Jesus invoked in the russian rebel’s war on the Ukraine?  Um, since we don’t know what Jesus looked like, the only real picture I see is of Che Guevara.  And I know Jesus and an egomaniacal communist named Putin have nothing to do with each other.

Gun prank in Deleware court:

A prank involving two prosecutors, a courthouse bailiff and a pointed gun has led a judge to revoke the ability of bailiffs statewide to carry firearms when working in courtrooms.

The incident occurred the week of Feb. 2 on the second floor of the Sussex County Courthouse, where the county’s Superior Court is housed. A person who works in the courthouse said the prank involved the courthouse’s chief bailiff, Delbert Garrison, opening the door to a side room where lawyers work and pointing his service weapon at a deputy attorney general in the room.

[ … ]

In the wake of the prank, Superior Court President Judge Jan Jurden made a decision to disallow bailiffs from carrying firearms, two sources told The News Journal. The decision was conveyed to attorneys and courthouse staff Wednesday.

David says not much else is needed in the way of commentary.  I don’t know, I wanted to offer up one observation.  Notice in response to this irresponsible act (which no reader of mine would ever perpetrate), the judge engaged in the same thing they always do, i.e., pre-emptive policing and judging, rather than simply holding the perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Kurt Hofmann:

More fundamental, of course, is the fact that the very reason that for the citizenry to be free, we must have a right to keep and bear arms (not, readers will note, a “right to keep and bear sporting goods”) that shall not be infringed, is that we must have access to weapons with which we can pose a credible threat to the government’s enforcers, if that government makes such action necessary. The M855 rounds are a part of that credible threat–and that is undoubtedly why this administration is trying to neutralize it.

It’s always good to hear truth-telling.  Kurt’s comment that we must have access to weapons with which we can pose a credible threat to the government’s enforcers, if that government makes such action necessary” exactly captures the intent of the second amendment and the experience of the founders.

David Codrea:

Per Denise Brown of ATF Enforcement Programs and Services in this afternoon’s telephone conversation, this will “not actually be a [regulatory] change, more of a policy along those lines.” Brown said the framework document is a notice only, and will therefore not be published in the Federal Register, characterizing the document’s intent as “information gathering” in order to collect technical information, which could affect the Bureau’s final determination.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?  It sounds as if the ATF thinks they have found a legal (or pseudo-legal) way around following the rules.  This is what your tax dollars do when they hire lawyers for the DoJ.  Yea, those dollars.  Those hard earned dollars you make with blood, sweat and tears, those dollars that cause gray hair after so many years of fighting the system, or the ground, or those machines.  Those dollars taken from you by the power of a badge and gun.

Mike Vanderboegh:

The trick is how do we maintain our rights when all the branches of government in a given state — the legislative, judicial and executive backed up by their willing handmaidens in the press (try looking in a mirror) — are in the hands of people whom the Founders would deem “domestic enemies of the Constitution.”  The residents of the aforementioned states have answered that question by refusing to comply and daring the “authorities” to do anything about it.

Refusing to comply and daring the authorities to do anything about it.  It really does point to a problem of courage on the part of the authorities, doesn’t it?


A law enforcement officer was injured when his gun accidentally discharged at the Cook County Courthouse in Bridgeview. No one else was hurt.

The officer was transported by ambulance with a gunshot wound to his leg from the courthouse at 10220 S. 76th Avenue shortly before 10 a.m., according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Department. The officer is expected to be OK. No one else was injured.

Earlier Wednesday morning, an alarm at the courthouse malfunctioned, forcing an evacuation of the building. The officer was retrieving a gun from a locker it went off.

I just can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me.

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David goes on record at Guns Magazine trying to convince hunters and other sportsmen (not the first time he has tried) to be wary of so-called “environmental” and gun control groups and alliances with such ne’er-do-wells.  I just don’t see what the debate is all about, despite one commenter.  If hunters think for one second that any single so-called “environmental” group or other gun controller has their interests at heart, or cares one iota about game management practices and herd size and health, or the availability of nice bolt action guns for the hunters, they are too stupid to be running around in the fields or in deer stands with guns.  The gun controllers think that bolt action rifle of yours with high powered glass is an evil “sniper rifle.”  And they don’t want you to carry a handgun to dispatch wounded deer quickly and humanely, because they wouldn’t allow you to shoot the deer at all.  Also note that Kurt Hofmann brings up one issue that I’ve brought up in the past.

David Codrea:

A leading local civil rights attorney was arrested over the weekend at Cleveland Hopkins Airport for having a concealed handgun in his carry-on bag, The Plain Dealer reported Sunday. David Malik, the original attorney for the family of 12-year-old Tamir Rice who was slain by police in November, spent the night in jail after a .22 caliber handgun and a box of ammunition were discovered by airport security.

“What’s interesting about David is he is such an anti-gun person,” Steve Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, told the press. “He’s such an anti-violence person, and of all the things for him to get arrested for, that really surprises me.”

Not me.  Laws are for the little people, not those who would rule over us.

Kurt Hofmann:

Suppressors are safety equipment, in that they dramatically reduce the danger of permanent hearing loss. Anyone who opposes more permissive suppressor laws is effectively in favor of Americans suffering damage to their hearing.

Yes they are, and yes they are.  Suppressors are safety equipment, as much so as hard hats, safety glasses and SCBAs in confined spaces.  And yes, the gun controllers are against any equipment that might save hearing.  There is a dark morality to anti-gun beliefs, in that they don’t really care about people as they like you to believe.  They only care about guns being in the hands of the ruling elite, or in other words, the government.

No, Sebastian, I don’t want the federal government to allow “green tip” ammunition because it might be a good substitute for lead.  I want to use lead too, and whatever else I want.  It’s none of the government’s damn business and I don’t need a law substantiating my choices.

So the Canadian armed forces are looking into a Bullpup design?  Um, okay, whatever.  That puts the explosion right at your ear, which is why I don’t have Bullpup rifles or shotguns.

There is an awful lot of proposed gun legislation in West Virginia.  Most of it looks good, at least what I saw.

D.C. gun laws remain the same despite recent court ruling, because D.C. elites don’t care about the difference between right and wrong.

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

Falling back on a tradition of deceptive hysteria in order to subvert gun rights, the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The New York Times are scaring those who don’t know any better into thinking lawful concealed carriers represent a significant menace to society. Relying wholly on numbers compiled from internet searches of news accounts by the Violence Policy Center, Gray Lady readers are being convinced that people who believe in self-defense and the right to bear arms pose an unreasonable criminal threat to everyone else.

Yea, others are pushing this junk science too, and for the same reason.  Go to David’s article and do some of the very basic mathematics he requests.  Come back and tell me what you find?  Look folks, I’ve explained what I think about so-called “scientists” like this before.  Do your study, send it to a registered professional engineer for review, and let him put his PE seal on it where he legally liable for errors and omissions.  Then I’ll review it.  Until then, it’s nothing to me.  Putting Dr. or PhD with your name doesn’t impress me in the least.  PhDs are the ones who gave us the myth and lies of anthropogenic global warming.

Kurt Hofmann:

He said those who wanted high-capacity magazines were more interested in “arming against the government.”

All the scores of millions of us? Oddly, Murphy did not bother to address some rather glaring exemptions to the ban–the usual, military, law enforcement, and retired law enforcement. So is there some need for these people to be “arming against the government”?

Murphy is frightened of a well armed American citizenry. This is very good news. Those who would presume to govern a free people should be mortally afraid of the wrath of the people whose rights they threaten.

Right.  What exactly does he think the second amendment is for anyway?  Well, a blind squirrel does find a nut from time to time.  In this case, Murphy is both the blind squirrel and the nut, and always has been.  Hey, that 1911 at the top of the article is a double stack 1911 if I am not mistaken.  Hmm … good juxtaposition given the subject Kurt, but I have to say, I just don’t know what to think of such an oddball thing.  A double stack 1911?  John Moses Browning frowns from heaven.

See this comment by Mike Vanderboegh.  This one is worth reading.  I leave comments and send letters too, most of them not worthy of posting (only on rare occasion have I posted comments on other sites).

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

In a huge victory for supporters of gun rights, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division issued a ruling Wednesday declaring the federal ban on interstate transfers of handguns unconstitutional. The 28-page opinion in the case of Frederic Russell Mance, Jr. against Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive Director B. Todd Jones was signed by United States District Judge Reed O’Connor.

Read the rest of David’s summary and analysis of it.  I have two comments.  The first is fairly wonkish, but I’ll go ahead and present it anyway.  I read the entire opinion.  The judgment cites the example of long guns being able to be sold across state lines, and doesn’t note any further stipulations on those sales.  In fact if I am not mistaken, current regulations stipulate that long guns may only be sold across state lines in adjoining states.  Of course that regulation is ridiculous just as the ban on handgun sales across state lines is also ridiculous, but I’m only noting what I understand to be current regulation.  Second, this is a very strong and good opinion.  We’ll have to see if it holds up on appeal.  I suspect that a more progressive court will reverse this judgment.

Kurt Hofmann:

This, by the way, is hardly a new position for Bloomberg, although this might be the most baldly he has articulated it. As NYC’s mayor, Bloomberg presided over the NYPD’s explosive expansion of “stop-and-frisk” policies, whereby the Fourth Amendment rights of the people were contingent on them not being young, male, and African-American or Hispanic.

Kurt makes a very good point.  Bloomberg was a racist before this episode.  As for the stop and frisk policy, the SCOTUS approval of “stop and identify” was certainly a heinous part of their history.  Perhaps their shame will follow them beyond the grave.  One can only hope.

Mike Vanderboegh:

I have a challenge for Dr. Gottlieb and his Igor Workman: Why don’t we get together at the NRA Convention, somewhere off venue of course, and debate these issues? If your case is so strong and ours is so weak, what do you have to lose? Let’s see how your strawman arguments stand up to facts and searching examination of opposing argument.

I’d like to debate them too.  Don’t hold your breath Mike.

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

Attempting to further bolster a de facto monopoly of violence in New York City, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton proposed additional edicts to tip the power scales even more in favor of enforcers over citizens, the New York Observer reported Wednesday. In addition to stiffening penalties for things like wearing protective body armor, tinting windows and holding police to similar information disclosures that “civilians” (a telling attitude in itself ) are subjected to, Bratton said it would be “very helpful” if charges of resisting arrest were upped from misdemeanors to felonies.

Oh good grief.  Is there any depth to which they won’t stoop?  I can see it now.  An otherwise innocent bystander in some crime is confused with the perpetrator of the crime by idiot police, he argues with the officer when apprehended, and is then banged upside the head with a stick and hauled before a court that is sympathetic to the officer in the first place.  He is now a felon, having been guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  And I do mean “the wrong place.”  Who in their right mind would live in NYC?

Rifle-toting deputy takes his post at court building.  You know, for “safety” reasons.  Hey, he’s openly carrying a rifle.  It’s not okay if you or I do something like that.  Just because.

Biasing of temperature data biggest scientific scandal of all time.  Because anthropogenic global warming is a lie.

Daily Finance:

In December 2012, a gunman burst into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and shot 26 people dead. Two years later, sales of guns and ammunition are off the charts.

That’s surprising, to say the least. After all, a lot of people thought that Sandy Hook might be a turning point for the gun control movement in America. Investors sold off shares of publicly traded gunsmiths Smith & Wesson (SWHC) and Sturm, Ruger (RGR) in the wake of the tragedy. Retailers of guns and ammunition — Cabela’s (CAB) and Dick’s Sporting Goods (DKS), and even the much more diversified retailer Walmart (WMT) all experienced slumps in share price post-Newtown. Dick’s went so far as to suspend gun sales to consumers for a time. Private equity house Cerberus Capital Management made plans to exit the guns business entirely, by selling its interest in privately held arms manufacturer Freedom Group.

And yet, according to a new poll out of Pew Research, the percentage of Americans who say they support “the right of Americans to own guns” hit a new high last year, with 52 percent in favor. That’s up 7 percentage points since the shootings at Newtown. Up 20 percentage points since the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007. It’s nearly twice the level of support for gun rights at the time of the Columbine shooting in 1999. And support for gun rights is only growing stronger.

It’s only surprising to people who don’t understand America.  For all of you who sold your gun manufacturer stock after Columbine, Sandy Hook, and the Colorado theater shooting, you are idiots.  Each and every one of you.

Guns Tags:

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

… those associations in and of themselves don’t relate how Carter would be able to use the position of Secretary of Defense to impact gun owners.

Here’s one area that it might: In following up on reports of military installations destroying expended ammunition brass rather than making it available to the commercial reload market, this column uncovered a copy of a June 23, 2011 memorandum from Carter on “Department of Defense (DoD) Implementing Guidance for the Commercial Sale of Expended Small Arms Cartridge Cases (ESACC).”

The memorandum includes an “Implementing Guidance” attachment stating “DoD will dispose of ESACC as quickly and effectively as practical, and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and DoD guidance.” Of relevance, it also states “The DoD will not expend resources to determine whether ESACC are serviceable for non-military purposes.”

Ashton Carter is a progressive leader – not just shill – but leader.  Obama wouldn’t have appointed him if this were not the case.  You can lay bets on the notion that he will do everything in his power to ensure progressive policies are implemented.

Kurt Hofmann:

In other words, everyone who obediently registered their “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines, as per the new law, had provided the state with a map telling the gun confiscation raiding parties just where to go … let’s focus on one particular provision–registration of every gun. Actually, that’s annual registration, which is to be accompanied every time with a test of “firearms handling capacity” and knowledge of gun laws.

It never stops folks.  When they talk about “common sense” gun laws, what they really mean is that if you will let them get a foot in the door, they’ll force their way inside and take over.  It’s what control freaks do.  It’s what they believe.  They cannot not try to control every aspect of your life.  It’s like a dog returning to its vomit.  And it’s just as grotesque.

David Codrea:

“A Kermit [Texas] parent said his fourth-grade student was suspended Friday for allegedly making a terroristic threat,” the Odessa American reported Friday. After seeing “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” nine-year-old Aiden Steward allegedly brought a ring to school and told a classmate it was magic and could make him disappear.

The boy’s father, Jason Steward, said Kermit Elementary School Principal Roxanne Greer informed him “threats to another child’s safety would not be tolerated — whether magical or not.” For her part, Greer declined to comment …

Yea, I’ll bet she declined to comment.  This woman is an imbecile.  Do you really need another reason to get your children dissociated from the communist indoctrination program?

Iraqi father guns down seven ISIS members.

Seven Islamic State terrorists were no match for an elderly man hell-bent on avenging the execution of his son at the hands of the terrorist organization.

When Basil Ramadan, reportedly in his 60s, approached an ISIS checkpoint in Tikrit, about 120 miles northwest of Baghdad, he gunned down the terrorists manning the facility, according to the Daily Mail.

Ramadan managed to take out seven using an AK-47 before he himself was shot and killed.

So I’m just fine with this.  In fact, I delight in things like this.  I think I’ll tip a glass of wine in celebration of the deaths of the murderous thugs working for ISIS.  Show us more of it and ISIS wouldn’t exist.  For my part I won’t use an AK-47 if ISIS comes to America.  It will be a gun far better than that.

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