BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 2 months ago
Reince Priebus. I heard him briefly a few minutes ago talking about what “they” are calling the Cruz Missile. I didn’t have the debate on, but my wife entered the room and turned it on just in time for me to see Cruz upbraid the folks running the debate.
There is a lot of disapprobation over the internet concerning the CNBC hosts, and properly so. They are worms, and always have been. But that misses the bigger picture. The GOP has an awful lot of candidates, and the field needs to be winnowed. Cruz seized the opportunity with an outstanding extemporaneous speech. Furthermore, a good spanking of the MSM is always meaningful for GOP voter morale.
Reince may not have know exactly how it would go down, but he knows that progressives just can’t contain themselves. They must be who they are (“Can a Leopard change it spots?). He only knew that at this point in the campaign, a good fight with the MSM to show America how worthless the media is would be in proper order.
CNBC obliged because they couldn’t not oblige. Oh to be sure, he is publicly indignant (“I cannot believe the candidates were treated that way!”). Behind closed doors, he is lighting cigars and giving high fives to his staff. I never knew the names of the CNBC hosts, and if I ever did, I wouldn’t know them now. They’ll go down in the dust bin of history as irrelevant dimwits. Reince is the winner. He played them like a drum, or if you wish, he used them like a cheap hooker and kicked them to the curb.