BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago
From the land of Ralph “Kill the babies give me all your guns” Northam, news from hell.
The Virginia Department of Health under Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) is encouraging Virginians to file an anonymous report to snitch on various establishments for violating the governor’s restrictions to fight the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic that came from China. State Sen. Mark Obenshain (R) pondered whether Northam is trying to turn Virginia into a “society of … snitches.”
[ … ]
The “society of snitches” form, entitled “Online Complaint Report for Violations of Executive Order 63 (Face Coverings) and Executive Order 65 (Phase Two Easing of Certain Temporary Restrictions)” and first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, indeed includes a drop-down menu listing eight different types of establishments, including “Indoor Gun Range” and “Religious Service” as options.
A note to readers in Virginia. Listen to me. I see that a number of pastors have signed a letter pleading with him to change his mind. Don’t appeal to this communist. Ignore him. Don’t fear the anonymous snitches, and don’t fear illegitimate rulers. Only fear God. A note to LEOs in Virginia. Refuse to enforce this abomination. As I’ve said before, the desire to control others is the signal pathology of the wicked. Don’t be a part of his wickedness. God will judge you for it.
A quick note to kill babies Northam. Blow it out your ass, communist.
BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago
Spread this meme far and wide, via email distribution, Gab, Twitter, or other social media. H/T readers Fred and JFP.
By way of explanation, Ralph “all your guns are belong to us” Northam has demanded all your guns, Virginians, and volunteered “comfort care” for live aborted babies (comfort care is normally reserved for application in end-of-life situations where the goal is to reduce pain and agony).
Documents uncovered from earlier this year show that Virginia governor Ralph Northam obtained talking points on abortion policy from both Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia.
The documents were released today by Judicial Watch, which filed requests in February under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, seeking records of communication between Northam’s staff related to abortion or the abortion bill sponsored earlier this year by state representative Kathy Tran. The group also requested records of communication between Northam’s staff and Planned Parenthood or the abortion-advocacy PAC EMILY’s List.
Judicial Watch filed the requests immediately after Northam defended Tran’s abortion bill, which would’ve amended Virginia law to allow abortion later in pregnancy and, as Tran admitted in a hearing, even during delivery. In a late-January radio interview, Northam attempted to justify his support for the bill, saying: “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
You say all of that to the Almighty during the judgment and see what He thinks of your comfort care, Ralphie.